View Full Version : flash vu+solo2

21-09-2013, 09:34 AM
Morning all,

well set up box, used original image to see channels and scan 28.2 looks fine, been out early and bought 16gb scandisc cruzer blade formatted it to fat32 and extracted bh 2.0.5 and tried 2.0.4 and switched off box installed usb and now it just boots up normally, does not flash image from usb? noob struggling any help appreciated ;-o

i did have an error when booting up to set up hdd which I bought installed so I followed the initialising set up and appears to record etc.. prob something I am doing

help ....ty

21-09-2013, 09:46 AM
when you extracted the BH file , make sure you have a folder on the root of the usb drive that says vuplus

inside that folder make sure your nested folder now says solo2

inside that solo2 folder, make sure you have 5 files , 4 bin files and one update file, in total

lastly, make sure you are using the FRONT usb port, and have switched off the box using its rear mains switch, insert the stick, switch it on and it should read the usb stick and boot it, as per the tutorial at the top of this forum

your hdd would require initialising and formatting by your image, so it was probably unpartitioned and unformatted when installed , as it would be seeing as it was new

21-09-2013, 09:12 PM
One other thing to check. Unlikely this applies in your situation, but just in case.

If you have any USB device plugged into the rear USB sockets, remove that before trying to load a new image.

21-09-2013, 09:28 PM
Working now Ty all just about setup just epg not fully sorted ;-)

21-09-2013, 10:34 PM
set crossepg up in a similar fashion to my tutorial

to make it look better, install and use cool tv plugin as well