View Full Version : Poor audio through hdmi

18-07-2013, 07:02 PM
Is anyone else having this issue or just me?

18-07-2013, 07:37 PM
See here :-


Hope this helps.


18-07-2013, 07:40 PM
What exactly do you mean ?
Give more details .
Do you have latest patch ?
Low sound or noise in specific channels and which ?
What have you selected in Menu - TV Setup - Digital Audio Output ?

18-07-2013, 07:48 PM
thanks for the replys.
Running latest patch and the sound is very high pitched no bass. ive tried both raw and lpcm but both are the same

18-07-2013, 08:00 PM
Can you try another HDMI cable or select another HDMI input of TV or try receiver to another TV ?

18-07-2013, 08:03 PM
yes tried diff cable and tvs ok as i have a hivion and a sky hd as well as xbox and ps3 all ok. not tried scart yet though

18-07-2013, 08:14 PM
scart sound is ok

19-07-2013, 06:33 AM
The sound is ok if you use the optical or scart but if you use the HDMI its rubbish.

19-07-2013, 09:10 PM
Need feedback from other members,too .

20-07-2013, 11:36 AM
I had a problem when I first got the Box that was using an expensive HDMI cable swapped for a cheap Ģ3.99 one I had bought for my daughters laptop and it was fine.

Can't recreate the problem now but the box has been flashed and factory reset a few times now.



20-07-2013, 06:06 PM
Hi Lee, just to answer your first question... NO, it isn't just you... i am also having the audio issues on my main tv (Phillips) i have the tv audio up full on the box (number 32) and on the tv number 50 (tv vol goes from 0 to 100 and 20 is usually loud enough on virmin and previous spider 9000) it sounds like there is interference and almost like other audio is trying to bleed through like its out of frequency... also if there is background music on whatever channel i am watching, the music blasts through and you cant hear the talking.

I nearly returned the box before i tried it on another tv, but when i did the audio was fine, i have also tried a friends box on my main tv with the same results so it seems there is a definite audio issue with some tv's via the HDMI, i have tried 4 different HDMI cables all with the same results.

Maybe somebody could research this further as i have never had issues with the tv with any other STB and am still not having issues with my current virmin and spider 9000.

20-07-2013, 06:24 PM
I did try my one on two different makes of Tv and had the same results.
I even returned the box back to sponsor who was very helpful and he confirmed same problem with the audio.

20-07-2013, 06:52 PM
The lousy audio was the first thing i noticed when i first used my 6000HD, very 'tinny' sound. Used the same HDMI lead iv'e been using for four years in a Technomate. Had to switch to optical output, and that is fine.

23-07-2013, 01:46 PM
You all use HDMI cable direct to your TV without an amplifier, HDMI switcher,splitter or anything like that ?

23-07-2013, 01:55 PM
yes for me straight to the telly (samsung)

23-07-2013, 02:58 PM
got spiderbox 9000hd and samsung tv model ps50b850y1 connected with hdmi lead sometimes when i switch on the audio is distorted i go into menu and switch to scart although no scart is connected and then switch back to hdmi and it is then ok dont know why this happens

01-08-2013, 12:47 AM
HDMI straight to tv for me to, no amp, no switcher.... :(

01-08-2013, 01:35 PM
Itīs a common fact that any TVīs sound system (the built in amplifier and speakers) is evidently inferior as compared to an independent outside sound system. It should be. The price of relevant sound components in a TV is much less than a price of an amplifier box + speakers. Iīve had similar problems with TV sound from satellite receivers, trying different cables and sat receiversī sound outputs. Since I only use sat receiver > outside sound unit connection (either digital optical or digital coaxial) no more sound problems.

01-08-2013, 05:30 PM
Can somebody with this problem program a 2 minutes record and then upload it in sendspace ?
He can send me the link in my pm.

10-08-2013, 11:14 AM
ive updated to latest patch but hdmi audio quality is the same. Has anyone else noticed an improvement?

10-08-2013, 11:19 AM
No difference for me either.

10-08-2013, 12:54 PM
Give us a little time .
We will be back to this .
I personally have low audio level but not poor audio quality in my TV so it needs more investigation .

10-08-2013, 02:42 PM
What I find annoying is the difference in volume on sky arts 1,it seems much louder than other s*y channels


10-08-2013, 03:21 PM
What I find annoying is the difference in volume on sky arts 1,it seems much louder than other s*y channels


Some channels are broadcasting with louder or weaker audio level ,it doesn't depend of receivers , that's why we add in last patch audio channel level .
We will fix it better in next patches .

18-08-2013, 11:03 PM
I have the audio problem with the Spider 6000 HDMI. Its very tinny and the problem maybe that the connections for stereo are out of phase. There maybe some cancelling of sound ? Just a thought, any audio engineers on the forum?

