View Full Version : moving to Sats on 6000 H D

09-07-2013, 03:03 PM
in as far as I can remember when I wanted to go to another Satelite on my Technomate and my Spider 9000 I pressed the Sat button on remote would someone be kind enough te tell me how I change Sats on my Spiderbox 6000 H Dregards ,Knacker

09-07-2013, 04:03 PM
Whatever sat. you are viewing,you press OK, that brings up the chnl. list,at the very top is the sat.you are currently on,under the list you see the blue button(sat),so blue on your remote,now at the top there are arrows to right and left of sat. name so you can now move to whatever sats. you have on your list. Regards, 2colby.

09-07-2013, 06:07 PM
2colby thanks for the reply but whatever I'm doing wrong I can't seem to get the dish moving,I am currently watching B B C 1,I press ok this brings up channels on 28.2 I then press blue Sat button this highlights KU-Astra2 at top of page in the Satelite ribbon ,pressing L or R buttons brings only two,all Satelite or Ku-Astra 2 nothing else,I obviously am doing or did something wrong and am getting frustrated I am not a newbe that is trying to pick up all the information I can I can go back to when we used to have monstrosities picking up the Swedish and Norwegian stations ( this not intended to be boastful) on thru Technomates ,Spiderbox's 9000 and 6000 which I have been fortunate to have enjoyed for I considir those as the cheapest method of getting into our hobby getting education from the skies,maybe a factory reset and start all over again might be the thing to do anyway I keep trying for a short while more for I am sure when I explain my situation without confusing people some of you guys will help me sort it regards Knacker,
I have now moved the dish with the 9000 to 13 Hotbird and Download chanells and I am seeing Hotbird chanells but I should not have change Stb's to change Satelites

09-07-2013, 06:47 PM
I do not have this receiver, however I have just copy/pasted this extract from jbvid's setup procedure on the spiderbox forum, I hope that it is of some help to you:

Satellite Setup

Go to Menu / Sat Settings, scroll down the left hand list and click OK to select all the Sats you want to scan, this will give them a tick.
Right arrow across, scroll down to Motor, right arrow to select ‘Diseq/Usals’, OK, Scroll down to Mode, select Drive to Satellite, scroll down to Set Location, OK, Scroll down Set Long then Lat then save, scroll to Go ‘Save Data and run’ thats it.

Now to scan, Goto Menu / Automatic Sat Scan scroll down to ‘Scan select’ and change to ‘All Sat’, thats it, go get a coffee while it scans.

09-07-2013, 11:39 PM
Many thanks Aldo,I have the post of JBVideo on laptop and I have followed instructions on the setting up of this Stb the 6000 H D,earlier I went thru Satelite by Sat and did a scan on each of the required Sats and had them on but the dish will not drive to a Sat I choose,I am now watching the download after following the instruction and I fear andas I first suspected this Stb is not functioning properly whether thru my fault or a fault of the Stb for the dish has not moved all thru the scan and a factory reset will be required to clear all the many repeat programmes of the 28.2 channels,I may have a quick dabble tomorrow then we must sadly write it off and put it down to experience unless of course there is someone out there who knows what the problem is and can help,good night all,Knacker

10-07-2013, 12:27 AM

Have a look at the setup procedure here, and then do a factory reset as you have previously stated, good luck:


10-07-2013, 03:47 PM
Many thanks Aldo and 2colby for all the help in trying to sort this Stb,but this Stb is not worth anymore of my time (10 hours) so it's into the box and goodbye I may have been unlucky and got a dud but thats the way the coin falls,regards Knacker

27-07-2013, 04:01 PM
Further to my post of having problems with my 6000 H D,after many hours flogging a dead horse I gave up on the little box but when we have time on our side we keep going back and on going again thru all mysystem I discovered the problem was my motor all along,I got a new motor,exchanged it for the old one that I had for about eight years,resetting the pole,motor and dish I am now getting the benefit of the IKS which is not bad,again thanks to Colby,Aldo and anyone else that were very kind and helpful inmy hour of need.ps I mention this in case any other member should have a similar problem,regards Knacker