View Full Version : IKS problem ?

general Martok
05-10-2013, 11:01 AM
Is the channel list static for IKS?

I seem to have lost access to a number of primo / Novo.

is this my box or IKS?

Have I missed a relevant post that someone can point me at?


05-10-2013, 11:34 AM
What do you mean by static ? channels come and go with I-KS, some work without probs for ages while some have regular problems that usually get a fix on Mondays.

When a provider does a major upgrade sometimes they are completely lost, others appear at intervals so the balance is fairly even.

Nothing is forever.

general Martok
05-10-2013, 12:03 PM
Thanks for the response, I understand the experimental nature, but a whole bunch going, is as you say a provider change or my box. I am trying to establish which one.
is there a current clear list with IK on the forum. (free gift)

A search only seems to show soft cams.


05-10-2013, 12:53 PM
You could try looking in this section:


05-10-2013, 01:06 PM
I believe TonyO has answered you spot on " nothing is forever" If you have had channels open for longer than a week you should be grateful as sometimes it can change from hour to hour. as for a channel list they are to help you get started and as I've just said may be worthless in a few days because of TP changes and key changes .( I've noticed in the past that the more talk and people knowing what's open soon results with more key changes and shuffling of the Tp's , that only my view of thing's lol) So I don't think it's your box.

05-10-2013, 02:52 PM
Is the channel list static for IKS?

I seem to have lost access to a number of primo / Novo.

is this my box or IKS?

Have I missed a relevant post that someone can point me at?

If you can receive any IKS channels on any satellite your IKS is obviously working and your box is fine.
Its all been said in this thread about changes, also it is an impossible task to have a current list due to constant changes, and if someone does take the trouble to put one out you instantly get the whingers complaining if their particular channel suddenly goes down.
Best Look for a current channel list with current working frequencies as Aldo suggests and edit it to your requirements.

05-10-2013, 03:47 PM
post about actual I K S issues on their own I K S forum please, that is the correct place for discussing problems with some of the opened channels or packages ; not on here , thanks

this forum should be used for specific spiderbox 6000 problems and information only