View Full Version : Could do with a LCD4Linux how to Guide!

12-08-2013, 11:22 AM
Like the title says, we could do with a how to guide. Like how to show the channel logo's on the screen, how to FTP other peoples or our own creations to the LCD4Linux. Etc
If anyone feels confident enough to make a guide it would be great for beginners.

12-08-2013, 12:43 PM
Would it also be possible to say how to turn the LCD display screen off i.e black!

02-09-2013, 04:26 PM
Like the title says, we could do with a how to guide. Like how to show the channel logo's on the screen, how to FTP other peoples or our own creations to the LCD4Linux. Etc
If anyone feels confident enough to make a guide it would be great for beginners.

Yes such a guide will be very very useful

02-09-2013, 04:42 PM
Sorry but how can you write a guide on how to use a plugin that has soooooo many user customisable options ?

Everyone has different ideas of how it should look and what info they want displayed.

So i'm afraid to say, you just have to play with it, it's called trial and error.

You can't break anything so just spend some time with it and have fun.