View Full Version : 6000 Channel Editor wish list

28-08-2013, 10:06 AM
Hi all. After just getting a new 6000hd I've been looking at how it works and have been scanning 39e down to .8e this fills the 6000 channels. Now after thinking about it and playing around with the editor ? I've thought, It would be really good if we could open two editors and just select a channel and move it to the other editor. Can this be made? It would allow single sat scans to be saved and a full sat list/ channel list to be completed on the other editor ? Also it would help making lists after the Tp s are changed from time to time? I think I can go to 15w then buildings get in the way so I would not be able to scan all sat's and it would be good if we could scan, sort and change channels on say one sat and then join all our hard work up to make a finished list? ps thanks for even looking and thinking of what I'm saying.

30-08-2013, 10:17 AM
On the editor in the box itself? I think this is the best I have seen yet! You can sort out all your favourites just by highlighting the fav number on each sat. But my wish on this side of things would be, after setting up favourites and all saved, watching lets say fav 3 ? can we get a way to go straight to fav 7 instead of having to press the fav button 4 times? I usually set fav up by sat's so if I was on 26e say fav 3 and wanted to go to 28e say fav 2 I would have to press the fav button about 8 time in order to get on fav 2 ? meanwhile my dish will be acting more like a radar heading west then back up to 28e? I would imagine that the memory for this box would be limited to the amount of updates / patches so I can work with fav list's being called 1 to 8 But wonder if an update could be made to be able to select a fav direct? (press fav button then press number?) ps If this can already dun and I have mist something then sorry for post. thanks for looking and thinking about it........