View Full Version : Updated channel list with fav. For the 6000

05-11-2013, 01:50 PM
Hi guys as anyone got a updated channel list for the 6000. To share with us thanks

05-11-2013, 02:00 PM
Hi guys as anyone got a updated channel list for the 6000. To share with us thanks

You could try and make your own channel list and favs etc with the new Channel Editor, which is here:


05-11-2013, 02:16 PM
Exactly, With only 6000 channels to play with its always best to do your own list as everyones setup/preferences are different. Ones motorised list may contain some sats we don`t even pickup and on other sats have channels we dont need, but miss the ones we would like to have on our lists. With the release of the newest editor making a list is easier than ever. I actualy made my list again from scratch just for the sake of testing the editor and am using it instead of the one I had before.

05-11-2013, 04:58 PM
the channel editor is a great addition to the HD6000 and i have just made new list and saved to USB pen

im a bit nervous about this so when i stick the USB pen in the receiver do i go to:

Menu- system setting -update & back up- then is it image upgrade or image back up and click on new created list?

05-11-2013, 05:08 PM
System Settings ok
Software Update ok
SW/Upgrade ok
Scroll Down to USB0 (root)
Then across to User Database 05-11-13.SSU ok
are you sure to upgrade file ok

05-11-2013, 05:09 PM
Upgrade. Choose the list from the available files on the stick and press OK, confirm changes. Btw, your menu layout looks like one of the previous patches? On the latest it looks like Menu<or> System Settings->Software update->S/W Upgrade -> and then you go to the root of your stick and chose the file

05-11-2013, 05:12 PM
System Settings> Software Update> SW/Upgrade>
Scroll Down to USB0 (root)
Then across to User Database 05-11-13.SSU press ok
are you sure to upgrade file press ok
I wasn`t quick enough yet again :D
Maybe at least the patch version info will be of use to someone :)

05-11-2013, 05:33 PM
great worked superbly, many thanks to all concerned

my main receiver is the 7000 motorised im using the 6000 as a 2nd receiver (not motorised), could i use each of the 8 favourites to represent a satellite each or would be better to have seperate channel lists for each satellite position

05-11-2013, 06:05 PM
great worked superbly, many thanks to all concerned

my main receiver is the 7000 motorised im using the 6000 as a 2nd receiver (not motorised), could i use each of the 8 favourites to represent a satellite each or would be better to have seperate channel lists for each satellite position
Not sure I understand the question?
Is the 6000 hooked up to a separate fixed dish or U use the 7000 to drive your dish and another cable from the same dish to feed the 6000?

05-11-2013, 07:12 PM
Roadrunner, yes i use the 7000 to drive the dish and another cable from the same dish to feed the 6000

05-11-2013, 07:46 PM
If I were you I would set the channels in favourites in order of the sattelites they`re on. You can set them in which ever way you like but it would be to messy. If you drove the dish to a certain position it would be easier to have all channels from that position on one Fav list so you can easily zap beetwen the channels. Of course you can do whaty I did for my mate with a similar setup ie. Scan each and everyone sat and organize the channels on the very list of channels for that sat, in which case all you had to worry about is to send the dish to a certain position using the 7000 ,and have channels nicely orginized and available by pressing the SAT button and selecting the sat the dish is currently pointing at on the 6000. Anyhow I and many others after the initial Awe of motorised dishes are switching to fixed dishes with multiblocks for the ease of use and instant access to all sats on up to 8 boxes. I have 8lnbs over 3 dishes atm and already looking to upgrade to Wavefield frontier that would allow me to expand the number of lnbs to 16 over 40 degrees of the arc which would do me even better than current setup as it`s all on one dish.

