View Full Version : channel editor 6000 how to use and set up

05-09-2013, 10:36 AM
hi guys can anyone please tell me how to go about setting up the channel editor as have never use before thanks

05-09-2013, 11:03 AM
already been asked here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?163134-spiderbox-chanel-edit

05-09-2013, 01:50 PM
how do i add ssu have loaded the usb from spider but cant see anythin in pc where is the ssu thanks

05-09-2013, 02:04 PM
all sorted guys thanks

08-09-2013, 08:37 AM
could tell me how u did this please im having the same problem

08-09-2013, 10:57 AM
could tell me how u did this please im having the same problem

Please read this thread that you also started. post#14 gave you the answer to your query:


08-09-2013, 11:18 AM
I am not convinced that ANY MEMBER whose membership name ends in "123" actually reads all the other threads before posting, nor am I convinced that they read any of the replies in their own threads either ;)

08-09-2013, 12:47 PM
hi iv got it sorted im trying to use the serch engin in the 600 edit for chanels when i put canel digital in it it brings al the chanels up is the way of doing this please ie serch i put canel digitial in to the serch engin it brings every thing up on 1 west help please

08-09-2013, 01:22 PM
I'm very new to this box and all it's workings and with all the useful info on this site, I can use it and keep this at the back of my mined. It has been said somewhere that channel lists are made by people in there own country's and with different set ups so In the end of the day ( after you get a feel for the box) start scanning the sat's you would like, delete, save to Favourite and move the channels to suit yourself? The on-board editor is really good for sorting out all your adjustments and if you are in delete mode you can select the channel before you delete it. so in that sense you are better using the on-board editor and not the 6000 editor for the pc ? until you know what you can get and what you like? If you are after 1W then scan it and sort it the way you want it?

08-09-2013, 02:02 PM
Exactly ;) Been saying that from the day one. The onboard editor is really good. (not as good as technomates yet, but still excellent) But so is the PC editor, just to keep everything `fresh` ;) When I first set-up my box I chose to go the hard way and instead of downloading someone elses list I went through each and every sat and channel I can receive here (8 sats on 3 dishes in total thanks to Echelons help) to see what is working , set-up my favourites, and now with the introduction of the proper editor its a doodle to do a little tweaks, when the channel changes anything all I do is rewrite the details in the Editor on PC, and all the list remain the way I like them, without any moving channels removing obsolete ones etc.

08-09-2013, 03:53 PM
i agree with u both but its laging the other spider boxs ie 9000 7000 99000 etc come on u guys ie spiderbox team

08-09-2013, 04:20 PM
C`mon Simon, get a grip. Comparing to the previous spiders you spent half the money on it, yet you expect all the fireworks. SB6000 is being developed as we speak with major things that were on the original 7000-9000-9900 already there and the remaining few, promised to be added soon. If you can`t wait just get yourself a VU or the like , spend a small fortune, but dont expect it to be as easy to use as the 6000 is. And please open just one thread and ask ALL your questions there. If you are not happy with your BOx I would gladly buy it of you (reasonable price ofcourse) and give it to my in-laws (looking for another stb)

08-09-2013, 04:43 PM
the spiderbox 7000 and 9000 and 9900 had years of development to get them as good as they are, dont expect the same thing on a 6000 in just a few months !

any developments are a bonus, not a right !

08-09-2013, 07:56 PM
I am not convinced that ANY MEMBER whose membership name ends in "123" actually reads all the other threads before posting, nor am I convinced that they read any of the replies in their own threads either ;)
I'm not even convinced that they are different individuals. lol

08-09-2013, 09:03 PM
Well, my nick ends with a `1`:respect-061: :respect-061: The first one on this forum didn`t tho. Forgot the login like an idiot ;)
Edit: It does not end with a 1 now (Thank You Echelon:champion-018::bowing-036:)

08-09-2013, 09:48 PM
i agree with u both but its laging the other spider boxs ie 9000 7000 99000 etc come on u guys ie spiderbox team :nopity: If your up to date with these boxes then the spiderbox 6000 hd should be no problem for you? My old boxes TM 5400 AND TM5600 Did not have the amount that this little box offers so all I can say is;
:respect-067: GREAT JOB SPIDERBOX TEAM :respect-067:

09-09-2013, 02:52 PM
Its simple really, if users are not happy with there equipment and the various set ups you have to read up on and learn, then pay for legit subs to the providers, you will soon realise just how much money you save by following the route we take ! Big deal theres not really a proper EPG, and its not like you have to do the software yourself to make the box run just about all encryptions, I can watch Tv from all round most of the world for a fraction of the cost of a legit sub from any provider ! I had a 9000 sadly the tuner died, so a week ago I got the 6000 from goldwafers £89, ongoing software support, developers still working on improvements, its a no brainer :respect-049: