View Full Version : Anyone used BISS plugin in Original FW?

07-08-2013, 10:46 AM
Has anybody had any success with using the BISS plugin on Azbox HD?

I have downloaded and installed the plugin, and entered the correct key, but the screen still says scrambled.

Can someone send me instructions on what to do? I found a biss.conf file, and put the key in there too, but still nothing. I am not sure if the key was put in the correct format.

I put it in like this:

2600:000000:0001:00E8:1FFF::xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

But, in the biss plugin, I just used the remote to enter the SID/PMT and Key

I also tried using CCcam and constant.cw - which is the setup I have working fine on my dreambox, but it wont work on AZ.

Any help much appreciated


07-08-2013, 01:53 PM
Long time since I had original FW on the AZBox. I did get BISS working back then using information posted elsewhere.

This is from my notes from way back - if it helps great, if not, sorry that I can't help further.

================================= ===
add this to CCcam.cfg STATIC CW FILE : /EMU/OpenXCAS/keys/constant.cw

extract constant.cw and ftp into /EMU/OpenXCAS/keys
================================= =======

It was working with CCam 2.0.4, but should be ok with any cccam version.

07-08-2013, 02:09 PM
Long time since I had original FW on the AZBox. I did get BISS working back then using information posted elsewhere.

This is from my notes from way back - if it helps great, if not, sorry that I can't help further.

================================= ===
add this to CCcam.cfg STATIC CW FILE : /EMU/OpenXCAS/keys/constant.cw

extract constant.cw and ftp into /EMU/OpenXCAS/keys
================================= =======

It was working with CCam 2.0.4, but should be ok with any cccam version.

Thanks Burnham

Its been a very long time since I last used this box too, but I have had to go back to this FW.

I did have a similar line in my cccam.cfg to yours, except it pointed to /var/keys - as in the Dreambox. That is where I put the constant.cw file.

I will move it to the openxcas folder and see what happens

07-08-2013, 05:56 PM
No, still not working

Maybe I should try mgcamd. But I don't know which format to enter the biss key in. Im not sure where to enter the PIDS

08-08-2013, 10:14 AM
r u sure the openxcas plugin was started mate?

08-08-2013, 10:40 AM
I gave up on cccam and mgcamd - I got the BISS plugin working in the end

No idea why cccam wont work in AZ, its a breeze in the DM

Thanks everyone for your help

08-08-2013, 11:34 AM
so r u on original f/w then? have u managed to get a 4.2.2 hd feed working yet!?
what plugin did u use for BISS

08-08-2013, 12:06 PM
so r u on original f/w then? have u managed to get a 4.2.2 hd feed working yet!?
what plugin did u use for BISS

I used the BISS plugin downloaded from the plugin menu. Very basic, but does the job.

Actually, after all this fannying around with images and official FW, I discovered that the AZ cannot decode HD 4.2.2 at all !! I should have done my homework before embarking on this, lol. Apparently, the CPU cant cope.

08-08-2013, 02:23 PM
it can do DVB S2 4.2.2 but not h.264 or whatever its called.

08-08-2013, 02:35 PM
Yes, that is right. I was confused as I was sure I had open DVB 2 4.2.2 on AZ years back, but I didn't notice that those feeds were not h.264....