19-08-2013, 09:02 PM
i have had same problem.on philips tv sound was terrible,tried sat receiver on sony/samsung/lg tv all ok.Replaced 6000hd with dreambox all ok.definite problem with audio on certain tv's

19-08-2013, 09:22 PM
theres a sound fix patch for 6000 on the vas### forum

19-08-2013, 09:30 PM
theres a sound fix patch for 6000 on the vas### forum

It has been already posted here but we still investigate problem .


19-08-2013, 09:44 PM
In my case the 6/08/13 patch makes no difference. The sound through hdmi is still weird.

19-08-2013, 09:58 PM
Read my post no.19
I have low audio sound but not weird .
You would give me a clue what you mean .

19-08-2013, 10:08 PM
Read my post no.19
I have low audio sound but not weird .
You would give me a clue what you mean .

The tone of the audio is tinny high end frequency, no bass, not natural sound, lacks projection and is totally different than any other audio source put through HDMI to my TV. In comparison to other audio components it is unnatural and nearly unbearable to listen to. As I mentioned in an earlier post it's like certain frequencies have been cancelled out, perhaps because the sound channels are out of phase? Hope this helps

19-08-2013, 10:44 PM
The tone of the audio is tinny high end frequency, no bass, not natural sound, lacks projection and is totally different than any other audio source put through HDMI to my TV. In comparison to other audio components it is unnatural and nearly unbearable to listen to. As I mentioned in an earlier post it's like certain frequencies have been cancelled out, perhaps because the sound channels are out of phase? Hope this helps same as this ^^^^

05-09-2013, 04:26 PM
Just to advise that ive just changed my sb 9000 to a sb6000 today using the latest patch & the sound is indeed terrible as described .....

"The tone of the audio is tinny high end frequency, no bass, not natural sound, lacks projection and is totally different than any other audio source put through HDMI to my TV. In comparison to other audio components it is unnatural and nearly unbearable to listen to. As I mentioned in an earlier post it's like certain frequencies have been cancelled out,

This is through a HDMI direct from sb to tv. Will try with another cheaper hdmi & advise if it makes any difference. A big problem I would say,although I appreciate you have stated you are looking into this.


Just tried with a cheap HDMI lead & unfortunatley made no difference whatsoever. Its almost like listening to something like a netbook with no added speakers !

05-09-2013, 09:12 PM
Maybe it`s just me (old fart and all) I like it just the way it is. Could be that I take it for what it is, excellent value for money stb. Sound isn`t that bad if you think of how much you spent on the box. I agree, it could be better, that is why if you have out of this world sound system and brand spanking new TV you are better of with a VU (but expect to pay a lot more for it) For less than 90 pounds the sound could have been a lot worse and I would still say is good at the price.

05-09-2013, 10:25 PM
Hi Roadrunner. Im certainly not nit picking over this for the sake of it & I think you do the sb brand a disservice to try and make out that people should just accept this because the sb is good value for money . From what other people have said it seems to be just a issue via HDMI so surely that would suggest that a problem exists. No one is going to connect via scart if they have a hd tv.
Ive had various bits of equipment over the years through a tv & ive never heard anything that sounds like remotely this before, literally no base at all. Ive just put this through my modest sound system (still via hdmi through the tv & out to speakers) and the subwoofer does not appear to register anything. Changing from the 6000 to my tv freeview the sound difference is massive, same with my skybox. I cannot believe that the box was built to sound like this even for less than Ģ90.
I have the sb brand at heart (just changed from a 9000) when I make these comments. If this is a problem for a lot of people then news will spread & no others will purchase, which in turn will mean no further development for this box.

05-09-2013, 10:54 PM
I still don`t get it. There is no problem with sound whatsoever here. Maybe you got a faulty stb or something . Mine works ok. And that is via HDMI->tv, Via the sound system it is even better. If there is something wrong then by all means it should be investigated, but I voice my opinion that it is OK here, both on the Telly and the Pioneer sound system

06-09-2013, 06:42 AM
As i stated in my previous posts i don't have this problem ,i can agree that audio is a little low but no noisy for me either .
Not having this problem make us another problem for investigating it and give you a quick solution .
So we are still working on it .
You can use optical for now .

06-09-2013, 09:18 AM
Blackdevil, in view of the fact that some people do not have this problem, do you think that its a faulty batch of recievers ? If so, do you think I should be be sending back the sb for a replacement (not sure if they would go for this as I have patched it ? ) or do you think that it can be solved with a software update. I know its hard for you to give an opinion, but what would be your view ? Thanks in advance.

06-09-2013, 05:20 PM
No do not return it .
We are working for a solution with software update .
Probably an incompatibility with some TV ......
Still investigating .
In any case i will inform you for this issue as soon as possible .
Just use optical for now .

06-09-2013, 10:15 PM
Great little box.

Unnatural sound HDMI must channel thru Yamaha Rx-V1700 amp.

Pity it was released on the market too early, ie. not fully fuctional and work in progress still ongoing.

Bit miffed.


