View Full Version : Streaming Over The Internet

09-09-2013, 10:35 PM
Hi Guys

I hope someone can help me. I would like to be able to stream my vu+ duo2 over the internet.

I have just changed my broadband provider, I now have 40 - 45 Mbps download speeds and 2.5 - 3.5 MpsB upload speeds. I think my upload speeds is now fast enough to stream my vu+ duo2 over the internet

I work Saturdays, I have a Google Nexus 7 android tablet which I will be taking to working with me.

The vu+ duo2 now has transcoding, so it should be easier, does anybody have a guide. I am sure others would like to know.

Hope you guys can help, many thanks

10-09-2013, 08:11 AM
Spare a thought for us located in rural areas that only get 450 Kbs upload speed. I have been playing about with bitrates on a duo 2 to see what suits my crap upload speed.
Do you have a fixed IP address ? if not you will have to set up a dyndns or no-ip account to direct to your dynamic IP.
Then you need to open ports 80, 8001-8002 through your router to the Duo 2 local IP.
There is a Vu+ player for android posted on the forum, install that and it will then be a matter of trying different bitrates from your Duo 2 transcoding setup until you find the best one for a good picture without any buffering.
The Duo 2 also allows different frame rates but I haven't found that these make much difference to the bandwidth used. I will be interested to hear how well your setup works.

11-09-2013, 07:51 PM
Spare a thought for us located in rural areas that only get 450 Kbs upload speed. I have been playing about with bitrates on a duo 2 to see what suits my crap upload speed.
Do you have a fixed IP address ? if not you will have to set up a dyndns or no-ip account to direct to your dynamic IP.
Then you need to open ports 80, 8001-8002 through your router to the Duo 2 local IP.
There is a Vu+ player for android posted on the forum, install that and it will then be a matter of trying different bitrates from your Duo 2 transcoding setup until you find the best one for a good picture without any buffering.
The Duo 2 also allows different frame rates but I haven't found that these make much difference to the bandwidth used. I will be interested to hear how well your setup works.

thanks for your answer, my IP address is not fixed, I have virgin boardband, I had for nearly two months, and my IP has not changed,

I am very new to satellite, I need more info if you have a step by step guide.

What is the first thing I need to do???

11-09-2013, 07:59 PM
Spare a thought for us located in rural areas that only get 450 Kbs upload speed. I have been playing about with bitrates on a duo 2 to see what suits my crap upload speed.
Do you have a fixed IP address ? if not you will have to set up a dyndns or no-ip account to direct to your dynamic IP.
Then you need to open ports 80, 8001-8002 through your router to the Duo 2 local IP.
There is a Vu+ player for android posted on the forum, install that and it will then be a matter of trying different bitrates from your Duo 2 transcoding setup until you find the best one for a good picture without any buffering.
The Duo 2 also allows different frame rates but I haven't found that these make much difference to the bandwidth used. I will be interested to hear how well your setup works.

thanks for this crabber but do you know if it will work on a xxz10 phone ? or do i need something to install on my solo2 or phone thanks.

11-09-2013, 10:33 PM
The original thread for the Vu+ player is here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?160643-Vu-Player-for-Android
It is called Vu player for android so I assume it will work on anything running android, I have only tried it on a Galaxy S3.
I think it is that thread that I am grizzling on about the solo2 not being able to change the bit rate from 500 Kbs which is just too fast for my upload, others with decent connections want it faster.
@Fanmail, if your external IP address hardly ever changes then you can forget about getting a dyndns or no-ip account at least for testing.
If you load this player on your tablet you can enter both your local and external IP and test it first over your local network.
You don't necessarily need the VU+ player as streaming will work from the receiver webif on a PC.
Try it and see how it goes, if you have any specific questions I or plenty of others here will help if we can.

11-09-2013, 10:41 PM
The original thread for the Vu+ player is here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?160643-Vu-Player-for-Android
It is called Vu player for android so I assume it will work on anything running android, I have only tried it on a Galaxy S3.
I think it is that thread that I am grizzling on about the solo2 not being able to change the bit rate from 500 Kbs which is just too fast for my upload, others with decent connections want it faster.
@Fanmail, if your external IP address hardly ever changes then you can forget about getting a dyndns or no-ip account at least for testing.
If you load this player on your tablet you can enter both your local and external IP and test it first over your local network.
You don't necessarily need the VU+ player as streaming will work from the receiver webif on a PC.
Try it and see how it goes, if you have any specific questions I or plenty of others here will help if we can.

thanks again for your reply

yes, I can stream channels to my tablet, phone or PC in my home network.

I want to be able to do this over internet, I work Saturdays so miss all the 3pm games, I just got a nexus 7, I have the official vu+ player app

so I need help in streaming over the interenet,

12-09-2013, 08:26 AM
Well if you have got it running on your home network it is quite straightforward to add external access.
In the Vu player settings edit the receiver profile to add your external IP address in the DynDns line, open the ports through your router and it will work.

14-09-2013, 02:25 PM
Thanks crabber for all your help

I tried it today outside my network it worked, HD channels did not work, but I could stream SD channels, there was some stuttering, will changing the Birate and Framerate in the transcoding setting page help reduce the stuttering. Currently they are at

Birate: 2000000
Framerate: 30000

should I reduce theses