View Full Version : Weird connection problem

30-08-2013, 12:08 AM
Need help. After yesterday morning no client can connect to my server. I made no changes to setup, it just stopped to work.
So I checked router settings, port forwarding, DNS settings, and everything is OK. Except my external (public) IP adress. Router shows one adress, but whatismyipaddress shows another.
So I called my ISP and they said that the one from my router is correct one. And when I tried to ping both adresses, the one from router was OK, and the other one timed out. Bit when I did IP lookup, it was the other way around - adress from router showed nothing, and the other one showed the correct data from my ISP.
When I started CCcam in debug mode I saw that there was no attempt to connect from my piers, and that they see me connect using the other adress.
So I tried with my old enigma1 receiver, and it was the same. Then I tried with another router - still the same.
I'm out of ideas.

07-09-2013, 07:38 PM
Hi. Try using Static IP Address. In network adapter settings. use interface=yes : use dhcp=no and save . IP address should not change . Now assign a static IPaddress between 1 and 256 and same IP to router eg. 132. Good luck