View Full Version : spiderbox hd6000

17-06-2013, 08:28 PM
Hi all,

Hope you can help?? I am one of those annoying newby's!! Just bought a spiderbox hd6000, have no idea how to use it, the seller stated it had a free gift but it isn't there?? How do you use this box??? Can someone help a thicko please??? Thanks in anticipation.... please reply in language I can understand, thanks

17-06-2013, 08:55 PM
Asking for help in the Feed Hunters Sub forum is the wrong place

You would have been better asking for help here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?726-Spiderbox-6000-HD

Setup Guide for Spiderbox 6000HD is here

17-06-2013, 09:31 PM
moved to the correct section

I am quite sure that the seller knows what he is talking about so the fact something "isnt there" is ignorance of the subject matter and not a failing or falsehood by the seller

a newbie to a subject cannot be regarded as knowing that subject so you cannot make judgements or accusations until you acquire the knowledge needed to be judgmental in those matters

so read the guides , patch the box , switch the patch on (as per the tutorials) etc and the free gift will "be there" same as it is for every other new owner

nb:- the satpimps spiderbox tutorial section with the guides has been here for several years and I would think contains everything needed in order for users to make use of their spiderboxes, but is useless if members dont bother to take the time to read them which is something typical of "newbies" who rush - rush - rush and try to swim the channel before learning a few basic strokes

ps:- the latest patch came out today so is dated with todays date and I have "stickied" it to the top of the patches section

17-06-2013, 10:07 PM
Thanks Echelon, your points are valid and my post did state 'thicko' and 'newby' couldn't of been more honest, perhaps a private email would of been more appropriate?

17-06-2013, 10:26 PM
Thanks Echelon, your points are valid and my post did state 'thicko' and 'newby' couldn't of been more honest, perhaps a private email would of been more appropriate?

yes I know, but I have owned a spiderbox for several years and set up quite a few although never owned the new 6000
my point is you cannot be an expert overnight but you have to accept the seller is probably telling the truth and I believe they are telling the truth, so its your lack of knowledge that makes you disbelieve them, not the facts of the matter as I believe them even though I dont own one

you have only just joined our forum (I can tell this as an admin here) so I believe you havent spent the time delving into our spiderbox section, nor the 6000 section, the files section , or the tutorials section, and you didnt even post in the spiderbox section which makes me believe you havent done any homework at all, leading to the common syndrome of rush - rush - rush , ooooh, new toy, must have it running in 2 minutes , paperwork ? dont need to read it , lol

take a deep breath , calm down and methodically check through and read those spiderbox sections, learn what you the owner has to do to learn to drive your new toy properly, and also read the rules which clearly state you must use the forums for your questions and not any private email or private mess*ging system

members here wish to protect their privacy, we arent here to just act as lackeys for any newbie etc, so its against the rules to contact other members by pm asking for private and personal instruction, its not my job or anyone elses job to act as a personal instructor, which is why satpimps is a forum and the forum is used for these matters

as a newbie here yes you are a greenhorn, but that basically means you need to bed in and learn the ropes, being new doesnt stop you reading and learning, or familiarising yourself with our forum sections. if you can type - you can read - but that you havent done yet because I know the info is already here, as did compass too

you posted in the satellite feed hunters section , didnt find the spiderbox sections, didnt post an introduction post in our newbie section, just dived straight in and have now found yourself drowning in the deep end because you didnt learn to swim beforehand, or to check the depth signs first ;) which is usually a bit late to try to find an instructor , capiche ?

