View Full Version : Stc6000 general firmware issues.

12-06-2013, 01:04 PM
ColdAsIce, these are the issues encountered within firmware .53.....
> No brainer EPG,
> Some recorded files have no program sypnosis and only display 'null',
> Leaving ice in standby whilst on IEPG DATA 1 radio channel locks the box,
> 2 recordings of different channels whilst in standby locks the box,
> If recording continuously (3/4 x 1hr long program's) on same channel whilst in standby locks the box,
> Series recording is a hit an miss.

BUT this is the classic.....

Choosing network drive or usb drive (without 1 in) as the EPG download location still downloads and saves the epg data which begs the question "to where does it save the data"? The only thing I can think of is that it saves the info to the onboard ram which causes the problem of losing the program sypnosis. Maybe this is the cause????

Now there, ColdAsIce I have given you my observation of the .53 firmware for the 6000. The .57 firmware is a complete flop. MANY MANY random lookups with the same problems mentioned above. The only difference in both firmware's is the flashing 'R' (recording) icon where as the .53 is a solid 'R'.

Now please could you pass this to the Koreans and get them to fix these or "some" within the next firmware release as I can guarantee (please prove me wrong) they will ignore all this and within the next release notes talk crap about the webzeal, HibbTv, FreeTV etc etc.
It's only fair if us users can take the time to report issues/problems within each release that the Koreans take THEIR time to listen and FIX the mentioned issues/problems and not to blindside us!.

Sent from my iPhone

12-06-2013, 10:16 PM
Thanks for the info.
I have to prepare another report to the Koreans regarding the EPG issues we are suffering from....would you believe!

21-06-2013, 01:47 PM
Just to give you some news.
The Koreans are trying to make the EPG function a little better.
I have a test firmware that does grab the 7days in ExpressEPG correctly for the TP being viewed complete with the extended info(synopsis).
Standby EPG grabbing will populate the complete service but the extended info is limited to today and tomorrow.
Background EPG grabbing on twin tuner models will populate the 7 day EPG complete with all extended info on the viewed channel without using the ExpressEPG.
Its not a perfect solution but it works and so far seems stable.
By the way the "saving EPG option" in the EPG menu is to backup the collected EPG data when the receiver is placed into standby(power saving).
The standard firmware stores the EPG in the DRAM.
Which explains the problems it has trying to store the vast EPG data in one go.
This latest firmware breaks the data size down to manageable sizes to make it more stable in operation.

21-06-2013, 02:03 PM
The final version of this firmware should be ready for beta release early next week.
If Blackmumba or any other pimp members would like to test it please let me know.

21-06-2013, 06:23 PM
The final version of this firmware should be ready for beta release early next week.
If Blackmumba or any other pimp members would like to test it please let me know.
I'm all for it m8. Forward it and I'll report my findings as usual.

22-06-2013, 12:38 PM
Me too, but can't test it for at least a fornight off to Madiera for two weeks this Sunday if that helps

22-06-2013, 01:49 PM
Me too please.

24-06-2013, 11:05 AM
Ok as requested I'm posting the test firmware.
Please note this is not a official release.
Its just a beta test.
It allocates a larger chunk of HDD memory(40Mb) so you will need at least amount free.
Please remember to judge it on the EPG side of things.
Any other issues have not been addressed as far as I know unless they are directly connected with the EPG system.
I let you guys judge it.

25-06-2013, 12:18 PM
Loaded this up with USB after switching off plugins and backing up system and service data.
Then factory reset and load system and service data and restart plugins.
Plugins all working OK (spcs,mcas ,etc).
Select EPG and manually load channels 1 to 6. Select Fav and select save EPG data to hard disc and Standby mode to EPG on.
Exit and put Ice into standby. Wait 30 minutes and come out of standby. BINGO! - all 230 channels have 7 day EPG complete with programme synopsis.
Programmed 2 recordings over night and put into standby.
Next morning recordings OK and EPG auto updated with synopsis.
Programmes 2 recordings at the same time, put into standby. Ice came out of standby and recorded both perfectly.
Ice failed to lock up during all of this!!!

