View Full Version : Trouble with catseye

oxigen 1
26-06-2013, 08:35 PM
Hi all

I have downloaded catseyes and sent it to solo2

the list looks very good but when I press a chanel I get service unavailable check tuner configeration.

If I load the Blackhole chanel list it works O.K but this list does not give me the BBC Hd.

Am I doing somthing wrong ... ????

Please help as I am new at this .

Thanks.... Oxigen 1

26-06-2013, 08:56 PM
Download this Satellites.xml file from here

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=57908&d=1372215219 (Catseye 75e to 45w 23.06.13 alt satellites.xml)

Extract it to Catseye E2 Settings 23.06.13 (which you have saved on your pc)
a message will be displayed "satellites.xml is already exists"
would you like to replace the existing file
Choose Yes

Now you can load Catseye E2 Settings 23.06.13 to your receiver using DreamboxEdit, Dreamset Etc
and all should be fine.

Credit goes to Silsila for correcting the satellites.xml & Catseye for his brilliant Settings

26-06-2013, 08:56 PM
Use the thread catseye setup for discussion please, no need to dot them all over the board.