View Full Version : gibertini 150 or Offset 140 Astra2f in Oslo-Norway?

05-10-2013, 04:27 PM
SKY Uk moved few channels as BT Sports also some asian channels to Astra 2F. With T90 i get picture if weather is good on Asian Channels freq 12545 but cant watch at all since very weak signal . Thats why i am planning to buy new dish. I am wondering which one should i buy 140cm or 150cm. 140cm is almost 40% cheaper than gibertini 150. There are few ppl in Oslo who are using Gibertini 120cm they get channels but not always when weather is bad.

They next question is will it be possible to get 0.8w 4.8e 13e and 28.2e on any of these dish with multifeed ? Cant have T90 and one of these in my house at same time:(


05-10-2013, 05:02 PM
Suggest you wait until Astra 2E gets active before making that choice as these transponder moves are AFAIK only temporary think they will be relocated again on the 10/10-2013.

More details here in post 90 thx ^^COMPASS^^


05-10-2013, 06:03 PM
Thx alot :)

Suggest you wait until Astra 2E gets active before making that choice as these transponder moves are AFAIK only temporary think they will be relocated again on the 10/10-2013.

More details here in post 90 thx ^^COMPASS^^


05-10-2013, 06:46 PM
The Astra 2F satellite has now entered service at 28.2° East, transponders 57, 59, 61, 63 qnd 68 have already been transfered to Astra 2F.
The remaining transponders will be transfered to Astra 2E after it launches in September of 2013, the transfer of BBC services is expected to occur during the summer. No transfer date has been announced. Astra 1N will remain at 28.2° East until Astra 2E enters service.
What will all these changes entail for those currently viewing TV via Sky or Freesat? If you live within the intended reception area of the new satellites (the British Isles), then your viewing will not be affected and you will continue to receive all the services you currently have.
Viewers outside the British Isles in mainland Europe, may have to upgrade their dish to receive the new satellites, Astra 2E is expected to have identical coverage to that of Astra 2F.

05-10-2013, 08:22 PM
Lastest update news Astra2 Tp changes from another forum :-

"" The transfer was successfully completed in the night of 3-4 October.

Ahead of the transfer, services in the affected frequency band (11.45 – 11.70 GHz and 12.50 – 12.75 GHz) were moved to temporary frequencies and transponders on the SES-owned Astra 1N and Astra 2A satellites. Now, the process begins to restore services back to the disputed frequency band via the Astra 2F satellite. Because SES arranges its transponder frequencies in a different way, affected services are not returning to their original frequencies.

Sky and Freesat are in the process of remapping their EPGs so that viewers notice no change in service when channels move to their new frequencies over the course of the next few days. All changes are set to be completed by the 10th October, when the temporary frequencies will be switched off. Until then, services will be "dual-illuminated", or duplicated on the new and temporary frequencies. ""


05-10-2013, 08:34 PM
As skomedal says, you should wait until Astra 2E is up and
running. It should be in the end of this month. Currently you can view Astra 2F
with a 1.2 m dish but with a limited weather margin in the Oslo area.
The transmission area is a at the utter boarder of the footprint or it maybe a
side lob so the signal strength can drop very fast depending on where you are.

Here are some reception reports regarding Astra 2F http://goo.gl/maps/oD42X
So you can build your own picture.

I have a 1.4m OF dish and have some margin for bad weather but not much.
The signal strength varies during the day, usually better in the evening.
With my 1.8m PF dish there are no problems.

regards stars :)

05-10-2013, 10:50 PM
ok thx :)

05-10-2013, 11:34 PM
Now at night 2400 i took new search of channels now have ALL channels i wasnt getting earlier today. If its rain i get no signal at all . In middel of the day i dont get BT Sports but i get Asian channels with very weak signals.

So i guess at my place 125cm 140cm will do the trick. But i will wait and see as suggested by some here :)

06-10-2013, 07:14 AM
If you have possibility of installing only one antenna at your place, than go for maximum size. For example 1,8m offset dish. Make this dish motorized and install 0.8w-4.8e-13e-28.2e on it (can also stay with only one LNB). So, with that you will get maximum possible signals and also go for other satellites if needed. :hurray:

06-10-2013, 08:36 AM

Now at night 2400 i took new search of channels now have ALL channels i wasnt getting earlier today. If its rain i get no signal at all . In middel of the day i dont get BT Sports but i get Asian channels with very weak signals.

So i guess at my place 125cm 140cm will do the trick. But i will wait and see as suggested by some here

I live a bout 400 km south of Oslo, in Göteborg and as I said my 1.4m offset dish is doing the job
but not with a big weather margin. I would go for a 1.5m Offset dish. Here in Sweden 1.5m dish its about 4000 skr + LNB.

