View Full Version : Help needed , Icecrypt s3550hd no wifi

05-09-2013, 10:17 PM
Hi all,

I had my Icecrypt delivered today with a wifi dongle compatible with the box, when i try to set this up in network settings I am only seeing ethernet as an option, instructions with the box advise to press blue button but nothing happens.

If anyone has used one of these could you please advise how to set up?

Box is running latest firmware.


06-09-2013, 07:15 AM
Put the dongle in the box USB.
Power off the box and reboot. The dongle should be picked up and should appear in internet settings. Toggle right from Ethernet and
wifi should be an option.

06-09-2013, 07:53 AM
Thanks buck401 ,connecting now. Think I may need to Ethernet it though as xcam isn't loading :(