View Full Version : How to put igo8 miomap 3 etc on Navigo?

07-08-2013, 11:09 AM

I was wondering whether someone can provide me/direct me to a tutorial explaining how to put some of the other navigation programs on my navigo system (eg igo8 miomap 3 etc). I have already got tomtom working on it.

Many thanks.

07-08-2013, 11:46 AM
I would say there are no tutorials on the subject

but I put the files, menus, links and other stuff required in this sticky thread https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?150383-navigo-menu-files-tools-games-etc

I havent updated mine apart from tom tom since I posted those files 2 years ago, so maps and links are from that date and may no longer be available or work or valid (most sites like pctailor went under years ago so finding any tutorials now will be difficult)

the point about using the menus is to give you a boot screen where you can select different options, like games, or navigation tools like igo8 etc

its a case of playing around with them and altering the notepad text files to suit what you are doing

also bear in mind that the menu used depends on the navigo you own, so v2 menu or v3 menu, and none of them are set for a 4.3 inch screen navigo, just the smaller one

07-08-2013, 01:28 PM
Google `gpsunderground` :)

Used them in the past and found some excellent guides ,software and maps. You will have to register to get access to downloads tho.(quick and free registration)
