View Full Version : Vu Solo2 Vs Vu Duo2

21-10-2013, 05:43 PM
is it worth spending the extra £100+ for the duo2?

i only need 2 tuners other than the extra 750mb flash and extra 1gb of ram it is worth it?

just wondering what peoples views on this.

21-10-2013, 06:00 PM
I went for the solo2.............the duo2 wasn't out at the time, have to say its been the best box I've ever owned

If money's not an issue go for the duo2 otherwise get the solo2 and a decent HDD with the change

21-10-2013, 06:09 PM
I bought a solo2 mainly for the trans-coding, unfortunately the bit rate is set slightly too high for my useless internet upload speed, 450-500 kbs.
This is not adjustable on the solo2 so had to buy the duo2 as well. Apparently the duo does it with hardware and the solo2 software, there have been updates since which I haven't been following so it may not apply now but worth checking if this feature is important to you.

21-10-2013, 06:50 PM
As I own both, I guess I could comment.

The solo2 is a great box, and I love mine, however the extra flexibility the duo2 offers (pluggable tuners, hardware transcoding, the extra memory, and slightly more powerful cpu, lcd display) it does all add up.

Only you can decide if it's worth the extra £100 though, if you don't need any of the extra's now, or in the near future, then go for the solo2, if you do think the extra flexibility might come in handy, go for the Duo2.

Either way you will be happy i'm sure.

21-10-2013, 06:58 PM
as cokeaddict has said you need to decide if you need or will need the extras offered by the duo2
or if the extra hundred pounds isnt a problem for you and wont be missed ?
either way youll get a great box
as you know ive got the solo2 and, like me coming from a dm800, you wont believe the difference :)

21-10-2013, 08:35 PM
Thanks for the replies, I think I'm gonna save a little extra for the duo2 as the extras really appeal to me.

23-10-2013, 05:49 PM
Ordered the duo2 from GoldWafers, cant wait for it to come!

23-10-2013, 06:26 PM
Ordered the duo2 from GoldWafers, cant wait for it to come!

Good choice, I think you will be very happy with it ;)

ekko star
23-10-2013, 06:47 PM
is it worth spending the extra £100+ for the duo2?

VU+ arguably make the very best linux receivers on the market. You are unlikely to be disappointed with either the Solo2, the Duo2, the brand, their products and the image support.

However if you are prepared to spend 3/4's of the sum then it makes sense to add the final 1/4 to get what is probably the very best machine out there. It's a good choice.

23-10-2013, 07:12 PM
Ordered the duo2 from GoldWafers, cant wait for it to come!

You will love it Stev0, great choice.