View Full Version : Positioner problem after image update.

02-11-2013, 06:47 PM
Hello, after updateing to B.H 2.0.7 earlier this week, for some reason today when I select say hotbird 13E my dish will track to the sat but will not return to 28E when I select say BBC1. Not changed anything at all. I have to go into the B.H menu and use the sat positioner's yellow and green buttons for movement.
Edit: Forgot to mention, VU+ is connected to a Moteck V-Box 11.
Any advice would be appreciated.



03-11-2013, 05:16 PM
You are using a vBox - in which case all your satellite positions are stored in the settings file in /etc/enigma2/

If you open this file you will see a section starting config.Nims.1.configMode=advanced , then sometime after this you SHOULD see every stored satellite listed as below:
config.Nims.0.advanced.sat.130.ro torposition=13
config.Nims.0.advanced.sat.130.us als=false
config.Nims.0.advanced.sat.130.ln b=1

Those three lines SHOULD be repeated for each satellite you have set up on your vBox.

If you reloaded your all your channels settings after loading a new image it should have carried over the settings file from your previous working setup.

05-11-2013, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the reply Burnham. When I updated the image I did backup all the setting as per echelon's instructions. My problem happened about three days after the update and up until them moving between sats was no problem. What is happening now is a fault which has developed after the image update was made successfully.
Sorry for not fully explaining that the system was working correctly after update.


05-11-2013, 03:01 PM
Can you confirm what you are saying?

If I read you correctly - you loaded a new image - you copied over all the previous settings - you then tested this thoroughly over a few days and it was working perfectly. Is that correct so far?

Then after three days without you changing anything at all - it suddenly stopped moving your satellite dish through your vBox? Can you remember what you did immediately before it stopped working correctly?

You could try reloading the image - and restoring settings - again. But it's better to try to work out what happened. Does your settings file look correct - ie does it follow th pattern I described in my earlier post.

05-11-2013, 05:01 PM
Can you confirm what you are saying?

If I read you correctly - you loaded a new image - you copied over all the previous settings - you then tested this thoroughly over a few days and it was working perfectly. Is that correct so far?

Then after three days without you changing anything at all . Correct Burnham up to this point, thanks. However I can move from 28E to any other sat - but not back again. That is the whole problem. Sorry for being so inconcise but I am doing three things at once this week and have spread myself a bit thin for this task.
I really appreciate your taking a look at this problem, it does not appear obvious to me as everything was working correctly and then this fault.
Kind regards,
Ironman .

05-11-2013, 05:38 PM
I would check burnhams instructions but pay particular attention to what the positioner number says for 28.2 east in your settings, and make sure its the same number as the actual position on your vbox positioner, because it seems to me it doesnt know those details so wont go there

06-11-2013, 10:39 AM
Big thank you Burnham and echelon, I will try that and let you know.

Many thanks,

Ironman :)

Just checked the /etc/enigma2/ file and that's where the problem seems to be as the list goes from boquetsTV- cert.pem-key.pem There is no list like Burnham suggests:

config.Nims.0.advanced.sat.130.ro torposition=13
config.Nims.0.advanced.sat.130.us als=false
config.Nims.0.advanced.sat.130.ln b=1 This is NOT in the file list.

Many thanks again guys. Would I be right in thinking I should just re enter positions again on the VU box when on the appropriate sat? As it cannot over write what is not there?
ironman :)

06-11-2013, 04:31 PM
It looks as though all your satellite settings have been lost when you reinstalled a new image. If you have an old settings file saved on your PC somewhere it is possible to copy the relevant data from your old settings file into your current settings file. I have done this many times and I know it works.

But it just might be simpler for you to do a full install from scratch. That is you would have to set up each satellite one by one, and store its position in your vBox.

06-11-2013, 06:20 PM
Thanks Burnham, I'll try that it should sort it. Nice of you and echelon taking the time to help.
Kind regards,

08-11-2013, 10:27 AM
Hi guys, a quick update. I went back to basics and completed a full setup, ie 28e position 1 on both the vu+ box and the positioner by pressing the green confirmation button on the vu+ commander, did this all the way up to 30w position 30 on positioner. However when I tried to return to BBC1 ( channel 1 ) the motor refused to move. I had to go back into the positioner menu and move the motor with the yellow/green buttons. Its obviously a software issue as the motor moves but not in the way it used to. I noticed when in the positioner menu that the goto settings were set to 0 and I could not change to any other number. I did press goto 0 and the dish went to the east limit and of course stopped resetting all the V-box11 settings. I find it strange that the vu+ can goto any satellite ( + / green / select sat / OK ) but does not come back the other way. Also when I FTP / etc / Enigma2/ there is no " config.Nims.1.configMode=advanced " command. I am more curious as to how this has happened then anything else, if there is no logical explanation its no problem I will reinstall the image and restore the settings again and take it from there.
Thanks again to Burnham and echelon for taking the time to help.
ironman :)