View Full Version : Retuning a channel

19-10-2013, 11:23 AM
I use catseyes channel list, and occasionally need to retune a channel (eg Setanta) which exists in a couple of bouquets. What is the best method of doing this? Currently I manually scan the single transponder - this shows a list of channels - none of which are the one I an looking for, however when I list the satellite I now have two entries for Setanta - the new one and the old one. However the bouquets are not updated and the only way of selecting them appears to be via the Satellite listing. Pulling it all back into my pc and manually updating the bouquets seems like hassle and I am guessing there must be a better "on the box" solution. I have autobouquets plugin - but never used it (don't know what it does) and suspect that may play a role - but since we are frequently messing about with single transponders I hope someone can give me the most effective method for the Solo2.

19-10-2013, 12:04 PM
autobouquets is a plugin where you select your local region and then it scans the active transponders on 28e for channels and sorts them into the various bouquets for you, leaving your existing ones lower down the list (if you already have a channel list installed)

I would scan the single transponder which will add the channels to your ALL list

then you go find the channel using the ALL or provider selection and select it

now press the blue button to bring up your multi listing, make sure the channel you selected is still highlighted or move back to it but do not press ok

press menu, and you will see a different menu come up on screen, where you can move it , add to bouquets etc

choose add to bouquets and select sports or whatever bouquet you wish to add it to

now press blue and select that bouquet and the newly added channel is at the bottom

so select it, press blue , make sure the channel is highlighted and press menu again

select move, and then ok on the channel to highlight in red, move it up or down to the new position within the bouquet and press ok again to release the red marker, now exit out

the added channel is now in the required position in your bouquet of choice

repeat for any other channels


I usually add them in batches , one after another , then do the moving later on , within each bouquet I have added them too

you can also remove the old channels using that same channel editor menu too

so study the channel editor menu closely, to see what each function does, also note this is probably already described in the dreambox sections, or other threads in the vu sections too