View Full Version : Editing the vfd screen - need help

17-08-2013, 11:13 AM
Hi fellow duo 2 owners, I have just got round to setting up my duo 2 (excellent bit of kit by the way) and have got everything working great. The only probelm I am having is modding the vfd screen - I have used LCD4linux for modding the lcd screen - is there a program for doing the vfd screen or do I need to manually edit the skin? I am using the newest black hole image.


17-08-2013, 11:53 AM
Have to edit it manually, same as on the Ultimo i'm afraid.

17-08-2013, 12:40 PM
Ok thanks, I guess I'll have to look at skin editing again then - doh! now to find where in the skin to edit - bah there goes another day off my life - gone.


17-08-2013, 01:56 PM
the file is in /etc/enigma2

In the Bh image it's called skin_user.xml but might be named something different in other images.

18-08-2013, 05:13 PM
OK now that I have completed testing my box and modding it I think I'll make a plugin for switching between lcd and vfd configs - if anyone is interested in this and you have your own lcd and vfd configs that you'd like me to add to the plugin just post them in here and I'll add them. It should be very easy to make as I'll just make a plugin to run scripts to copy the configs from a certain location to /etc/enigma2/

If you don't want to share - no problem as I'll just make my own configs and you can use them instead if you want.