View Full Version : dish not moving with vbox untill i go into tuner config every time

23-07-2013, 11:14 PM
hi all
using 203 image on vu+ duo
i have everything set up for diseq 1.2 using a vbox, each position stored with a different number, all working perfect on dreambox 800se
with the vu i have to go into menu/set up/sevice searching/tuner config/tuner a/then go down to satellite and change that to the sat i want to go to and then press ok for it to move.
as i said i have all satellites set up but it will not go to another satellite automatically on a simple channel change as it does with dream
cheers guys

24-07-2013, 12:00 AM
How exactly do you have Tuner A setup in the menu

24-07-2013, 08:22 AM
cheers digicon
i have found out the problem i had tuner b set up as equal to instead of not configured....thanks technodvl2's from another forum
so tuner a advanced and b not configuered