View Full Version : Triax 1.1m dish instructions wanted

26-08-2013, 08:11 PM
Has anyone got a copy of the installation instructions they could scan and send to me or a link to them online?

I have mislaid my instructions and when I fit a new motor i want to make sure the dish elevation bracket is set correctly.

Its been in use several years now so may be out of alignment.


26-08-2013, 08:25 PM

I have been searching for these instructions for almost two weeks now. I was sure I had them as I never throw anything away unless I have to.

Less than 15 minutes after posting the above, I find it!


26-08-2013, 10:18 PM
found some info on techwatch

TRIAX TD110 1.1m Pole Mount Solid Dish - High quality design - LNB holder with clip-on bracket (40mm and 25mm diameter) - Simple installation and adjustment - LNB can be routed through the feedarm - Stable, non-slip mast bracket with U bolts - Polyester powder coat Frequency Range (GHz): 10.7-12.75 Gain (@ 11.7GHz): 40.2dBi G/T (NF LNB 0.7dB): 20.6dB/K Offset Angle: 26 degrees Elevation Range: 10 degrees-50 degrees, 45 degrees-80 degrees Beamwidth: 1.8 degrees Windload (@ 42m/s): 1222N Mast Dimensions (mm): 32-50 diameter Dimensions (cm): 100x105

27-08-2013, 06:50 AM
Having read the instructions I am none the wiser.
Also having seen the pdf's posted by Echelon I am none the wiser.

What should I set the elevation for the dish to for use with a motorised set up?

I want to make sure it is correct when I install a new motor.

It was many years ago when I originally installed the dish, so it may be slightly out of alignment.

I am aware that the sliding bracket has a scale on it for setting the correct elivation.

It is a heavy dish so it would be easier to do this on the ground before I take it up the ladder.


27-08-2013, 09:26 AM
Depends on which motor Stab Technomate 23-24 Dark Motor 27-28 approx

27-08-2013, 09:34 AM
as above, my darkmotor booklet tells you the dish setting in its table on page 8, which varies according to latitude

so my triax dish was initially set to the value in the darkmotor booklet and then slightly adjusted to give the best arc (ignoring any triax info completely)

27-08-2013, 12:33 PM
It will be a dark motor.

27-08-2013, 12:40 PM
It will be a dark motor.

in that case the details are in the darkmotor booklet, but I have also uploaded the pdf`s onto the forum today too, so you can check them

but it will be something similar to what satpaul mentioned anyway , generally between 25 and 30 , probably around 27.5 to 28 for you

27-08-2013, 12:43 PM
OK, Thanks.

All I need now is a nice day when i am off work.


05-09-2013, 09:20 PM
here are the first 3 pages of my triax TD110 paperwork, circa 2001
