View Full Version : Dish not working.

wacky jacky
25-09-2013, 02:21 PM
Hello folks, this is my first post, so no doubt I'll make no sense at all, I've just bought and had installed a Technomate Nano and dish etc from a mate who has just upgraded some kit, it's only about 3 months old and has OPENPLi installed with 4D and Catseye Enigma 2 75 east-45 west 13.9.2013, the dish is a 90CM TD88 fitted to an ***** Dark Motor, now I can get anything on 28.2e but nothing else, all the software seems to be installed, the dish isn't moving, but the icon on screen is showing, "28.2e to 19.2e", but nothing is happening, is there anything else I can do or need to do to get it to work.
My mate is well versed in the installation and setting up of systems, but he's away on holiday in the States for two weeks, so I'd thought I'd try and figure something out myself, I backed everything up onto a HDD anything I've changed, is written down as I do it, that way, I can revert back to the original settings, which I have done, so I'm in your hands and hope someone can throw some light on my delimma and help me out, of course, I'll take no credit for help or assistance.:redface:



25-09-2013, 03:16 PM
CHECK your connections make sure cable from recr is going into the correct connector on the motor and is the leds on the motor lit

wacky jacky
25-09-2013, 03:18 PM
Thanks Joe, connectors are correct and in place, so.......

25-09-2013, 03:27 PM
moved to the correct forum

as its tm`s version of a single tuner vu, I suggest you check the tutorials on setting up a motorised system on the vu uno or solo, or the single tuner dreamboxes like the 800

also, make sure you know if you are using USALS or diseqc v1.2 for movement and set it up correctly and accordingly

25-09-2013, 03:53 PM
Is it the LED motor as I have found some of these do not work 100% with enigma 2 machines

25-09-2013, 04:49 PM
check that its set for usals and you put your setting in for where you live

25-09-2013, 05:12 PM
check that its set for usals and you put your setting in for where you live

Already stated in post #4 by echelon

wacky jacky
25-09-2013, 06:37 PM
Thanks again for the replies, l have no paperwork to speak of, so l'm relying on what l can find out myself or am told, l've had a good look through the menu's and am startjng to get an idea of the OS, but must admit to being reluctant to change anything incase l make a boo boo. Could anyone tell me what l need to do or change? I've been told that l need to have the latitude/longditude set in the Nano for the dish to work, l've backed everything up from the device to an external HDD, so if l do drop a clanger, l have a safety net.

25-09-2013, 07:01 PM
I see no evidence in your answer that you have done what I asked you to do

namely, to check the tutorials in the vu section

ie:- look here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?150216-Dummies-guide-to-setting-up-Uno

you are not going to receive relevant paperwork on these boxes as they are linux and require you to have some knowledge of how to use them, and as the images vary there is no one size fits all instruction booklet , its learn as you go along and read a hell of a lot of stuff along the way

although we do have this tm nano forum for your box, you wont find much support on here for it, but as its similar to the VU that is why I told you to read through the VU and dreambox sections here, seeing as they all have similar images and setups and plugins and tools etc

as you can see from the total lack of posts in this section its simply not supported and clearly hasnt got a wide user base on here either (your is the only thread about it)

you will have to cull what you need from all the info available here, same as we all have to do with these boxes, which is one of the reasons we have a forum for discussing them amongst ourselves

if you wanted simplicity then you should have bought a bespoke box like the spider 6000 or something similar, but as you have an E2 linux box, you have inherited the stress and pains of learning them from a newbie point of view

I do not want to sound dictatorial, so consider this a reality check

wacky jacky
25-09-2013, 08:05 PM
Thank you echelon, l'll get stuck into the threads, l'd dearly love to sort this out myself as a sense of achievement, so l'd better get on.



wacky jacky
25-09-2013, 10:13 PM
Cracked it, now getting movement from the dish of 75 east to 45 west and l'm well happy at managing to get this sorted. I cannot thank you enough, my disabled son is a very happy little camper.

Thank you.