View Full Version : advice please hd 6000

30-10-2013, 05:08 PM
how would i find how many channels i have scanned into hd6000 as some sats like 13e are over 1000 its just so i can delete the ones i don't want. i have scanned from 36e to 7e so far. slightly different to the hd9000
i am used to.

30-10-2013, 05:15 PM
Press OK-> BLue Button-> scroll (<or>) to All Satellite press ok x2. That gives you a list of all channels installed. Press 1 to go to the first channel and then Up to the last (the ch .number will be the number of channels

30-10-2013, 05:26 PM
I just remembered there is a quicker way : Press the SAT button and select All Satellite from there (Its the button with nothing on it, third row on the bottom of remote)When you select all sats from there it will automatically take you to the first channel on the all sats list, making it quicker. Sorry I didn`t post this method first but I hardly ever use it (and it was introduced only recently) Also remember to check how many radio chnls you have as the 6000 limit is for both radio and TV.When scanning sat select TV only if you need more space for TV channels and will not use radio.

30-10-2013, 05:33 PM
thanks so much for the help Roadrunner appreciate it.

01-11-2013, 07:35 PM
Am I right in saying that one has also to count the radio channels along with the tv channels?

01-11-2013, 07:38 PM
Am I right in saying that one has also to count the radio channels along with the tv channels?

yes, as already explained in post #3

01-11-2013, 09:10 PM
We shortly will be releasing an updated channel editor for the 6000HD, this will allow smart filtering of the channel types to help users reduce the number of channels loaded on the box, and many new things, it will be all explained in the user manual and quick start video we have done :)

Christmas has come early for 6000HD owners, I think you will like it !

01-11-2013, 09:41 PM
great news about the filtering etc...better news would be less freeze ups and glitching repeatedly on all sats
am referring to the you know what

02-11-2013, 08:58 AM
Get yourself a good line, and the box is perfect, Google is your best friend :respect-055:

02-11-2013, 10:30 AM
@ blueking
i have no problems at all with the box
the box is like i stated in another post...brilliant box
and from lee at goldwafers an absolute bargin
was just trying make people aware of the (you know what) incase they were purchasing the box for that reason
without the (you know what) the box is a no brainer at the price

02-11-2013, 11:06 AM
I agree, I normally have it turned off (you know what) :)

+1 for goldwafers aswell.

But I found some of the providers, on 13E and 19E it can be very stable (you know what).

Note that you must do a factory reset before and after installing any patches, and you got to do them in strict order, or your boxes performance can suffer, I have seen the same effect and its just been me forgetting to do the factory resets :)

Anyway have a play with the new release of the free editor, and try an internet down and that will make you happy, there is lot of hard work gone into this, done just as a hobby to gave back something to you guys, keeps us out of the pub...

02-11-2013, 03:15 PM
Tested the new editor. Its taken me 15minutes start to finish to do download 8 sats on it and do 3 and thats including downloading them from the net, killing of the channels I don`t want, and moving the channels about to the order that I like them. Now that`s a score :) Got 5 more to do then do the favourites. I think the editor is brilliant Willl do the rest when I get back home later on in the afternoon and also test some of the extra features of the editor. Thank you

02-11-2013, 03:24 PM
@ blueking
i have no problems at all with the box
the box is like i stated in another post...brilliant box
and from lee at goldwafers an absolute bargin
was just trying make people aware of the (you know what) incase they were purchasing the box for that reason
without the (you know what) the box is a no brainer at the price

If you mean you know which channels ,then maybe need to press yellow button after you have select from menu- ts delay --> 2

02-11-2013, 03:32 PM
I glad your like the editor, it saves so much time.

The thing I really like is when you created your custom favourites and saved them, in a few weeks time when the channels have changed like they seem to do all the time!

All you got to do is a full Internet download again (all your channel filtering preferred options are remembered because they are stored in the settings file and loaded at start time) and then simply import your custom favourites, and then just do a save SSU file, and then you got a fully updated channel list with your very own custom favourites :)

02-11-2013, 04:05 PM
big thankyou to blackdevil...your suggestion of selecting a channel then pressing the yellow button worked
i now have no breakup or glitch on the selected channel...
i have to do this on any channel i select...each time i use....but now its rock solid...thankyou

02-11-2013, 07:31 PM
I found if you press the yellow button whilst watching a channel, if its still unstable even after changing the delay to 2, placing the box in standby and powering up again makes it stable again.

03-11-2013, 07:13 PM
is it just me or is anyone clearing a popular package even though the picture is unstable

dave d
03-11-2013, 09:08 PM
none of my colour buttons work when watching a channel , any ideas

03-11-2013, 09:31 PM
Yes, for the yellow button to work you first need to set the Instant Delay level. Menu <or> System settings->OSD Style->Instant delay Level <or> to the recommended 2 and exit
Now when you watch a channel that is giving you trouble you can press the yellow button (Works a treat on Italian channels)

dave d
03-11-2013, 09:38 PM
thanks for that ...:)