View Full Version : Navigo V1 help !

23-09-2013, 04:09 PM
the OH lost her Navigo V2 , so I bought a cheap V1 to replace it . It didn't come with an SD card or any software . Thats sorted and now TT is running on it . The problem is that when starting the unit up there is a TT flash screen , then it goes to a modified menu . The menu has icons for Memory map , Igo , TomTom and three others . I have looked for a original menu but cannot find one . The menu on the download page appears to be a modified one too . Can I get the satnav to boot up straight into TT ? . I have tried re-naming bbMENU.exe to “mobilenavigator.exe” but that hasn't worked .There may be a simple explanation how to fix it or it's maybe something I've forgot to do . Any advice welcome .