View Full Version : Problems with back up image!

24-08-2013, 01:51 AM
Anyone having problems with back up images not installing! front screen shows booting 99. I should mention i have tried a few Vix images and they all seem to fail.
EG: Blue button - Vix - Image manager - Green button, new backup to make an image. To install a backed up image its EG: Blue button - Vix - Image manager - Blue button to install. I have switched the box off via the rear switch while its stuck on booting 99, but it makes no difference, it just loops booting 99.

24-08-2013, 09:23 AM
Anyone having problems with back up images not installing! front screen shows booting 99. I should mention i have tried a few Vix images and they all seem to fail.
EG: Blue button - Vix - Image manager - Green button, new backup to make an image. To install a backed up image its EG: Blue button - Vix - Image manager - Blue button to install. I have switched the box off via the rear switch while its stuck on booting 99, but it makes no difference, it just loops booting 99.

not mentioned here ;)


and not mentioned here either ;)


but you may see the reason for the mrdude sticky thread plugin now

24-08-2013, 11:02 AM
I gave up with backups of images from the the Team mentioned in post one. Could not get them to restore at all. Image sucks anyway. Too restrictive and thus virtually impossible to customise to ones personal taste. A bit like Adolf's & Cr@pple's attempt to dominate the whole world.

24-08-2013, 11:09 AM
I have already tried Mrdudes plugin, it wont work with a Vix image. Says something like no usb media inserted. I have tried it with 4 usb sticks, all different sizes and get the same result every time. sorry for the post it was late.

24-08-2013, 11:17 AM
I have already tried Mrdudes plugin, i wont work with a Vix image. Says something like no usb media inserted. I have tried it with 4 usb sticks, all different sizes and get the same result every time. sorry for the post it was late.

maybe time to give the latest "black hole image " a try ,,,,,,seem to be sorted on there images.

24-08-2013, 11:28 AM
Well the only reason i use Vix is it has Auto Bouquets built in.

25-08-2013, 04:20 PM
Well the only reason i use Vix is it has Auto Bouquets built in.

You can install that plugin on the blackhole image as well m8 - I have tried and tested it and it works fine.

25-08-2013, 05:25 PM
You can install that plugin on the blackhole image as well m8 - I have tried and tested it and it works fine.

Can confirm that also which makes an even stronger case for using BH. :)

26-08-2013, 01:00 PM
I have seen a work around for using auto bouquets with blackhole on another site. Cant seem to find an actual plugin.