View Full Version : Nothing on 28 E

oxigen 1
21-06-2013, 12:33 PM

Has Astra 28e gone down I cannot get anything on it

I know my dish is in the right place but the canels are shaded on the list
and I get service unavailable cheack configeration.

I am new at this so I might not have set my box up O.K

I can get everthing on the other sats but not Astra 28e

Thanks oxigen 1

21-06-2013, 12:45 PM
there are several satellites at that position so to have everything "go down" you would need armageddon or an alien invasion like in DEFIANCE, or the sun to give off massive solar flares knocking out every satellite at every sat position up there including that one !
a supernova would also cause it but we wouldnt actually care as we wouldnt be here

so in the real world that we live in , no it hasnt gone down, its working fine as any one of the tens millions of sly box and freesat box owners would testify, and its definitely working ok on my sly box, on my spiderbox and on my dreambox !

so any problem is your settings in your box, or a fault on your sly dish, sly lnb , or cabling from your sly dish

the most likely is a problem with a file or files in your box, seeing as the other satellites are ok. it would have also helped if you had mentioned which channel list (settings) you had installed too

NB:- there are very few positions with only one satellite and there would be news channels , websites and radio channels full of it should some major catastrophe happen in the manner described earlier

21-06-2013, 03:17 PM
Check your dish alignment or your back garden for a fleet of crashed satellite debris.

If the channels are shaded, you are either recording something on another channel, or your satellite config is not set correctly.

21-06-2013, 04:53 PM
so no rear end shunt at 28e then that would have been costly

21-06-2013, 05:59 PM
most likely a mixup of 28.2e and 28.5e
one in satellites.xml the other in the channel list or vice versa
why not use catseye's settings, should work fine for you

oxigen 1
22-06-2013, 01:48 PM
Thanks saintomer 1866

But where do I get catseyes from it is not on my list of settings

Thanks ............... Oxigen 1

22-06-2013, 02:11 PM
you can find them here;
then use VU control Centre or DreamboxEdit to upload the settings to your box

22-06-2013, 02:15 PM
have you tried going in to the receiver menus and checking signal strength and signal quility on 28 east incase your dish is slightly off you should still get the freesat channels as they arnt scrambled

22-06-2013, 03:21 PM
Usually if a satellite channel list is greyed out it is caused by tuner config wrong or recording on one channel with no spare tuner for another.

oxigen 1
23-06-2013, 08:22 AM
Thanks guys

I have downloaded catseyes but not sure how to intall it into solo2
I have filezilla can I use this . I know how to use it.
I see that catseyes is a rar file do I have to extract it first or just put it into box
where in the box files do I put it.

I am new at this so please go slowly.... Thanks

Regards.......... Oxigen 1

23-06-2013, 09:56 AM
channel lists are extracted from zip or rar files, as are all files, the zip or rar is the container containing the files (and it tells you to unzip the file in the Dummies Guide)

then use VuCC or dreamboxedit or dreamset to install the channel files and once set for E2 working the programs know where the files go (which it also tells you in the Dummies Guide)