View Full Version : Clines stopped working

16-09-2013, 09:05 PM
I recently set up a Spierbox 9000 with clines and all was fine for a couple of weeks. Then the Spiderbox locked up. It was stuck on one channel and the remote didn't work etc. I rebooted and at first glance everything looked like it was back to normal, however my clines no longer work. Next to my clines I am seeing 'not connected' and '0 cards'. I have checked all the data-fill and everything is there as before the lock-up. Has anyone any ideas on what I can try to get the clines working again?

16-09-2013, 09:49 PM
contact your supplier maybe?

16-09-2013, 10:04 PM
check your spider has a router connection and try pinging it from your pc, just to be sure it is connected to the internet

17-09-2013, 08:47 PM
check your spider has a router connection and try pinging it from your pc, just to be sure it is connected to the internet

Thanks for the advice. I have been given some new C lines from my supplier and they don't work either.

When I log onto my Virgin Media router I can see my Ipad is connected with a wireless connection and the Ipad can connected to the Internet. I can see that my Spider is connected via a wired connection so I am assuming my Internet connection is ok. How do I use a PC to Ping my Spider? I assume I use the Spider iP I have set up, which is in the range, but higher than my main router IP, but where do I find the option to Ping using Windows 7?

17-09-2013, 09:11 PM
Click on the start button in bottom left hand corner,type cmd in search panel then ping space IP address of receiver

17-09-2013, 09:38 PM
or try start - programs , and windows accessories or system or something similar and command prompt will be in there

then use the command ping space and the ip address allocated by your router

as you are on vm you may need to allocate 1st and 2nd dns , possibly using the google dns or open dns instead of the vm dns or instead of the router ip address to gain internet access

17-09-2013, 10:46 PM
check spider box has dhcp set in network settings .

this should pick up the routers settings for dns .

19-09-2013, 07:17 PM
Working!!!! Thanks for all the useful advice. What seems to have done it in the end was changing DNS 1 & 2 on my VM router from VM to Google DNS.