View Full Version : hd 6000 setup

28-10-2013, 04:15 PM
hi am a bit confused, if i am setting up hd6000 for the first time is it the latest patch or is it 30-08-13.
and do i do a factory reset before and after loading patch . then after this i would load the latest patch?
and then carry on with the rest of the setup.
sorry is this sounds daft don't want to mess it up.

28-10-2013, 04:24 PM
Blackdevil posted a correct setup procedure here:
He says you need to install some few patches and gives you the order and links to them. Just follow the instructions from that post to be on the safe side

28-10-2013, 04:29 PM
if you are starting with the first one, probably best to factory reset after each one, finally ending up with the latest patch installed

once you have the latest patch and after a factory reset once more, continue with the rest of your setting up