View Full Version : CCcam 2.14 for Solo2

14-08-2013, 10:47 AM

I have just purchased a Solo2 and I installed a CCcam 2.14 via TSpanel but somehow my cardsharing does not work. I also tried CCcam 2.30 but this did not work either.

My Linux version is 3.3.8-2.0 and the image is "Experimental 2013-08-13"

Anyone who can help please?

Thank you,


14-08-2013, 12:15 PM
1st i would introduce yourself here**** https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?431-Introduce-Yourself

Then supply some more information and you may get some help


14-08-2013, 12:58 PM
not sure if you have to patch it first using a proper image like vix or bh or vti

there are cccam installer files on here for your box that do work , try reading the "dummies guide" at the top of the forum

also bear in mind you have to copy and paste your working c line into cccam.cfg (in var/etc) and restart E2 too

14-08-2013, 02:13 PM
Hi Echelon,

First, thanks for the quick reply. It is greatly appreciated.

I am new to satellite receivers but somehow I managed to configure my VU+ Uno (my first receiver) successfully using CCcam.

The procedure I used and for the benefit of other guys who are new to CCcam, this is as follows;

1. I used WinSCP (obtained from the net) to transfer the file TSpanel "enigma2-plugin-extensions-tspanel_6.4_mipsel.ipk" to /tmp

2. I then executed the file by accessing the box using telnet.
The command I used was "opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-tspanel_6.4_mipsel.ipk". The box was the restarted.

3. From the TSpanel (TSpanel 7.2 after the upgrade) I access Softcam and using the install(Blue button) I downloaded and installed CCcam2.1.4.

4. CCcam 2.1.4 is shown as green and I can therefore assume that it is installed correctly.

5. Using my WinSCP I also transferred my working C lines (three of them) into /etc and restarted the system.

6. However, by reviewing all the above I noted that my CCcam.cfg was named as CCcam25-02-13.cfg (the date I bought the C lines) and not as pure CCcam.cfg and once I changed the name I can now view all channels without any further problems.

Echlon, once more, I like to thank you for offering your help. This is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,


PS: If anyone needs any clarification on the above, do let me know but I can assure you that it works.

14-08-2013, 07:30 PM
hi i am glad you got it all sorted but you need to clarify a bit, what is experimental image ? how do you find linux version? why use winscp and what is it? why telnet?

when i read the dummies guide it was a lot simpler!!!! where did you see that experimental image? and why choose it for first install? did you go back and try to see if 2.3.0 was working as well?


14-08-2013, 07:36 PM
I believe they are shipped with the experimental image on them

and we cannot allow members to disclose where they buy satellite equipment unless it is from our sponsor goldwafers

I suggest you edit your last post accordingly

thank you

I have never used winscp and rarely use telnet, but if you have to do some of those topics then VuCC will allow you to ftp and telnet

DCC will also allow you to ftp and telnet

I use flash fxp for ftp duties, but you can choose any ftp program including fireftp, filezilla , cute ftp , flash fxp , putty and probably another dozen or more

use dreamboxedit or dreamset or Vucc for the channel lists

when I got my duo I set it up with vix, but swapped to BH instead. I set my lads solo2 up with BH too, although both images are now out of date but running fine. images are the preference of the owners, and every owner will tell you something different as regards which image to use, or which emu, or which channel list

14-08-2013, 10:08 PM
Hi gbmitie,

I give you all the answers to your questions tomorrow.



15-08-2013, 11:18 AM
Hi gbmitie.

Here are the answers to your questions.

1. All images supplied by VU+ are called "experimental" but I would not worry too much about the name. All we are interested is that the latest image is download from their URL. The version I have currently installed is Aug 9 2013-vuplus_experimental. This can be found from the main menu, information and About.

2. In order to find the Linux Version, you need to install TSPanel as per my previous instructions. Thus, once the TSPanel is installed, you can obtain lots of information from your box and one of this is the Linux version.

My current TSpanel version is 7.2 and when I select the General_infos I can see additional information, one of which is the Linux version.
My current Linux version on my new Solo2 is 3.3.8-2.0.

3. WinSCP (Windows Secure CoPy) is a free and open-source SFTP, SCP and FTP client for Microsoft Windows. Its main function is secure file transfer between a local and a remote computer (or a satellite receiver). In order to access a Linux OS, all you need to do is to enter the IP address of the satellite receiver, select FTP and enter the User Name (mine is root) and password (admin). Root and admin are normally standard when accessing a Linux or Unix Operating Systems.

4. You need to use telnet to access the satellite box in order to give it a Linux command (use root/admin). Typical command is a "opkg install ......." if for example you want to install TSpanel (See full command at the top of the Thread).

5. Initially I used CCcam 2.1.4 on my Solo2 because I know from past experience that it works and when I managed to receive all channels without problems I moved to 2.3.0 which it also works well. Thus, I can confirm that my Solo2 is running CCcam 2.3.0 without any issues.

Hope the above helps.

