View Full Version : box wont scan some frequencies

09-07-2013, 10:28 AM
For some reason my box wont scan some frequencies. For instance my recent other stb addition shows Polsa VOD but no matter how I try using details from lyngsat for a manual scan of the same frequency on my 9000 the chns dont scan. I have had this issue on several frequencies in the past and dismissed it as either they no longer broadcast or have been renamed I have tried blindscan changing scan options but to no avail anyone have any ideas why this is happening. Thanks all.

09-07-2013, 11:15 AM
Also some rf phone boosters use similar frequencies and interfere with tuning, I also had some cheap diseq switches that just didn't like some frequencies and would not tune them, I disconnected them and wired the dish straight through and the box tuned ok, I reconnected the diseq and they were gone again.

09-07-2013, 11:31 AM
Hi manic01 m8 tried that by deleting sat then rescanning thats the same thing as deleting dead transponders or not?

Tony0 since my other box has not had the prob I assume my settings for the 9000 should be ok.

Thanks chaps I shall keep trying

09-07-2013, 01:29 PM
I'm fairly confident that Manic01 has the answer. (I'm assuming that you have put the frequency in manually and there is mysteriously no signal showing!). I've been mystified on several occasions when trying to add the odd feed! Your stb won't necessarily hold 10,000 chans! Go to any sat and manually remove a load of transponders that have a load of channs on that you don't clear. So if for example you don't clear Sly It. go to 13e and with ref to Lyngsat 'packages' clear out the transponders. Restart. I'm fairly confident that you will then be able to scan in!

09-07-2013, 04:50 PM
If you have a multi-Sat setup, try scanning the same frequency/polarity on another Sat that uses those values. That would tell you whether it is the hardware (LNB, DiSEqC, receiver front end, etc) or the software (firmware, storage, etc).

There are a few Sats that use the same frequency for both Horizontal and Vertical polarity; I seems to have more trouble with them despite setting up the skew very accurately. My beloved SS1 doesn't believe both are in use so I have to add 1MHz to V's and subtract 1MHz from H's in my transponder table to keep it sweet.

09-07-2013, 10:24 PM
@captainglassback Manic01 and other m8s, I did as you advised deleted numerous channels on 13e those I never watch rescanned manually as before and got 31 new channels including VOD. So thanks for solving that for me, before as I said I was putting in info and showing signal but as i say nothing scanned. So what I think has happened is when I have loaded from the forum other peoples sat progs and settings (lazy me) it has loaded too many chans to the box across 45e to 45w than I would want so even when I rescanned a sat I had run out of room for the transponders I wanted. A salutary lesson, I shall now wipe out every sat with chans that I never watch and hopefully find those missing chns I do want. Thanks again m8s.

10-07-2013, 12:00 AM
Some of the channel lists uploaded for the spider have too many channels scanned, they are not viable channel lists, you have to delete the sats you wont use to be below the channel limit. (the radio channels soak up a lot of memory as well)

why list 12000 when the box can only take 10000, when you get near the limit the box runs like a dog.

18-11-2013, 01:12 PM
Hi Guys just wasted hours checking lnb's, diseq ,
cables etc for missing bt sport channels should have checked here first!!!
many thanks
dave hd9000/7000 multi dish

18-11-2013, 01:21 PM
Hi Guys just wasted hours checking lnb's, diseq ,
cables etc for missing bt sport channels should have checked here first!!!
many thanks
dave hd9000/7000 multi dish

always the way innit ?

the simple answer is this

"you cannot fit a quart into a pint pot" - so when the pot is full , stop pouring until you make some space !!