View Full Version : IKS & FAVS on the 6000

general Martok
18-07-2013, 12:16 AM
I owned a 9000 which died. I have to judge the 6000 system by what I had before.

The 6000 has a lot to live up to.

The IKS is still unstable, but its hard to moan for a freebie. When I have to choose to pay in 12 months time, I can only go on the service to date. can this be fixed in a future patch or do I shut up and be grateful? is it my box or the service? are there network tweaks I can do? (Give priority to an IP port?)

The FAV menu is not working for me. The dish starts to travel as you move through, can a fix / patch be done to have a 9000 style where you do a drop down select first? it would be nice to customise the names rather 1 to 6.

Is there a channel / fav edit menu available yet? is one planned?

I keep running out of channel space, can the capacity be increased beyond 6000 ?

just so we are clear, I have been a fan of experimental TV for 13 years and the spiderbox has been for me the best so far since the days of the cams.

general Martok
18-07-2013, 12:18 AM
oops wrong place to post.. can a moderator move it to the general section?

18-07-2013, 12:26 AM
oops wrong place to post.. can a moderator move it to the general section?

As your post is ref the spiderbox 6000, would it not have been better to have posted it here:


Also have you followed all of the instructions in the setup procedure in this thread:


general Martok
18-07-2013, 12:30 AM
Sorry, yes I should have looked before I pressed post.

if it gets deleted, I can start it again.

Don't drink & post ... I should take my own advice!

18-07-2013, 08:35 AM
moved to the correct forum

nobody can tell you if a channel editor will appear or not, its a wait and see same as with any box

I believe the channel capacity is fixed so no, I dont think that will ever change either

what you dont seem to have realised is that the 6000 is half the price of what the 9000 was, its built to a budget dictated by lower prices and competes with the slybox or openbox or eagle 800 and this affects quality of build, features that it has , channel capacity , inputs and outputs and many other aspects same as its rivals

its chief selling point is the iks option and the fact it can still take c lines, apart from its cost being less than £100

so as its not a direct replacement for the 9000 its a bit pointless comparing it to a 9000 as the specs are totally different

somebody that owned a vauxhall vectra or carlton, finds its out of date or broken and buys an adam or corsa cannot expect the same level of features on the adam or corsa that appeared in their vectra super de luxe , not the same legroom, not the same engine size , not the same boot space , not the same maximum speed or acceleration etc , just the same name of vauxhall

there is no point saying they go to asda and back or that they have the vauxhall or opel badge, they are totally different machines even though on the face of it they are 4 wheel cars and do similar basics

if you replace a honda fireblade with a honda 50, its no good complaining about performance or missing features as a comparison as the only similarity is the word honda and that they are two wheeled machines with an engine

so a spiderbox 6000 may share the name spiderbox but I see little similarities between the 6000 budget box and my 9000 top of the range box

the patches are different
the softcams are different
the channel lists are different
the channel capacities are different
the internal specs and chips are different
the remote controls are different
the psu is different
the tools are different (like channel editors)

the 9900 replaced the 9000 , the 6000 is more like a replacement for the old 5000 and the softcams are the same for both, so if you are going to make comparisons then do so against its previous incarnation (the 5000) and not a completely different box just because they both have the word spider in them ;)

it is what it is and I will hazard a guess that its more of a £50 budget box with the addition of the iks ramping up its basic costs as you may find out next year. you cannot expect a £200 box for this budget price, which is why you did not get one

ie:- you get what you pay for

as for s*rvers, they are always a problem with ecm times , glitching , failures etc and its always been that way on the spiderbox from day one as many posts on here about s*rver issues have shown. I very much doubt that your troubles are your box , your patch or your broadband either

it is what it is, you either live with it or you buy a solo or duo and get what you pay for, and add your own "extras" from a reliable source

as for some of your other questions, only people like boxer can answer them and he doesnt reveal his plans and never has done, he isnt even a member here afaik although he may read your post and think about your requests. I know when the spiderboxes first came out people wanted all kinds of fixes and he does seem to bring them out regularly as can be seen in our firmware section

and any iks requests for specific info have to go through their forum, not ours

ps:- found this reply on another forum by a mod there which shows how different this box is compared to its older siblings

JUST MY OPINION: I have a 6000HD and here is a list of improvements over the earlier series.
Working built in Wi-fi, Working EPG, EPG timer set recording, Various types of video file playback, MP3 and Still Picture playback, Games, Working UTube, External power supply to enable a cooler running box, More compact receiver, these are great improvements.
I don’t find the 6000 channel list capacity being a problem either, not for me anyway. If you watch an average of 6 Satellites motorized its 1000 chans per Sat, how many are you going to watch? It would take you a night to select and check whats on them all.

19-07-2013, 09:21 PM
I owned a 9000 which died. I have to judge the 6000 system by what I had before.

The 6000 has a lot to live up to.

The IKS is still unstable, but its hard to moan for a freebie. When I have to choose to pay in 12 months time, I can only go on the service to date. can this be fixed in a future patch or do I shut up and be grateful? is it my box or the service? are there network tweaks I can do? (Give priority to an IP port?)

The FAV menu is not working for me. The dish starts to travel as you move through, can a fix / patch be done to have a 9000 style where you do a drop down select first? it would be nice to customise the names rather 1 to 6.

Is there a channel / fav edit menu available yet? is one planned?

I keep running out of channel space, can the capacity be increased beyond 6000 ?

just so we are clear, I have been a fan of experimental TV for 13 years and the spiderbox has been for me the best so far since the days of the cams.

As for IKS ,some providers are making changes to their encryption systems.......
The channels capacity is 6000 TV & Radio channels and this will be not change .
We have a plan for all and we are working on it .
Just a little patience ......

20-07-2013, 12:09 AM
No channel editor means hard work sorting channel lists, normally I would say don't buy till one turns up. otherwise it obviously is a short term product.

20-07-2013, 09:36 AM
The team will provide you the best channel manager we can make with as many options we can add, soon.
We are working on it, as i said before .

general Martok
23-07-2013, 11:40 PM
Many thanks for this info.
I guess it was unfair to compare it to a 9000. I am very happy and at that budget price who would not!
Good news on the editor it helps capacity as you can clean out unused stuff. yep I admit I am lazy and just down load the lot! So this would be a fix for me.

Thing is I am on a fibre so have massive bandwidth. So it must be a patch thing, but I really thought I was up to date. Hence the IP port enquiry to use the packet priority features of my router to help solve the glitching.
BUT hey this not a moan, or looking that gift horse in the mouth, so as I said, I will just shut up and make a decision when I have to as I have done for the last 13 years.
But I have say the Fav access method does need a coat of looking at.

That said, I still feel I got a good deal. if you don't ask you don't get.

this is a very good responsive forum!

I am happy with the answers so far, so for me thread closed.

Thanks to all.