View Full Version : TMDb v1.1 edited to work on all images

05-10-2013, 09:08 AM
Heres the latest TMDb plugin that uses the new API v3 with the stupid DM protection removed so it now works on all images even BH lol

this is only the OE2.0 version as the original author hasnt written an OE1.6 version so this is having to be written from scratch and strangely the 1.6 version has to work very differently to this version.

the 1.6 version should be released later this weekend.its all working apart from the menu button causing gsod when pressed from within the channel list epg.so when this is fixed it will be uploaded here too.

thanks to Jack Daniel for writing the original version.


05-10-2013, 11:23 AM
Here is the OE1.6 version.

Many thanks to mickd for this.

Tested and working on BH 1.79 OE1.6


05-10-2013, 02:11 PM
your fast getting a reputation as a person / group who will take any plugin they like hack it to pieces regardless of licences then release it for your own gratification, something you accused The ViX team of even though that was proven to be wrong.

hypocrite just does not say it.

05-10-2013, 02:25 PM
who cares !

i certainly dont,and who asked you for your opinion anyway?
your new additions to the Ondemand plugin to work on all images again are next ! but in truth its not top of the list because theres nothing of note been added,that the old devixified version doesnt give to everyone still anyway.

if a plugin is released publicly it should be available to ALL regardless of the image they choose to use and not written in a specific manner so as to remain exclusive to just one particular image alone.this is all i ever accused vix of doing,nothing more.

phoenix,you have to try to understand,we do these things to help people thats all.there is nothing wrong in that.Hey,it will even work in vix if you or other vix users wish to try it.


05-10-2013, 02:40 PM
your fast getting a reputation as a person / group who will take any plugin they like hack it to pieces regardless of licences then release it for your own gratification, something you accused The ViX team of even though that was proven to be wrong.

hypocrite just does not say it.

I dont get into these arguments I only read them, because I`m not knowledgeable enough to know the ins and out

But the way I see it they are "Hacking them to pieces" to make them work for all boxes regardless of image, so everyone can use them, how is that wrong?

05-10-2013, 02:43 PM
dont argue with him scrupples you wont win !

he is right and everyone else is wrong.leave it at that buddy.


simon 2003
05-10-2013, 05:36 PM
Ian you dont have to justify yourself to anyone on this forum mate me and countless others have benefited from your help and i am grateful that you contriibute to our forum

05-10-2013, 08:35 PM
It's a crazy situation when an idea which is born call open source ends up being closed only for smarter people having to open it back up.
That's the reality.
Only idiot's close the door.

06-10-2013, 10:41 AM
who cares !

i certainly dont,and who asked you for your opinion anyway?
your new additions to the Ondemand plugin to work on all images again are next ! but in truth its not top of the list because theres nothing of note been added,that the old devixified version doesnt give to everyone still anyway.

if a plugin is released publicly it should be available to ALL regardless of the image they choose to use and not written in a specific manner so as to remain exclusive to just one particular image alone.this is all i ever accused vix of doing,nothing more.

phoenix,you have to try to understand,we do these things to help people thats all.there is nothing wrong in that.Hey,it will even work in vix if you or other vix users wish to try it.


I'm just very amused that a man who is so fast to jump on his high horse ( I'm presuming your a man but going by some of your outbursts that's in doubt ) is as fast to trample all over any one he likes in order to get his name in lights. As for making plugins for specific images, well thats upto the individual coder and of none of my concern.

Now before you or your sheep jump on the DeVixed band wagon again it has been proven many times that ViX have never written any plugins to intentionally make them image specific, all source files are and always have been in the relevant GIT but you like to tout your self as a self professed robinhood protecting the poor man, which honestly makes me **** my self laughing every time.

if you seriously put as much time and effort into working with the various authors of plugins as you do berating them, then you'd maybe come up with something very special, or do you fancy your self as some little script kiddy ??.

06-10-2013, 10:59 AM
just go away fool !

im not in the least bit interested in anything you have to say.this thread never was and still isnt anything to do with you or to do with vix.so just go and annoy someone else elsewhere please.


06-10-2013, 11:11 AM
just go away fool !

im not in the least bit interested in anything you have to say.


Truth got you flummoxed for a change ?.

06-10-2013, 11:16 AM
i just dont wish to argue with you again,covering old subjects time and time again,im not interested in what you have to say and i dont care if you feel you are right in what your saying,im honestly just not interested,so please just go away.

sadly im now having to close this thread,simply to make you go away,so if anyone has any questions regarding the plugin im sorry and could you please start a new thread.
