View Full Version : remote on 6000

dave d
28-10-2013, 01:56 PM
hi guy is the anyway you can change the frequency on the remote and box on the 6000, coz every time i turn my talktalk box on and off it turns the 6000 on and off also does the same on the tv remote ,you turn the tele off it turns the 6000 on ,its doing my head in cheers :respect-064:

28-10-2013, 02:04 PM
not to my knowledge , no

I think its a fixed IR code and not possible to change it

if I am correct, you would have to see if the TT box remote can be changed to a different code, both on the remote and on the box

my sony hxd870 dvd recorder has 3 command modes to get around these types of problems

28-10-2013, 02:51 PM
I have both boxes too(Talk talk youview and sb6000), and never experience problems like that, so I am guessing it could be something in your setup?? I would try and keep the two as far from one another as possible. Problems with TT box interfering with other equipment was discussed several times on the talk talk forum. Another of the possible reasons of such problems could be your television itself as you say it turns the box when u use the TV remote too. As far as I remember from TT forum some people `sorted` such issues with simply moving the affected device sligtly to one side of the TV cabinet and to the back, or cover IR sensor on it with piece of cut out paper. I will try and find the corect thread on that forum and edit this one to add the link to it
Edit: Cant bl**dy find anything on their new forum :(
One thread, slightly off topic but could also be true in your case is this one:

They`re banging on about PAnasonic compatibility with TT issues but some useful info about infra red interference can be found still.

dave d
04-11-2013, 03:42 PM
cheers guys I know with some remote's you can reprogram them, its just weird that the TV the TT box and the 6000hd all have the same freq for on and off :)