Ps did not purchase for iks ( still to try this ) bought because of card reader

dave d
06-09-2013, 10:53 PM
mines spot on on an LG 48 hdim lead into tv no problems at all :001_302:

14-09-2013, 08:39 PM
my spider box sound is bad to

14-10-2013, 09:11 PM
No do not return it .
We are working for a solution with software update .
Probably an incompatibility with some TV ......
Still investigating .
In any case i will inform you for this issue as soon as possible .
Just use optical for now .

If there is an incompatibility with TV's then why has no one asked what TV they are using if they have a problem with the Spider HD6000 HDMI sound? In my own case I use a Panasonic THX-42-GT50. Let's see what TV's other people have a problem with their Spiderbox HDMI sound .

14-10-2013, 09:33 PM
Mines a samsung 40 8000. I've tried it on the lg in the bedroom and its ok slightly noticeable but you'd hardly notice if I'm honest.

15-10-2013, 11:54 AM
If there is an incompatibility with TV's then why has no one asked what TV they are using if they have a problem with the Spider HD6000 HDMI sound? In my own case I use a Panasonic THX-42-GT50. Let's see what TV's other people have a problem with their Spiderbox HDMI sound .

Good point m8. My poor sound is with a Panasonic tx-50st50b which is a 2012 model.

15-10-2013, 01:20 PM
well to start off...i purchased the spider 6000 off lee at goldwafers yesterday
it arrived 8am this morning...so big thanks to lee for that
i loaded patch etc...channel list...everything went fine...thanks to the guys who put the files etc
now to the problem in hand...i have not got one...
no sound problem here,connected to 42in lg...and tried on samsung also
spider 6000=hdmi cable direct to tv from box...system info for spider reads like so...
hw version-01.00
sw version-01.10
date-aug 28 2013
so maybe its a tv problem...or a batch of boxs
like i said...mine is fine...
hope you people who are having problems get it sorted soon...whatever the outcome is

15-10-2013, 05:53 PM
I have the same problem...poor sound.My tv philips #42PFL4007H

25-10-2013, 11:23 AM
Hi guys
My bad sound is with Panasonic TX-L42ET60B ( straight HDMI connection from SB to TV). 6000HD is up to date with the latest patches.
If using PS3 / Laptop with HDMI it seems to be ok.

SCART connection with all devices is fine ( HDMI -> SCART spliter). Haven't tried optical yet ......... Ta

25-10-2013, 01:16 PM
Haven't tried optical yet ......... Ta

Sound over optical is perfect, very stable and AC3 doesn't drop out on HD channels like other boxes, mine is directly connected to my Sony AV receiver Amp using an optical cable.

16-11-2013, 12:02 PM
just been reading through and seen that some off you are use using a receiver for the sound ,
is anyone having the same arc problem as me ,
using a :-
panasonic 50 gt 50
pioneer lx73
the problem i'm having is, with the spiderbox connected i can long longer get sound out of the tv to amp (arc) ,also no longer turns of the amp when turn the tv off via the tv remote ,even when the box is in standby seems to to corrupt the ''handshake'' of the hdmi ,
i use the tv for netflix and media function to stream from my galaxy tablet,
disconnect the hdmi from the spider and alls good ,
i've tried different inputs on the amp and different hdmi's ,also just tried a longer lead , straight to the tv , but all the same results,
liking the box (only got it this week ) remote's working better then the skybox f5 and a multisat setup is a lot clearer and works better !
but a pain in the a+*e to connect /disconnect every time ?
also on the latest patch but had the same on the last one as well

29-11-2013, 02:57 PM
I "fixed" my sound issue buying soundbar ( yamaha yas-101) and hooked up with TV (Panasonic TX-L42ET60B) via optical cable. in brief, spiderbox 6000dh -->hdmi --> TV --> optical --> soundbar

06-12-2013, 11:56 PM
Good news, problem solved for me. I have just loaded the latest patch dated 26/11 & now my sound via hdmi is as normal. Thanks Blackdevil.

07-12-2013, 02:16 PM
I hope it also solved for the others.

07-12-2013, 08:33 PM
ill let u no

07-12-2013, 09:39 PM
ill let u no

That should be interesting.

07-12-2013, 09:52 PM
Thank you Blackdevil. I have just upgraded to the new software and I can confirm that the HDMI issue with my system is now resolved. Good quality audio now through HDMI.
Thanks again and I would suggest that anyone who still has the HDMI poor audio, but has not upgraded their software, to do it and see how good this box is now.

08-12-2013, 02:04 PM
I also wanted to note that as well as the audio being better, the picture through HDMI is now a lot better, before it was OK but it was much better through my Spider HD9000, now the pictures are just as good. Well done!

08-12-2013, 02:46 PM
I also wanted to note that as well as the audio being better, the picture through HDMI is now a lot better, before it was OK but it was much better through my Spider HD9000, now the pictures are just as good. Well done!

This is also a good point. I said a while back that I thought the picture was not as good as the 9000, but I also thought the picture had improved after loading the new patch, but thought I might be imagining it !!!!!!!!!!! :respect-054: