View Full Version : Got my Solo2.....what next?

06-08-2013, 08:03 PM
Solo2 arrived today....have spent most of the day messing with it.

At the moment a direct replacement for a Sly HD+ Box (am hoping to move to motorised in the future - can I do this just by adding a £40 motor?).

Therefore fixed at 28.2E.

Set it up using the dummies guide.

Installed Blackhole and Vix.......and prefer Vix so have stuck with that.

Have FTP'd the Catseyes Astra 28.2 channel list with Dreambox Edit.

Have got CrossEpg on a USB stick in the back.

Can stream from my Nas.

Now awaiting a 1TB drive to fit in it.

In the meantime is there anything else I can tinker/play with.

Even though its fixed at 28.2E......can I pickup anything else? (both tuners are set at 28.2 at the moment.

Other sats/chan's I can seek out with my current config?

Thanks in advance.

simon 2003
06-08-2013, 08:08 PM
looks like youve nailed most of it mate obviously you wont get any different sats with current config ,yea a motor 40 - 60 quid will motorise it along with the biggest dish that is practical for your location or wallet no point motorising a sky dish IMO ,,,,love mine fantastic little receiver

06-08-2013, 08:22 PM
looks like youve nailed most of it mate obviously you wont get any different sats with current config ,yea a motor 40 - 60 quid will motorise it along with the biggest dish that is practical for your location or wallet no point motorising a sky dish IMO fantastic little receiver


Will I pickup absolutely nothing else at all with my current setup?

Don't want to go too big with the dish as it's on the front of the house.

Any you could recommend, with motor (a link would be great).


06-08-2013, 08:35 PM
Any you could recommend, with motor (a link would be great).

For motors try the link below, I have the one on the left:


06-08-2013, 09:29 PM
Any you could recommend, with motor (a link would be great).

For motors try the link below, I have the one on the left:



As an interim solution could I connect this to the existing sly dish?

If so would I open up enough to justify it?

Also, how do they connect......I notice it has 2 lnb connectors on it.

06-08-2013, 10:00 PM
a DISEqC switch allows 4 LNbs to be connected (if its a 4 way switch)
Any of the 4 can be a motor
Set up the switch from the tuner menu

06-08-2013, 10:12 PM
a DISEqC switch allows 4 LNbs to be connected (if its a 4 way switch)
Any of the 4 can be a motor
Set up the switch from the tuner menu

Is the switch the same as the motor?

I thought you could just buy a motor that sits between the bracket and the dish....plug it in......set up via the box and away you go?

06-08-2013, 10:22 PM
Is the switch the same as the motor?

I thought you could just buy a motor that sits between the bracket and the dish....plug it in......set up via the box and away you go?

switches are used with fixed dishes and fixed lnb,s

the motor goes on a suitable strong mounting bracket or scaffold pole and you need a newer , bigger dish suitable for the motor as well (and lnb)

so 80cm to 110cm dish , motor , lnb , T-K brackets and pole, plenty of info on dishes and motors in the dishes and lnb forums, with pictures too

leave your sly fixed dish alone, its doing its proper job and that all its really good for

06-08-2013, 10:36 PM
miffy take your time, where are you roughly, what sats would you like to get and why? have you cancelled your sky sub? a sky dish is not very good and its tricky to fit a motor. A lot of the stuff on satellites only become clear after a lot of reading. There are 2 ways to get multi sats, a motor that will move to each sat in turn and using MULTI LNBS this means having an arm on the dish that will take a number of lnbs, so say you have 6 lnbs then you will have 6 cables but most sat receivers will only have one lnb input so you have to use a diseq switch, when you select say 28east the box sends a voltage to the dish via the diseq switch and connects to that sat.

The 2 lnb connectors on the motor are for one lnb lead. What happens is a short sat cable goes from the lnb to the motor, marked lnb. a longer cable goes from motor to receiver. when you select a sat on your receiver it will send the signal and the power to move the motor to the required sat. The lnb signal is fed through the motor down to receiver.

the dark motor is good and a black ultra lnb, coupled with an 88cm triax dish can get a lot of stuff. use google and u tube

here are a few examples about multi lnb's

06-08-2013, 11:02 PM
Wow....lots to think about.

Sky cancellation is pending, we were only watching/recording progs from the 'free' channels (BBC HD, ITV HD ETC) so it was a waste of money.

Could have simply gone for a Freesat PVR but wanted to get into the world of multisat so bought the VU+ Solo2 (as mentioned in first post - It has 2 LNB inputs).

What do I want to watch? - Just wanted to see what was out there instead of staying on 'home soil' - so am I running before i can walk.

Just want to dabble at first so want to spend as little as poss (seeing as i've blown most of the budget on a box/drive).

Also don't really want loads of dishes/LNB's hanging off the side of the house if I can help it.

What would you recommend to get me started (cheapest/next cheapest option)?

06-08-2013, 11:18 PM
and where are you?

07-08-2013, 12:21 AM
and where are you?

Sorry...............North West UK.

07-08-2013, 07:52 AM
The solo2 is a great machine, im sure you'll enjoy it.
Apart from satellites it'll do ondemand (just BBC IPlayer and Itv at the moment).

Also recommend you install 1channel - it's practically all we watch these days...

07-08-2013, 08:48 AM
Wow....lots to think about.

What do I want to watch? - Just wanted to see what was out there instead of staying on 'home soil' - so am I running before i can walk.

Just want to dabble at first so want to spend as little as poss (seeing as i've blown most of the budget on a box/drive).

Also don't really want loads of dishes/LNB's hanging off the side of the house if I can help it.

What would you recommend to get me started (cheapest/next cheapest option)?

already answered in posts #4 and #8 and #9 !!

please read the answers if asking questions , thank you

07-08-2013, 01:50 PM
already answered in posts #4 and #8 and #9 !!

please read the answers if asking questions , thank you


07-08-2013, 02:05 PM
with your solo2 its ideal if you fit your internal hdd, and ftp films and music to it , you can also add a nas if you have one and stream over your network, or stream shared folders and files from your pc or laptop to the solo2

you can install plugins like icefilms, 1channel and various other streamers like the catch up tv players for 4od, iplayer and itv player, weather plugins , youtube, crossepg for tv guides , etc etc

you can add emus like cccam or mgcamd or oscam and use softcams on other satellites, and/or add a c line or n line in your emulators (emus) and view from various satellites subject to what you are allowed to watch

so a wall or ground mounted 80cm to 110cm dish - with lnb like the inverto ultra black lnb , brackets , darkmotor etc will allow you to use one tuner on a motor and the other on your existing sly dish

there are other possibilities but I have outlined the main features above

what you buy is up to you

07-08-2013, 04:05 PM
Thanks for all the advice/info.

I've already got it streaming from my NAS & my internal HD is arriving later this week.

Have also played around with various images (Vix, BH) & have started to customise & add plugins etc (1channel, ondemand etc).

From what i'm picking up from your, and others, comments is to leave the sly dish as it is....connecting this to 1 lnb input on the VU and then getting a motorised dish (with just the 1 lnb) on the other LNB input - does that sound about right?

Whilst I have you can I ask a question about the 'TSmedia' plugin?

I notice there are lots of IPTV feeds, along with webcams, streaming movies etc from a variety of countries and in many languages.

Some of these I have been able to view (webcams, movies) but others (the TV feeds) I haven't.

1) Should I be able to?

2) If so do I need to set something up to view them (ie some kind of setting that i've missed somewhere?)

Thanks again for the help.

08-08-2013, 08:48 PM

Where can I find the afore mentioned plugins?? 1channel and various other streamers like the catch up tv players for 4od, iplayer and itv player


08-08-2013, 09:14 PM

Where can I find the afore mentioned plugins?? 1channel and various other streamers like the catch up tv players for 4od, iplayer and itv player


try checking the plugins forum in the vu and dreambox sections for starters

08-08-2013, 10:12 PM
Cheers echelon, thanks for that, I will have a look