Here are some measurement data from my dishes

Kalkyl Astra 2F UK spot
A2 =1.8m Prime Focus

A1 =1.4 Offset dish

A2 A1 A2-A1
Frekvens s/n dBs/ndB dB
10964H 22000 5/6 DBV-S 11,65 9,00 2,65
10994H 22000 5/6 DBV-S 11,50 8,65 2,85
11023H 23000 2/3 DBV-S 2 11,10 8,65 2,45
11052H 22000 5/6 DBV-S 11,68 9,25 2,43
11126V 22000 5/6 DBV-S 11,46 8,85 2,79

The lower limit for a "lock" on transponder is about SNR 5.2 dB. I will lose the picture
at about SNR 4.5 dB. The rain margin limit is about SNR 8.7 dB.

Here are some more info about big dishes and "catching" weak signals http://www.the-lighthouse.se/eng/satellit/c180/c180.html

They next question is will it be possible to get 0.8w 4.8e 13e and 28.2e on any of these dish with multifeed ? Cant have T90 and one of these in my house at same time:(

I would go for a BIG dish for 28.2 position and a T90 for the rest of the sats.
You can combine the dishes with different switches and so on.

regards stars :)

06-10-2013, 02:20 PM
If it`s any help all but one TP`s ( 10,921H) affected by the recent movements ,are now on the European beam (not the uk spot or the south or north beams that they were during the switchover)If anything the recent movements only help those outside the Isles to receive a better signal.

06-10-2013, 06:49 PM

Think you are missing the point of this thread, let me explain.

As you know there big changes are taking place at the Astra2 location ( sats comming and going and much Tp juggling because of conflict between SES and EUTELSAT about frequencies ).

We in the fringe reception areas already use larger dishes to receive transmissions from this constellation of sats, especially the astra 2F UK spot beam ( on my 110cm not a sniff ) but otherwise good.

With the launch of Astra 2E and if sucessful testing the other birds will be relocated ( 1N to 19.2E ) or mothballed ( reawakened in emergency ).

Sly will ( my thoughts only ) refrain from loseing it`s grey area subscription payers abroad by useing the pan european beam not the UK spot beam for it`s transmittions but condemming it`s rivals ( BT sport, ESPN etc. ) to the UK spot beam (rough justice but just my thoughts ).

Also grabbed this info :-

In all likelihood the move of BBC services from 1N to their new permanent homes will have no impact on UK households. Astra 2E and 2F have the same, tighter but slightly more powerful UK spot beams which means that UK households should get a slightly stronger signal. So if you happened to be on the edge of coverage, you will hopefully get more reliable reception.

The overspill of the BBC’s services will be reduced so viewers outside the UK will find it even harder to receive them. I know that this causes unhappiness to some of you living outside the UK. However, it is entirely appropriate because the BBC domestic services are for people living in the UK only.


For me the loss of beeb is a major concern but can always stream iplayer with uk proxy so all not lost.

Hope this explains some fringe reception dilemma`s.


Ps might have to edit later

07-10-2013, 04:35 PM
But is it possible to get 0.8 to 28e on gibertini 150 maybe with some modification :)

07-10-2013, 06:54 PM
But is it possible to get 0.8 to 28e on gibertini 150 maybe with some modification :)
Was that question of statement? If question than, yes, it is possible to get 0,8*W-28,2*E and modification name is properly made multifeed.

07-10-2013, 07:51 PM
It was a question :) Thanks

Was that question of statement? If question than, yes, it is possible to get 0,8*W-28,2*E and modification name is properly made multifeed.

07-10-2013, 09:06 PM

But is it possible to get 0.8 to 28e on gibertini 150 maybe with some modification

Yes it can be done but its not recommend due to the low signal strength from the satellite.
What many haven't noticed and what skomedal said earlier you are trying to get a signal which is very weak.
There for we are talking about a dish size of 1.5 m. and its a bit hard to get it right when you try to multifeed
satellites that are 29 deg longitude apart with a dish that is not made for that use. So go for 1 big dish and
another one with multifeed or a motorized dish.

stars :)

08-10-2013, 09:34 PM
wait untill the changes have finished and see what the reports are like from others with a 1.5m,regards mdt

03-11-2013, 08:58 PM
Friend of mine living near Frogner ( near airport ) installed 1.1m dish and he is getting all channels even in snow

30-12-2013, 10:47 PM
I moved 28e in middel on my T90. I am getting all channels 24/7. I wasnt getting BT Sports HD1 all the time before and had not 6.05-6.20 SNR now i have 7.29SNR

when it rains to much i loose picture . Now i have installed protection against rain and lets hope it work better. I wonder if its even possible to get 1w and 5e with some modifications on t90 :)

I am waiting astra 2e before i will change to new dish as suggest here :) It will be either 125cm or 150cm for 28e and for rest and t55

serxhio liri
05-01-2014, 01:15 PM
thenks,,,,super imformacion