View Full Version : iks problem

17-10-2013, 05:10 PM
im new to this so please bare with me , on my network page , i have keyed in all the details for my server set-up and i have the green light and my cards shown

when i go onto the IKS tab , this is what i have

type - on
key - 00-00-00-00-00-00-00
connection staus - connected
exp date - 22/10/2014
register - ok

now in the key section should i have some numbers in that location , and if i do where do i find them ?
im using a fixed dish , old sky cables , spiderbox 6000hd , any sort of information would be welcome

thanks in advance

17-10-2013, 05:25 PM
No there shouldn`t be any numbers
so if you have all 0`s its correct. It says Connected and gives you an expiry date so it`s ok.
I`m just guessing here that those numbers will become useful when your 1 year subscription expires and you would want to extend the service. You would then subscribe to a certain forum,and for a fee you would get a unique number and enter it to you box to extend the sub by another year
PS.You would also be best off upgrading your set-up to take advantage of the IKS as the channels it opens are on other sats (most on 13.E and 19E)

17-10-2013, 05:36 PM
Thanks for the info , but cause im using a fixed dish and it was my old sky dish , i persume its pointing at astra 28.2 , so i have limited the amount of channels i can watch ? is this the reason why some channels state 'scrambled' ? i will invest in a motorised dish in the future, just want to get my head around this box first .

17-10-2013, 05:48 PM
That is exactly why some channels say scrambled, IKS would open loads of channels but you need to move your dish to get them as astra2 (28.2 is NOT supported). You could move the dish you have to Astra1 or hotbird to get some excellent channels which would give you something to watch before you upgrade the dish.

17-10-2013, 06:07 PM
its also worth noting that at the moment your wasting your free "access" to the ones on the other satellites, because you have enabled the patch and got an expiry date

in other words, if you do not use a motorised dish, or a fixed dish with lnb rack and 13e and 19e etc, in one years time the extras will expire and you wont have used your allowance at all

the clock is ticking, at the moment you cannot use the extras because you havent got a dish pointed at those other satellites roadrunner is talking about

its like having a car with road tax and insurance sat on the drive for 12 months

so an 80cm dish with lnb rack and 3 lnb,s and a diseqc switch will give you access to 13e + 19e + 28e

17-10-2013, 09:56 PM
tel9 to get the best result ie many channels keep your old sly dish and set up a new 80cm dish with LNB rack as echelon has suggested i have a 80 cm dish with 3 LNB'S fitted. I set up on 13e as my primary to align the dish, then i fitted my secondaries 19e and Thor 0.8w all connected to 4 to 1 down switch fitted to the frame of my dish. I scanned each satelite on to my receiver first starting in with position 1 Hotbird 13e, position 2 Astra 19e, position 3 Thor 0.8w, As for my Astra 28e i ran this from my sly mini dish you could then use the existing mini-dish LNB connected to the 4 position on the down switch and scanned to position 4 on the receiver. By using the Sly dish for 28e this gives room on the 80cm dish to easily fit the 3 LNB'S for 13e, 19e AND 0.8w. Do hope this all make sense with this set up it gives you a fantastic amount of channels to watch with IKS on your Spiderbox 6000HD. Also during the winter when some times you get LNB freeze up this happened to me on one LNB during the bad weather last April i still had the other three working, once the weather warmed all four were working again. This set up i did by myself which is not that difficult and by keeping your mini dish you can still use your new receiver while you set up the 80cm dish. tel9 m8 with the winter coming i would not hang about as you are losing out on your subcription. Good luck

17-10-2013, 10:07 PM
you can also use an INVERTO MULTI-LNB HOLDER (UP TO 3 LNB) lnb bracket to hang another lnb on the left hand side of the sly lnb on a sly dish looking from the front, and adjust it to get 39e too

my bro has this dual arrangement, with an old 80cm lenson heath dish on 13e + 19e

so he has a quad lnb on the sly mini dish, a single lnb on 39e to the left side of the sly lnb when looking from the front into the dish face, and 13e + 19e from the 80cm dish, using a 4 way diseqc switch

that way he gets bulsat from 39e using the softcam too

so various arrangements and methods exist