05-11-2013, 08:02 PM
thats some set up you have m8,
say i used
astra 28 east in favourites 1, astra 23.5 east in favourites 2, 19 east in favourites 3, 16 east in favourites 4, 13 east in favourites 5, 0.8 west in favourites 6, and 30 west in favourites 7
then all i would have to do is select the correct satellite favourite in the 6000 that the 7000 is set for

05-11-2013, 08:08 PM
thats some set up you have m8,
say i used
astra 28 east in favourites 1, astra 23.5 east in favourites 2, 19 east in favourites 3, 16 east in favourites 4, 13 east in favourites 5, 0.8 west in favourites 6, and
30 west in favourites 7
then all i would have to do is select the correct satellite favourite in the 6000 that the 7000 is set for

that is certainly one way of doing it, although I would think that there will be a finite limit to the amount of channels allowed in any one favourite, so might get tricky on 28.2e for example

if you look at my 9000/7000 list you will see its mainly grouped as favs for different types of genres and the emphasis is on 28e with any other satellites in order grouped near the bottom of each fav list. on the 9000/7000 selecting a sat and then all for that sat and moving them about into a specific order is also a way of grouping channels by satellite , by altering the ALL order to an order you are happy with for each satellite

in your case you appear to want to group a number of satellites as one fav per sat, but this will restrict you to 8 favs or sats I believe

I would double check you can get in all those channels for 28e within one fav before going ahead with your plan as I know it cannot be achieved on the 9000/7000 due to the sheer number of channels on 28e

05-11-2013, 08:10 PM
Yes, but think about the other way too. If you organize the channels on every sat you wont be restricted to just 8 sats (favs) but will have all nicely organized and ready for whenever you choose to send the sat to that position, only difference from the user point of view is you wont press the Fav button but the sat button.

09-11-2013, 08:49 PM
System Settings ok
Software Update ok
SW/Upgrade ok
Scroll Down to USB0 (root)
Then across to User Database 05-11-13.SSU ok
are you sure to upgrade file ok

I'm doing exactly what you said to do, the box reboots but the channel list is exactly the same as before I update?

09-11-2013, 08:53 PM
I'm doing exactly what you said to do, the box reboots but the channel list is exactly the same as before I update?

that 05 nov 2013 file was removed after all the latest patch problems

try one of these compass ones from 07 nov 2013


09-11-2013, 08:58 PM
dave what message is displayed when you press ok when this message is Displayed "are you sure to upgrade file"

You should either see progress
or upload failed

09-11-2013, 09:35 PM
I'm not using a channel list from here but I followed your instructions, the one I have is titled 'ASTRA2 18-10-13,ssu'. It does update, the bar goes across to 100% then the box reboots then I was told that all the favourite channels would be catergories like HD,Sports,Movies. I only use the channels on Ku-Astra 2A. Sorry if this is nonsense, I'm new to this

I even done a factory reset and tried to put the list on afterwards but the same channels are on the same numbers, I hope I'm getting this right, does the channel list put the channels I have in some sort of order because at the minute there everywhere.

09-11-2013, 09:49 PM
the channel list you are using is out of date and is in the order that they person who made it left it, so could be ordered or could be all over the place, you would have to ask him

the favs are numbered 1 to 8 and do not have genre names, although the person that made it may have put them into some sort of order as you describe

it certainly wont order itself so either he did it or you do it, or you load in a new one like the new compass one I linked to, which will be in the order that compass made it or re-ordered it

either way you will have to either select ALL using the fav button, or select a fav between 1 and 8 to select whatever was allocated to them

if you use the compass one I linked to, he lists the order he has put them into between fav 01 and fav 08

the one in post #3 seems to be the one you want as its for 28e

09-11-2013, 09:53 PM
I'm not using a channel list from here but I followed your instructions, the one I have is titled 'ASTRA2 18-10-13,ssu'..

That sounds familar not from a well know @ucti*n site perhaps?

09-11-2013, 09:55 PM
ech beat me to it

09-11-2013, 10:03 PM
Cheers echelon, worked a treat. And thank you Compass thats exactly what I was looking for. I'm learning.

skomedal, I'm ashamed to say yes, can't believe I paid for one when there was one right here, the list Compass made is exactly what I was looking for.