View Full Version : Small plugin to change VFD/LCD config files easily

19-08-2013, 11:46 AM
Here you go guys, here is a small plugin I made so you can swap out your LCD and VFD config files easily - This plugin also has an option to delete itself if you don't want to use it anymore.

How it works - I have included 3 different lcd and vfd config files - you can swap between these or replace them to your own modded screens. If you look in the config3 folder at the skin_user.xml file - you'll see I have kind of highlighted what each bit of the skin does, this should aid you on making your own mods easier.

ftp the file to your receivers tmp dir and telnet in with the following command to install -

tar -xzvf /tmp/configswitch.tar.gz

Either that or you can do a manual install. Laters, Mrdude

NOTE: This is only for the DUO2 - tested on the blackhole 2.05 image.

19-08-2013, 06:26 PM
Nice concept but sad to report that it does not work on VTI and causes a green screen loop. :(

19-08-2013, 07:52 PM
Nice concept but sad to report that it does not work on VTI and causes a green screen loop. :(

It was made for the blackhole image - it will work on yours though as all you need to do is change the skin_user.xml files in the config folders. All this plugin does is take those files stored in the config folders and copy them to the etc/enigma2 folder - then it restarts enigma so that the skin reloads.

20-08-2013, 03:58 PM
Thanks Mr. Dude. I have since loaded BH up and got the same error but have a feeling I have been messing around too much and may have replaced some of the dependencies for the LCD plugin. So I am about to reflash and try again from scratch. Will post on progress but wonder if there would be anyway of building in a preview to the plugin?

Update: Got it working nicely on BH now. :)

20-08-2013, 10:55 PM
Will post on progress but wonder if there would be anyway of building in a preview to the plugin?

To be honest m8 - yes of course it would be possible to do that - however I just don't have the time just now to do that due to work/decorating etc. I am trying to do my house up just now so I can sell it and buy a new one - if I get some time though or get bored decorating I'll give it a bash m8. In the meantime you could probably try messing around with the configs to see if you can improve anything.

26-08-2013, 08:50 PM
Do you mind if I share the plugin on BH board ?

27-08-2013, 01:57 AM
No m8 - crack on.

12-04-2014, 11:35 AM
Installed it but where do I find the application in VIX zeus pls ?