View Full Version : Chanel editor. Click all

05-11-2013, 08:30 PM
I won't to put all 28.2 in fav 1. Do I have to click each one or can I click so all will be clicked with 1 button hope it makes spence thanks guys

05-11-2013, 11:55 PM
Why waste your time putting an entire satellite into a favourites list? You can just select the channels by satellite and there they are.
What you want to do is useless.

06-11-2013, 12:58 AM
favourites have a maximum number of channels allowed in them, so no you cannot put a whole list from 28e into one favourite and never have been able to on any spiderbox, its like trying to put a gallon of beer into a half pint glass !! think about it !!

06-11-2013, 02:17 AM
agree with the guys above,theres no need to put a whole satellite in 1 favourite but if you want to do something like that....

click on 28e, click on 1 of the channels, then press "ctrl" and "A", this will select all channels, right click>set to favourite X

alternately, you can hold the "ctrl" key whilst selecting channels, this will select them individually for a bulk import into one of the favourites