View Full Version : line in cc

oxigen 1
09-06-2013, 08:09 AM
Hi guys

Can anybody tell how to put a line in ccam

I have the line but I do not know how to put it in .

I now know how to put the ipk file into my vusolo2 /tmp

If I edit in notepad I cannot save it as an ipk file ????????

Thanks............. oxigen 1

09-06-2013, 08:43 AM
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?160663-cccam post #17

oxigen 1
09-06-2013, 11:18 AM
Thanks echelon

I am new so can you tell me do I have to enter the line in my computer first or does
the vusolo ask for it.

When I try to go to cccam it tells me that the server is not found ( I think that is becouse I have not put in a line )

Thanks.... oxigen 1

09-06-2013, 11:46 AM
1 should have a version of ccam installed on the box
2- you open the your ccam cfg in etc
3 right click edit and you enter you line
4- the c line should look like this:C:host port user password
example C:david villa.org 24000 samdell nopass

note ccam cfg is schmod 644
ccam provide and info schmod 755

oxigen 1
09-06-2013, 01:15 PM
Thanks ccoler48

I must be a bit slow do I do it on the vusolo2 or on my computer.

If on the box how do I get into ect .... ???

Thanks........... oxigen 1

09-06-2013, 02:00 PM
you have to use ftp to connect to your box,,,,,download and install filezilla onto your pc,,,connect to your solo2 ,,,you need your box ip,username,password for filezilla,,,,,,find the cccam.cfg file,,,,,,,open in notepad,,,copy and paste you line into it,,,,,,,,if there is other stuff there you can delete it,,,,,save,,,,,,you should be up and running....

oxigen 1
09-06-2013, 02:12 PM
Thanks voyger1972

is there only one line in cccam.cfg...????

Can I save the notpad file in cfg

I have got filezilla and I can send files to vusolo2
So here I go .... open notpad
open cccam.cfg in notepad
delete all the rubish
enter my line
save file... hopefully in cfg format
copy file to tmp on the vysolo2 box

How am I doing so far....????

I will have a go but I dont think I can save the file in cfg

Thanks.......... oxigen 1

09-06-2013, 02:23 PM
You can save a notepad file in any format you wish.
Open up notepad, enter your information, then click on File, Save As, now click on the drop down box, where it currently says Text Do***ents (.txt), and select All Files. Now type in a file name followed by .cfg and save.

09-06-2013, 02:44 PM
when you connect to your solo and open the cccam.cfg file in notepad,,,paste your line then exit,,,you will be asked if you want to save changes,,,click yes,,,,that,s it
do not copy to tmp folder,,,,,

09-06-2013, 05:54 PM
it can be done on your pc in notepad and then ftp to var/etc on the solo overwriting the one in there

OR it can be done by ftp into the solo , edit the file on the solo and save into the solo

any ftp program can be used, including the one in vucc or filezilla, or I use flash fxp , you could use dcc if you wanted to
in other words there may be a dozen ways of doing it, and each person who replied has their own favourite method
the problem is that every ftp method would need its own tutorial as each program is different, but the task is always the same

so how or where its done is not important , just that its done and ends up in var etc as a text file called cccam.cfg

if I was doing this I would ftp into the solo (or any linux box) and drill down to var/etc and find cccam.cfg
I would then edit the file and copy and paste the line in, save and exit , then I would chmod to 644 if required

personally I would leave all the other lines in there, most are commented out with a hash anyway and are examples and instructions

the important part here is that your c line is entered as a fresh line in the cccam.cfg file in var/etc

then restart cccam emu (or restart E2) so the new line is acted upon

oxigen 1
10-06-2013, 07:31 AM
Thanks guys.

After all your hard word you will be pleased to know that I have done it

I am now up and running.

Thanks again....... oxigen 1