View Full Version : Echostar AD3600 caids

11-08-2013, 05:47 PM
Hi, can anyone advise how many caids the 3600 can handle? I have a feeling it is about twelve, but most files for the dragon cam come with sixteen which causes problems.
Also which caids can I delete and which tool would be best for doing this. ( I have checked but cant find the post I remember seeing regarding this problem).



11-08-2013, 06:09 PM
i think it was called a pred maker 1.5
and if i remember correct for echostar
boxes it had to be less than 16

11-08-2013, 06:21 PM
Thanks Clipper, for some reason I have twelve in the back of my mind but I guess one of the file guys will know.

28-09-2013, 09:45 PM
hope im not breaking any rules but here goes, I have an old echostar 3000ad rec and no manual is it possible to add a satellite.
I have several sats in my select a sat list but not the one I need eutelsat 3c at 3-1e and I have no idea how to add it any help guide how to do this would be appreciated.
thanks in anticipation

28-09-2013, 11:41 PM
There are guides/manuals available somewhere, as well as the old firmware upgrades, from Echostar.
I can add satellites on my 3600 but the 3000 had a different menu structure, to the 3600.
I seem to remember some old guides, for the Echostar 3000, which might still be available, on the forum.

29-09-2013, 04:59 PM
any idea where on the forum??

29-09-2013, 06:55 PM
They might have been deleted, or archived, as the forum has evolved, over the years.
Can you please go into your Echostar menu and check which firmware version you are running.
tr8 did upload some old firmware updates:
The newer firmware, brought out for the Echostar 3600, was never adapted to run on the 3000 model, so the two receivers are completely different. I do have two big manuals, for the 3600, but I seem to recall that the 3000 menu is so different that they will be of little use.

It might be easier to select a satellite, you don't use, then try renaming it, and then position it at 3E.

30-09-2013, 02:07 PM
User manual attached