28-06-2013, 10:36 AM
well unless Blackmumba has any issues.
All my soak testing of this firmware and reports from other beta testers seems to show it to be an improvement over the previous attempts.
Let me know if you are having any other problems as I'm going to give this the thumbs up to make it a official release.

28-06-2013, 01:14 PM
Will conclude testing after 8.00pm uk time as then series recording on a 3 day process would have completed.

28-06-2013, 10:27 PM
By far the BEST firmware released to date. Series recording on a 3 day trial basis, coming out of standby to record, continuous recordings all corrected within this release with no errors. After extensive messing with menu's, epg, channels etc. managed to get the ice to lock up which was my initial plan to check epg integrity. Rebooted with toggle switch at rear and on reboot was amazed the epg data was still there and correct (channels change slowly like the s4000 whilst the epg data is restored after reboot).

Minor problems....

Pressing info whilst watching the certain program, or on recorded programs displays the program sypnosis twice (duplicate above and below),

Couple of channels had mumble jumble text for epg or nothing at all,

Pressing record whilst viewing the current program (ie.. yr watching eastenders and press record) stores incorrect synopsis. It stores it for the following program. However, if the recording is on a timer, it will record the correct synopsis.

Only 'majorish' problem which did occur was, whilst recording do NOT put ice into standby as this corrupts the recording. Have tried it several times with same results so just remember that :)

Overall very very pleased with the outcome and so should the programmers be too.

This release so far is a definite winner.

ColdAsIce and the programmers.... I salute you as you have finally delivered but PLEASE remember there are users of the S4000 who also rightly deserve a firmware as such so please back port this or *whatever* you do asap as its only fair they get their release quickly and are NOT left waiting like their last firmware which took 4-5 months as they have had to endure the poor programming and unstable firmware releases far longer than the users/owners of the S6000.

ps... maximum time you need in standby for the epg option is 7-10 mins. According to the epg download programming within commando 14.7 dreambox release; it takes 3mins 48secs to load epg for 752 channels. You do NOT need to be In standby for 30mins.

01-07-2013, 11:26 AM
I agree with Blakmumba.
If a new f/w for the s4000 is available in beta, I will be happy to test it immediately. If it is as good as the s6000 beta then I (and no doubt)
others will be very happy.
I haven't replicated yet the `whilst recording put into standby`problem.

02-07-2013, 03:48 PM
I've not been able to replicate your "Majorish" report of active live recordings failing when the unit is placed into Standby.
Selecting "No" in the System Message " Recording in progress. Do you wish to stop now? allows the recording or recordings to continue.
I tried this many times on different channels and a combination of timer and live one touch recordings and I have not had one failure yet.
Have you got the power saving in standby mode ON?
Is it a Tuner selection problem? I only ask because my tests so far have been on a DVB-S, DVB-T combo model and I might need to test it on a twin DVB-S version.
Maybe Buck can confirm if his twin DVB-S version has shown this issue?
I have requested this EPG firmware upgrade for the S4000 model.
Time will tell if my request has been granted.

02-07-2013, 04:07 PM
My ice has twin sat tuners. No problems putting it into standby (not power saving) whilst recording.

28-07-2013, 03:12 AM
I agree to the above statements on the new firmware- best so far.
Please pass the word regarding frame dropping on external video on both devices STC4000 and STC6000.
I have not used the devices in a long time due to its performance, and was delighted to see a new firmware release , so I tried it and was very happy with the improvements.

Excellent work ColdAsICE

Many thanks.

01-08-2013, 05:46 PM
Its not my my work I'm just the courier so I cannot take the credit for it.
If it was mine it would have happened a long time ago.
Can you expand the frame dropping issues you have mentioned so I can repeat the problem and of course raise it with the Koreans.
I need to know your set up and video formats used etc.