View Full Version : Help with CCcam.config

24-10-2013, 08:23 PM
Hi all.
My spiderbox has just died so treated myself to a VU+ Solo with latest Blackhole image. Try as I might I cannot work out how to install CCcam. Any help would be extremely welcome. Thanks

24-10-2013, 08:29 PM
read the tutorial at the top of the forum

then ftp cccam installer to var/tmp and use the tgz installer within the image menus to install cccam into the image

now add your c line to the cccam.cfg file in var/etc and save it

restart E2

24-10-2013, 09:01 PM
Hi Echelon.

I have read the tutorial but I am still lost. Where do I find the cccam installer? and I have no idea what a tgz installer is. have I taken on too much? the spiderbox was easy to put lines in but I think this box will be far better once I get used to it

24-10-2013, 09:04 PM
Hi all.
My spiderbox has just died so treated myself to a VU+ Solo with latest Blackhole image. Try as I might I cannot work out how to install CCcam. Any help would be extremely welcome. Thanks
********************************* ****
i have attached the cams and i have added
a tut in the folder to give you all the info on
how to load them,these are for the black hole
image only, they work on all bh image versions

24-10-2013, 09:06 PM
Hi Echelon.

I have read the tutorial but I am still lost. Where do I find the cccam installer? and I have no idea what a tgz installer is. have I taken on too much? the spiderbox was easy to put lines in but I think this box will be far better once I get used to it
********************************* ****
you load the cams with a DCC [dreambox control centre]
you will need a dcc and a dreambox edit on your computer
to use with your vu,

24-10-2013, 09:39 PM
Thanks for this clipper. I have loaded the cams and clines are in CCcam.cfg but nothing is clearing. :-)

Dark Cloud
24-10-2013, 09:53 PM
have you pressed the Blue button to activate the Cam ?.

24-10-2013, 09:55 PM
blue button says active cam cccam 2.1.3.

24-10-2013, 10:15 PM
just to clarify

the DUMMIES thread tells you about cams in sections 4 and 5 , and has a link to a thread on here containing tgz files for various cams including cccam

but the info and cams provided by clipper should do the job

the DUMMIES guide also talks about using the tool called VuCC (Vu Control Centre) which is an ftp program and has other tools as well , BUT you can use Dcc (which is Dreambox Control Centre) to do the same task, or any other FTP program. the tut provided by clipper mentions DCC

so you ftp the cccam tgz (packed file) to the tmp folder and install using the menu for TGZ files

you also activate the cam (emu) under the blue button as per his instructions, after adding the C or N line into the cccam.cfg file and saving it

ensure you dont have a hash # at the beginning of the line (It will start with a C colon, or an N colon)

reading through the various forums on here will help you learn all this "foreign sounding stuff" , especially the VU and Dreambox sections

you can use dreamboxedit or dreamset or vucc to ftp channel lists into the vu (like the catseye lists)

24-10-2013, 10:18 PM
Hi red222,

Good tut by clipper.

If your finding it a
bit (How do I), try
the OpenVix image.
Latest by COMPASS is
(New Vix team VU+Solo
OE 3.0). Its in the Solo
The Vix has the CCcam's
that just need downloading.
It has Channel list to
Download too.
The Vix has an Auto
update, it updates new
Vix releases.

Once you download OpenVix
Upload it into any USB Stick.
Two folders, first is (VUplus)
upload that into USB Stick.
Then double click VUPlus and
the next folder pop's
up (Solo). upload that into
USB Stick.
Turn Off Solo at back, plug
in USB stick, turn on Solo.
Solo will upload new Vix Image.

You just look in the Vix menu to
find the CCcam's and Channel lists.

After that you need to upload you
Clines into your solo.
I use (VUcc V06) to FTP
Clines to my VU Plus Uno.
That's it 800 film channel's open
Never mist a Match.

Once you get the hang of
the Solo look for (Dreamset).
Use this to FTP Catseyes latest
Channel List to your Solo.
Takes 20 seconds to Upload
6000 Channels.

Hope you load the CCcam into
B/Hole, I have B/H 2.03,
With a (Cat6 Ethernet) cable
from Router to Uno, Its as
smooth as viewing Open channel.


24-10-2013, 10:45 PM
Hi red222,

Pleased you sorted CCcam.

Download (VuCC ) Open it
look for (filezilla) Open It.
On the top line (Left) put in
the Solo's URL, next is Username
type (root),
next is Password type (dreambox).
Next click Quick connect or Enter
on Keyboard. You are now connected
to your Solo.
In the right hand pane double click
VAR. then in pane (Box) below
(in my case its (etc)
double click that.
then transfer your Clines into temp.
That on my B/Hole 2.03.

25/10 edited,
Changed Temp to Etc.
Its Var then Etc. Sorry.


26-10-2013, 04:27 PM
Thanks for all your help. Now up and running. No doubt I will have to ask for more help sooner rather than later, Thanks again