View Full Version : new 6000HD - what are the iks channels and how do I input keys ?

dave d
09-08-2013, 07:11 PM
what are the iks channels on the 6000hd and how does it work,,, got the sat set up .set the dish up with motor, install a channel list, and did a scan, got loads of channels but most say no signal , have i got to put in my coordinates into the 6000 before i scan, and if so where , just learning guys so be patient cheers dave .

09-08-2013, 07:25 PM
post 4

No excuse for any member not reading relevant threads for this ( or any other ) box.

Hope this helps.


dave d
09-08-2013, 07:33 PM
i've read nearly all the post on the 6000hd and still dont get it like i said its new to me and still have a lot to learn cheers dave

09-08-2013, 07:40 PM
i've read nearly all the post on the 6000hd and still dont get it like i said its new to me and still have a lot to learn cheers dave

Maybe you should read this thread, it is the setup procedure for the spiderbox 6000HD:


09-08-2013, 07:41 PM

Excellent setup guide from Aldo.

Have you read this also?


09-08-2013, 07:43 PM
@ Aldo



dave d
09-08-2013, 08:01 PM
thats how ive set it up but some of what he says dont match the controls on my box , software :)

09-08-2013, 08:53 PM
thats how ive set it up but some of what he says dont match the controls on my box , software :)

menus change as the firmwares are updated, so any tutorials usually apply to the firmware out at that time, unless the OP updates the tutorials to reflect any changes

09-08-2013, 10:23 PM
thats how ive set it up but some of what he says dont match the controls on my box , software :)

Did you follow these instruction to activate the extended Menu:

To Setup Wired or Wireless go to Menu / Multimedia / Network Settings right scroll to select Wired or Wireless, ok, enter your wireless Password then go to the floppy disc icon in the same text window to save.
To get extended Menu options goto Menu / Others and press 1111, this will give you 3 extra options at the bottom of the list.
Go to ‘Network’, scroll down to IKS and press register OK, will then show Connection Status as Connected and expiry date.

09-08-2013, 10:44 PM
menus change as the firmwares are updated, so any tutorials usually apply to the firmware out at that time, unless the OP updates the tutorials to reflect any changes

I have just checked jbvid's setup procedure on the spiderbox forum and there have be no further additions to the procedure in the link posted on this forum, and his final words were:

" I will update and add to the guide as necessary as I find my way around. "

09-08-2013, 11:46 PM
You can download the excellent ch list that Blackdevil made to see what is working channel wise from Here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?162088-Spiderbox-HD6000-motor-channel-list&p=882122&viewfull=1#post882122). Keep it like that or customise by moving channels between list etc , . As for the software it is a new box so welcome to the club, we all learn as the software is being developed.Basic setup was posted as per previous posts, anything new is new to all of us.

dave d
09-08-2013, 11:47 PM
Did you follow these instruction to activate the extended Menu:

To Setup Wired or Wireless go to Menu / Multimedia / Network Settings right scroll to select Wired or Wireless, ok, enter your wireless Password then go to the floppy disc icon in the same text window to save.
To get extended Menu options goto Menu / Others and press 1111, this will give you 3 extra options at the bottom of the list.
Go to ‘Network’, scroll down to IKS and press register OK, will then show Connection Status as Connected and expiry date.
yes i got that bit it connected automatically wired, it said ok and expiry date 2014 still dont get the channels unscrambled :)

10-08-2013, 12:07 AM
have i got to put in my coordinates into the 6000 before i scan, and if so where , just learning guys so be patient cheers dave .

Try the info here:

Satellite Setup

Go to Menu / Sat Settings, scroll down the left hand list and click OK to select all the Sats you want to scan, this will give them a tick.
Right arrow across, scroll down to Motor, right arrow to select ‘Diseq/Usals’, OK, Scroll down to Mode, select Drive to Satellite, scroll down to Set Location, OK, Scroll down Set Long then Lat then save, scroll to Go ‘Save Data and run’ thats it.

Now to scan, Goto Menu / Automatic Sat Scan scroll down to ‘Scan select’ and change to ‘All Sat’, thats it, go get a coffee while it scans.

