View Full Version : ku and cband

26-08-2013, 04:44 PM
hi i have a prime focus dish i can get from 42 east to 70 west ivgo a 0.3 invercom un at the moment im thinking of geting a ku and cband switching 22 mz for my spider box what can i get on cband with this set up i live in west yorkshire

26-08-2013, 05:25 PM
hi i have a prime focus dish i can get from 42 east to 70 west ivgo a 0.3 invercom un at the moment im thinking of geting a ku and cband switching 22 mz for my spider box what can i get on cband with this set up i live in west yorkshireagain it depends on size the min size would be 1.8M for good selection of sats but even bigger would be better the c band lnbs have also improved over the years i am now using an extended 3.4-4.2 11K max c band lnb

26-08-2013, 05:59 PM
its a unicorn cord dish witch i bought years a go the reseption is great would u try a coroter ku and cband togeather volt switching what is the lowesr u can ie k for c band 11 like u sed what is ur advise please

26-08-2013, 06:49 PM
11 K is quite good for c band lnb as for the corator2 this should work ok on your dish i swap over from c to ku when needed don't use any switches

26-08-2013, 07:10 PM
what shoul i be ablr to get on c band then

26-08-2013, 08:16 PM
depends on dish size and location but with 1.8M dish quite a bit 1w telecoms 5 and 8w 37w to name a few but there will be different beams some can be viewed in the uk some not you should also be able to receive the russian express sats