View Full Version : Streaming to PC

24-07-2013, 12:34 PM
Hi guys having few issues with this. I can get into webif and see channels etc i just cant stream them. Could someone confirm what all ports a need to forward - i have transcoding etc all set up correctly on the solo.

23 - telnet
21 - ftp
80 - http
8001 - stream
8002 - stream

Is this correct?


24-07-2013, 02:51 PM
What browser you using? I find Firefox works best. You'll also need vlc player installed.

Sent from my iThing using sorcery and the magic interweb.

24-07-2013, 04:05 PM
Port 8002 for trans-coding streaming, are you getting the stream.m3u file when you click on the right TV symbol? I have found VLC quite a pain opening stream without copy/past but windows media player opens it OK, although after a delay.