10-08-2013, 07:38 AM
yes i got that bit it connected automatically wired, it said ok and expiry date 2014 still dont get the channels unscrambled :)

1) test the patch + softcam is working by testing nova sport and diema on 39e are open using ucas

2) then check some of the iks channels on 7e or 13e or 19e or 30w or maybe 16e to test your iks system

a list was posted here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?161901-iks-channels in post #4 a few months ago, so should still be of help

bear in mind its not up to date so some channels like many jsc on 13e have disappeared

dave d
13-08-2013, 11:50 PM
well its completely done my head in , bought a new dish and installed, everything bang on ,pointing true south , right angle , ,reset the box, installed latest patch. installed a channel list , it wont find any sats , on auto. so i connected my sat meter , did a sweep manually on the motor . and is picking all the sats up as it sweeps with strong signals
.so i set the dish point at astra freeview ,did a manual scan and it picks up all the channels at 90% ,perfect, but thats it ,,it wont find the other sats on auto scan . the motor swings goes to positions then for the sats picks up signals but no channels . i'm stuck help

14-08-2013, 12:16 AM
Did you follow the procedure as in post #13. ???

dave d
14-08-2013, 12:21 AM
yes done that , im baffled

14-08-2013, 12:27 AM
Don't jump too many hurdles at once ! get one sat working then branch out to get the whole Clarke belt.

get astra 1 or hot bird going, then you can add the other sats, the learning curve is is too steep when you try to do everything at once.

dave d
14-08-2013, 12:31 AM
can i manually set all the sats one by one and save the data and will my motor remember the locations

14-08-2013, 12:40 AM
Have you checked your latitude, and longitude, on dishpointer.com?
When your longitude is negative it equates to West, positive equates top East, so a longitude of -1.457 = 1.46 West, rounded up, this also provides your true south position.
You said you installed a channel list, did ou check your motor settingsa after doing so?
Are you using Usals or Diseqc 1.2?
How did you set your dish up?
Did you have the motor set to 0 then enter your latitude, and longitude, moved the motor to the satellite, you chose to set up on, and then manually aligned the dish?
You state you get Astra 28.2E at 90%, is this your quality reading? You should get most channels at 98% quality, the maximum, depending on your dish size and general location. I haven't noticed you mention your dish size, general location, or if this is a new installation or just a change of receiver.
Can you please post more information.

You can using Diseqc, I posted the rest before reading your last post.

dave d
14-08-2013, 01:06 AM
the dish is 80cm with a smart titanium universal lbn getting 90% signal and 80% quality on astra 28.2 motor setting Diseqc 1.2?
im 53 n and -2 west ,its a new installation, i set the dish to 0 at true south, set the elevation on the dish, then i started the dish by hand up the ladder untill i got the first strong signal. then altered the elevation for strongest signal, then did a full sweep and noted the signals as it passed the sats all good its following the curve OK then reset back to 0 ,then reset box patched new software added channel list put in my long lat, then tried some channels dish moves to sats no channels , so moved dish to astra 1 with motor by hand up ladder , checked signal ok. did manual scan of astra found all channels and all working ok apart from scrambled sky

14-08-2013, 02:40 AM
can i manually set all the sats one by one and save the data and will my motor remember the locations

You may well the dish setup done correctly, but have you programmed the receiver to move to all the Sats that you can receive/or want to receive, and if so follow the procedure below to the letter:

Satellite Setup

Go to Menu / Sat Settings, scroll down the left hand list and click OK to select all the Sats you want to scan, this will give them a tick.
Right arrow across, scroll down to Motor, right arrow to select ‘Diseq/Usals’, OK, Scroll down to Mode, select Drive to Satellite, scroll down to Set Location, OK, Scroll down Set Long then Lat then save, scroll to Go ‘Save Data and run’ thats it.

Now to scan, Goto Menu / Automatic Sat Scan scroll down to ‘Scan select’ and change to ‘All Sat’, thats it, go get a coffee while it scans.

Once you completed the above procedure your dish should be able to scan all of the Sats you have indicated.

14-08-2013, 08:37 AM
Astra 1 is 19.2E, and mostly German FTA channels, Astra 2 is 28.2E, for freesat, and the English FTA channels.

Can you please confirm which satellite you have selected in your Spiderbox list.

Personally I would send the motor back to 0, do a factory reset, on your receiver, enter your latitude, and longitude, move the dish to 0.8W, and then by hand locate 0.8W.
Do you know which satellite you aligned to, when you first moved the dish? You need to do it to your nearest true south satellite, if not using the Usals option, which in your case is 1W, if you aligned to a different satellite this explains your problems.

