View Full Version : BH 2.0.03 Image problem: Automatic & Manual scan issue

29-06-2013, 08:12 PM

I've loaded BH 2.03 and have issues when setting my receiver up. I set up the positioner/tuner and then attempt an automatic scan and get

Nothing to scan!
Please setup your tuner settings before you start a service scan.

If I attempt a manual scan on a single transponder I get a green screen when I try to select a satellite.

Anybody got any ideas before I go back 1.79



29-06-2013, 11:17 PM
just try reflashing again I had this once but reflash sorted it

30-06-2013, 09:10 AM
As stated by DCG. try a reflash as I have the image working well on my Uno for a few months now.
You did select the correct sat before the scan.
If you had a back up on your pc drop in in using Dream edit that s all I do I rarely ever bother doing a scan.
This is as I make my own list of the sat I can receive and cards I have access to , little point have channels I cannot watch.

Ps do change to 2.03 its much better than your non E2 image, your machine will have a lot more space and run quicker

30-06-2013, 12:06 PM
thanks for the replies guys, I have reflashed and got it back up. It seems it is a problem if I loaded the latest Catseye channel list. If I load that, then it always states I have no tuner, if I load an older one, then everything is okay.