ok, now we got the basics out of the way, welcome to the forum, all you need to know is in the correct sections, with tutorials , the files are all here, the tuts are all here, and we even have this 6000 section especially for people like yourself. we also have many other similar owners who know these boxes, own these boxes and can help provide useful info, but you must appreciate you arent the first owner and so a lot of the technical details have already been posted by these clever owners to help newbies, meaning the info is already here and you didnt bother to find it in your haste - hence more haste - less speed ;)

there wont be any question you can ask that hasnt already been asked and answered about these spiderboxes, so you will find any answers you seek 99% of the time without having to ask anybody anything at all

you should also take note that I tell it like it is, warts and all, having seen far too many newbies try to take the shortcut route and falling on their faces. this is a forum where you earn the respect, follow the rules and if you start out as you mean to go on then its less fraught, this isnt facebook of friends reunited, its a discussion forum with plenty of info and tools and hobbyists with good knowledge but we arent here to make friends, we are here to steer you down the correct path within our rules and your job is to read the forum and follow the rules, and then post when you dont find what you are looking for

the newbies on the crab boats on deadliest catch get told the deal when they start out and they eventually learn why, you may do the same, but I have no hesitation as skipper of this vessel in making sure you dont take the crew down to the ocean floor with you if you havent learned the ropes due to rushing in, and posting in the wrong section as well as not reading the right section didnt help your case so take it on the chin, heed what I have said and then move on and patch and enjoy your new box

17-06-2013, 10:42 PM
Whilst I appreciate the expert advice you are giving, my problem is in the way you deliver it. You could quite easily of replied like Compass did rather than being condescending and judgemental. Your comments are enough to make a 'newby' never return, all you had to do 'as an admin' is point me in the right direction or just state that there is a section on this site for this issue. To me that is a far more mature way of dealing with this rather than turning it into a playground issue of 'I know more than you do'. Perhaps a note for you to take in board for the future?

17-06-2013, 10:52 PM
Whilst I appreciate the expert advice you are giving, my problem is in the way you deliver it. You could quite easily of replied like Compass did rather than being condescending and judgemental. Your comments are enough to make a 'newby' never return, all you had to do 'as an admin' is point me in the right direction or just state that there is a section on this site for this issue. To me that is a far more mature way of dealing with this rather than turning it into a playground issue of 'I know more than you do'. Perhaps a note for you to take in board for the future?

I dont think a newbie is qualified to decide how a board is run, especially trying to lecture those who have been here for over 10 years and helped hundreds of people and contributed a lot to the forum with time , advice , tutorials and many other examples and received over 5290 thanks in replies to those posts and you posted in 7 hours of joining so clearly had not familiarised yourself with the forums here at all

as far as I am concerned people get told stuff the way it is, I am not here to be a counsellor or advisor or psychiatrist or welfare worker or mentor, and now you seem to be being judgmental about me , which is not the reason for being here. yes I am judgmental about newbies because they tend to follow the same path of bull in a china shop syndrome, not stopping for breath or reading the forums before diving in, and they tend to want mentors and to be spoonfed too

its clear to me that the number of issues you have caused are of your own doing, posting in the wrong section, no introduction post at all , not reading the rules , not finding the forums that deal with your box , not finding or using the tools for your box, complaining about the sellers description , not reading tutorials and not using your time here wisely to read rather than post are all what let you down in your "greenhorn" capacity. its usually wise to keep quiet and browse the forums rather than draw attention to your newbieness in this manner

I stand by what I said in that it tells you, and anyone else, the way "it is" , so you know how the land lies, what the rules are , and how this forum conducts its business, its your job as a member to learn how the forum works which takes a lot longer than 7 hours, not an unpaid volunteer staff members job to take you under their wings and teach you the ropes like a mentor would, you dont get referees teaching the players how to play football !!! they are there to keep order and punish offenders even if its the players first game

these dictats were laid out in the forum rules, which you probably havent read either , so here they are


take note for the future

and if the seller states something like "free gift" for the box , you take the issue up directly with them and dont bring it onto the forum

you also asked for replies to be in language you can understand , I believe I fulfilled that plain speaking request 101%

other members will also read this and so can see their roles in their membership here, which is why it should be on the open forum and not in some private "email". a forum is there to swap ideas or discuss issues which is completely different to what private email is used for, with the emphasis on private , meaning I am not passing on my private email to anyone, especially not "newbies" and again is specifically banned in our rules

if pointing these things out in "language you can understand" seems condescending, that is the price paid for plain speaking

99% of members follow these simple paths and dont seem to have a problem with using the various sections for research or for posting valid questions

thread closed