View Full Version : samsung hd smart blu ray

11-09-2013, 06:22 AM
i buyaing a new samsong hd smart blue player this weekend whitch samsong one do u guys sugest i buy

11-09-2013, 06:38 AM
One that you can afford? ;)
Depends what you expect from it (what smart services you are after, 3-D or not, recorder or not etc) , and the amount of money you are willing to spend.

11-09-2013, 04:47 PM
im after one that can record hd only and after as menay servises as posible not botherd abaut 3 d

11-09-2013, 04:48 PM
if any could help i would be great ful

Dark Cloud
11-09-2013, 05:03 PM
I have my HDD in the Solo2, but this seems to be what you need,....no idea of price.

11-09-2013, 05:08 PM
how much did u pay mate can u remember

11-09-2013, 05:10 PM
thank u very much so far for the information that u have given me ps how have u got it conected up please could tell me please regards simon

Dark Cloud
11-09-2013, 05:25 PM
Don't have one, I record on the VUSolo2,....I just have a Samsung Smart Blu-Ray player.
Connected by Cat5 cable to my Router.

11-09-2013, 05:42 PM
thanks for that i apreshate that what can u get on the blue smart player then

11-09-2013, 05:45 PM
bit disappointed with my samsung dvd br player 6500 , there are quite a lot of copy dvds it will not play as they have Cinavia protection on them.

11-09-2013, 06:40 PM
Hi again, if you need one that records as well as plays blue-rays there is one excellent on sale at Currys atm (BD-F8900) for £279.99. COmes with 1TB Hdd to record with freeview hd recorder, Catch-up (unlike some other models it boast all 4 major catch-up services embedded so you don`t have to go search for them in the app store and are easier to acces from the main smart screen, Wireless and the vast collection of Apps from Samsung App store. If I was to buy one and had that much money to spend that would be the one I would go for. If the apps available on it are anywhere near as good as on my telly they are excellent. Can only wish they were available before I signed up for the poxy youview with talk talk

11-09-2013, 08:59 PM
can I just mention the fact that a blu ray PLAYER will not record, as its a player to play dvd blu ray disks

a blu ray PLAYER also has no built in tuner either, as its purely a dvd player only


a pvr may record as it will have a tuner and may have a hdd fitted too and can always playback tv shows etc, but not disks of any sort

so if the OP is asking about a player, its pointless him asking about recording as its not a recorder

if he wants a recorder, then its either a pvr or a dvd recorder, not a player, and a pvr may not have a dvd player built in, just a hdd only

confusing ? you bet

so its probably either :-

a player that only plays , so maybe a blu ray player that plays back a dvd, and may play stuff from a usb stick or a nas

a pvr that records and plays back to a hdd, but usually no dvd player and usually no usb playback or nas networking

or a dvd recorder , with or without a hdd fitted internally , that should record and playback a disk, but sometimes they are playback only, so no recording to disk

the dvd recorders are thin on the ground but there may be a samsung or panasonic that will do what he asks, but wont be cheap !

post #1 says this
a new samsong hd smart blue player


so the SAMSUNG BD-F8900 Smart 3D Blu-ray Player with Freeview HD Recorder - 1 TB HDD

is a pvr freeview recorder with a built in dvd player as well, so its 2 in 1, and so allows you to play disks, but not record disks , but it can record and playback tv shows from its internal tuner and internal hdd

11-09-2013, 09:14 PM
Truth, but there isn`t much to choose from nowadays, The only Blueray recorders record the terrestial Tv onto a HDD and I was searching on the assumption that this is the kind of recording OP is interested in. Only other option would be to go for the likes of Toshiba RDXV60 (that records both onto the Disc and HDD but that isn`t quite what the OP is looking for as the only smart thing about them is the price tag and the blue rays wont play ;)

11-09-2013, 09:21 PM
that is why I said its confusing, as the op asks about a player, then about recording, then about tuning , and wants HD too

so the kind of "box" he requires appears to be a hybrid 3 or 4 in one unit , which your post alludes to and in general seems to fit most or all of what he is now asking about

but a blu ray player it is not, as my lad has a samsung blu ray player and thats about all it does, plays a dvd , and can play stuff from a usb stick, and can be connected to the router to use smart apps

so no tuner, no recording , no nothing, because it is a PLAYER, and so it plays , as in the name (simon123 take note)

11-09-2013, 09:41 PM
I guess it would be best if OP searched for his own equipment :D like the rest of us, read the reviews and check the size of a wallet then ;) The one I found him had most of his required functions and a twin Freeview Hd tuner with a massive hdd to record the telly to his heart content, and some two hundred quid cheaper than he would have to pay on Amazon. Guess I am just trying a little to much to help.

11-09-2013, 09:57 PM
there is nothing wrong with his first question , its whats a forum is all about asking questions etc .

i based my reply on that , it goes a bit off with his second one , needs to make it a bit more clear about what he really want's to purchase.

14-09-2013, 06:54 PM
got a samsong smart blueray player today from curys 59 pounds havent set it up yet will let u no how it plays etc it plays normal dvd aswell as blueray what should i be able to get on the internet with it

14-09-2013, 07:06 PM
got a samsong smart blueray player today from curys 59 pounds havent set it up yet will let u no how it plays etc it plays normal dvd aswell as blueray what should i be able to get on the internet with it

Please read post#14 again, that is if you have already read it and take note of what echelon said on the very last line.

14-09-2013, 07:43 PM
read the manual , that should tell you what it does and can get, or check the SAMSUNG website for details

14-09-2013, 07:53 PM
read the manual , that should tell you what it does and can get, or check the SAMSUNG website for details

Your talking/instructing simon123 remember.


14-09-2013, 07:55 PM

there is a first time for everything , in this case 2 things

one :- reading the manual, which is why samsung supply it

two :- reading the details on the samsung website, which is why they put those details there

its not rocket science !!

14-09-2013, 08:50 PM
got a samsong smart blueray player today from curys 59 pounds havent set it up yet will let u no how it plays etc it plays normal dvd aswell as blueray what should i be able to get on the internet with it
It should do everything you want, if not you did not read the instructions on what you purchased.

14-09-2013, 09:02 PM
one :- reading the manual, which is why samsung supply it

It would appear that some people think that the manual is just there as part of the packaging, and not for the use of the person who purchased the item.

14-09-2013, 09:03 PM
It should do everything you want, if not you did not read the instructions on what you purchased.

other than play copy dvds (downloaded and made dvds)that have Cinavia protection it does not state that on the box or manual ,;)
it was the only let down, from what info i found there is no bypass on this at the moment sony and samsung are signed up got it implemented ,
if i had known prior i would have got another Panasonic.

14-09-2013, 09:09 PM
I have tried samsung and panasonic myself, and must admit that I prefer the panasonic blu ray dvd player (my DMP-BDT120)