View Full Version : Tuner Configuration Problem

20-06-2013, 05:16 PM
Following a great deal of help from you guys I got my Vu+ Solo working just fine. I thought a good idea to update my channel list so I downloaded Catseye E2 for 28.2E - 13.0 E and 7W. I uploaded using VuCC. When I came to use my receiver all I got was "Service Unavailable. Check Tuner Configuration" Whatever I tried I could not receive a signal. Rightly or wrongly I did a factory reset and tried to start from scratch. I have tried to follow Dummies Guide but for the life of me I cannot get the tuner to config. I an using an old tuner to move my motorised dish which has a quad LNB fitted. The dish is set at 19.2E at the moment.

In Reception Setting:- Config ...Advanced, Satellite...All Satellites (1-4options), LNB...LNB34.
With this setup I get the Service Unavailable message.

I changed the dish from a motorised one to my fixed 28.2E fixture. I then tried to config the tuner to this. Reception Settings were Config... Simple, Mode ...Single, Satellite..Nothing Connected (cannot change!). I have uploaded the Channel List again and can see the list for 28.2E

Is my tuner b.....ed or am i doing something silly? I am using Blackhole 2.0.3. Any ideas

20-06-2013, 06:12 PM
Following a great deal of help from you guys I got my Vu+ Solo working just fine. I thought a good idea to update my channel list so I downloaded Catseye E2 for 28.2E - 13.0 E and 7W. I uploaded using VuCC. When I came to use my receiver all I got was "Service Unavailable. Check Tuner Configuration" Whatever I tried I could not receive a signal. Rightly or wrongly I did a factory reset and tried to start from scratch. I have tried to follow Dummies Guide but for the life of me I cannot get the tuner to config. I an using an old tuner to move my motorised dish which has a quad LNB fitted. The dish is set at 19.2E at the moment.

In Reception Setting:- Config ...Advanced, Satellite...All Satellites (1-4options), LNB...LNB34.
With this setup I get the Service Unavailable message.

I changed the dish from a motorised one to my fixed 28.2E fixture. I then tried to config the tuner to this. Reception Settings were Config... Simple, Mode ...Single, Satellite..Nothing Connected (cannot change!). I have uploaded the Channel List again and can see the list for 28.2E

Is my tuner b.....ed or am i doing something silly? I am using Blackhole 2.0.3. Any ideas

no it wont be a faulty tuner, it was working until you tried loading in a channel list, so its either you or the list

try loading in your previous list and it should work again as it will overwrite your current list

cant see this channel list in any of his latest uploads

Catseye E2 for 28.2E - 13.0 E and 7W

if you want multiple satellites choose the motorised list, bearing in mind you can only load one list into the box at a time
this is the second attachment down

or try his third attachment down which includes 28e as well as 4 other sats

there is a discussion thread in that forum for his lists, where people discuss any problems including the one you have

20-06-2013, 07:31 PM
Thanks for your comments echelon. yes I tried reloading the original channel list but it did not solve the problem. I have reloaded Catseye E2 for 29E to 13.0E (third attachment down). I can see the Satellites and their channels but it would appear that the tuner cannot lock onto a satellite. I thought by just trying to get a reception on 28.2E using my fixed dish I might make progress but no luck. I have attached both the fixed and motorised dishes to my old Toppy and get perfect reception so I know the LNB are OK. I just get "nothing connected" in the Reception Settings. eg. Config ...SIMPLE, Mode...SINGLE, Satellite ...NOTHING CONNECTED. I just do not know what to try next!

20-06-2013, 08:01 PM
did you read through the catseye discussions thread and look at the advice regarding replacing the satellites.xml file ?
it worked for other people with the same troubles as you

21-06-2013, 08:50 AM
I notice you never mentioned the version number of VuCC , obviously you should be using the latest one (0.7)

or try loading the channel list with dreamboxedit or dreamset (again using the latest versions)

or try an online download direct from the BH website in the settings section of the addons installer

24-06-2013, 06:28 PM
now that you have reflashed the box using files that are not corrupt, and its working correctly, BACK IT UP !

make copies of your cccam.cfg files and any other similar files

backup the image to usb stick

also take a settings backup to usb stick too

24-06-2013, 06:28 PM
now that you have reflashed the box using files that are not corrupt, and its working correctly,

make copies of your cccam.cfg files and any other similar files

backup the image to usb stick

also take a settings backup to usb stick too

24-06-2013, 06:50 PM
same thing happend to my vu+ duo after putting on the latest cats channel list .still trying to get it all working again : (

24-06-2013, 07:13 PM
I think we all had the problem with cats this time round. For me the fix was to replace the satellites.xml file (whilst still on my pc) with an old one (from around about March, I think), then send the new set to my Vu+ Solo2. Jobs a good'n, all working now.

24-06-2013, 08:03 PM
cheers paulus. is there a tut on how to change the xml file via dreamboxedit.not a clue how : )..its ok i found this thanks https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?161218-Please-Discuss-Report-bugs-etc-on-Catseye-Enigma-2-Settings-file-here/page5&highlight=channel+list

24-06-2013, 08:38 PM
now that you have reflashed the box using files that are not corrupt, and its working correctly,

make copies of your cccam.cfg files and any other similar files

backup the image to usb stick

also take a settings backup to usb stick too

Will do. Thanks echelon, catseye and kota for all your help.

24-06-2013, 08:40 PM
now that you have reflashed the box using files that are not corrupt, and its working correctly,

make copies of your cccam.cfg files and any other similar files

backup the image to usb stick

also take a settings backup to usb stick too

Will do. Thanks echelon, catseye and kota for all your help.