14-08-2013, 08:45 AM
as mentioned above in previous posts, sly uk is on astra 2 not astra 1 (astra 2 is 28.2e, astra 1 is at 19e)
if you did pick up sly on astra 1 its sly deutschland (sly germany) not sly uk

the fta channels on 28e are freesat, not freeview
(freeview comes through your house aerial and is the uk digital terrestrial channels which your spiderbox cannot tune in)

if using diseqc v1.2 you have to find and store each satellite manually, whereas if using usals you set your location to 2.0w and 53.0n and usals will find all your satellite positions for you using your gps location as your home base (because you put in your latitude and longitude)

thor should be 1 degree east of your location, and is your nearest true south satellite

dave d
14-08-2013, 11:06 AM
sorry guys its tuned to astra 2,,,,,, 28,2e freesat , i'll try a reset and start again , but answer this one question , if i put the channel list in that i got from here doesn't this contain all the info to drive the dish :)

14-08-2013, 11:18 AM
" if i put the channel list in that i got from here doesn't this contain all the info to drive the dish "

No, the list may have been compiled on Diseqc or USAL's and the compilers location, you would still have to use the setup procedure as posted in post#22 with your location and co-ordinates, so please follow the info being given, it would appear that you are trying to run before you can walk.

14-08-2013, 11:19 AM
It might do but the person who supplied it will not live where you are and it will contain their information, latitude, and longitude, which is why it's best to check the settings.

dave d
14-08-2013, 11:24 AM
thanks for the advise guys will keep trying sure to get right sooner or later just a learning curve .:)

14-08-2013, 12:50 PM
it gets you 90% of the way there but its only if their home location is similar to yours that you can use it "as is"
so if you and they were both in birmingham or cardiff or wherever

if you use another persons list from here (or elsewhere) , set the usals to your location and save it, then check any diseqc settings in simple diseqc to ensure they are on or off as required (usually all off for a motorised setup = none)

then if your motor and dish are setup correctly it should work fine as it knows tour location, knows your motor and dish are correct and so moves the motor to the correct position, as all the channels are tuned in you should hopefully have nothing to do

BUT if you are using diseqc v1.2, you still have to locate and store each satellite yourself, in which case what I do is locate a satellite in usals and ensure the fta channels are ok, switch to diseqc v1.2 and fine tune it until you peak the signal on the same satellite, and store it into the motor

then switch back to usals, find the next satellite, switch back to diseqc v1.2 and repeat, when all the satellites are located and stored, you can use either usals or diseqc v1.2

dave d
15-08-2013, 04:02 PM
right guys finally got it working on all sats with the motor , i reset , the box , loaded a channel list , put in my coordinates and sent the dish to thor w1 , no signal , then set the dish up by hand to get thor on my meter , and that was that , finding all sats now , my zero setting at true south was out that was the problem . thanks for all your help guys , at least i.m up and running everything working as it should just got to work out now how to get the channels free i.m getting the ones that come with the box IKS ,just about another thousand or so need sorting :) cheers dave

15-08-2013, 04:59 PM
just got to work out now how to get the channels free
i.m getting the ones that come with the box IKS ,
just about another thousand or so need sorting :)

cheers dave

free channels are the fta ones like bbc and itv (nothing else required)

you also have the ones opened by ucas and softcam (load in the latest 6000 softcam)

then you have the ones opened by biss keys (add as required)

anything else is c or n lines (obtain and add them yourself)

you already have the iks ones for 12 months

bear in mind that some packages cannot be opened for a variety of reasons

dave d
15-08-2013, 05:08 PM
i ll take it one step at a time ,i used to put keys and cams in my old dreambox on ca***le should should be able to sort this but for now just going to let it all sink in for a while thanks again

15-08-2013, 05:12 PM
i ll take it one step at a time ,i used to put keys and cams in my old dreambox on ca***le should should be able to sort this but for now just going to let it all sink in for a while thanks again

well you cannot put any cams into the spiderbox but it has cccam and newcamd built in (for c and n lines)

the keys you put in were cas keys (softcam is usually used, but you can input using your remote control), and the biss keys which you input using your remote control

so I would start with fox on biss at 30w, and nova sport and diema with the softcam on 39e

at least that way you have learned both of those and is what you had before, not difficult to do or to learn either

dave d
16-08-2013, 12:53 PM
just got my box set up how do i load the new keys and have i got to change anything else cheers

dave d
16-08-2013, 07:18 PM
do i just update from the file image for the new keys by usb or do you install them another way

16-08-2013, 09:26 PM
do i just update from the file image for the new keys by usb or do you install them another way

By usb stick .
Menu - Software Upgrade - S/W Update - select the key file from right side and press ok .
Wait receiver reboots .

dave d
16-08-2013, 09:51 PM
cheers for the info :) put the new keys all seems ok cheers