View Full Version : IPTV channels.

07-11-2013, 01:34 AM
I have managed to successfully load the ipk file onto the box. The channels I have added to the box are now at the end of the default list.But whenever I press the default button (blue) they disappear and all I am left with are the default channels again meaning I need to load my list again. Is the box supposed to do that? ALso is there any way of permanently removing some of the channels that came with the patch? Whenever I delete a channel/s next time I press the default button they all come back. Was hoping they can be extracted from the box, edited off the list and put back to the receiver together with my channels ? Really grateful for the patch its just those little things that I do not understand, We are restricted to 400 iptv channels but over 200 are there already and none can be permanently removed (I tried to get rid of the x.x.x stuff and I can`t).
I have noticed a massive improvement in subtitles with this patch, thank you for that, they`re working great now.

Edit: My list of channels dissapeared again, this time I didn`t press anything, all I did was exit the IPTV, went on to watch a Tv channel, when I came back to IPTV the channels that I loaded earlier were gone. Not a great problem, I will just load my channels when I want to watch something, just looking for confirmation that the box is supposed to behave like this.

07-11-2013, 09:48 AM
You don't need to press dafault button in any case . It is up to you if you want to have our default IPTV channels or not .
We embed some IPTV channels for all customers but especially for the ones are not so familiar with internet and they don't join any of forums so they can be updated .
So we give to all the opportunity to have some IPTV channels for free .
If you want to delete one or all IPTV channels then you can press Edit-Delete-Delete one or All .
If you want to add your own IPTV channels then open (.ipt) file with wordpad ,edit it , save it and then load it to receiver by usb .
Menu-Software Update-S/W Upgrade
Your IPTV channels will be added below the existing .
You still have the opportunity to Delete one or All .

07-11-2013, 10:06 AM
Thank you for the reply Blackdevil . The trouble I have now is the channels I am loading keep disappearing from the list. I dont even press anything, I do not do anything to cause it. I add my channels using the method described by you above (I can use them for as long as I am on the IPTV in menu, but the moment I exit to normal Tv viewing they disappear, so next time I go into IPTV all that is left are the default channels. As I said before its not a big problem for me to re-load the channels, but am wondering if there is something that I`m doing wrong. WOuld be great if someone who also added their own channels tested if his channels disappear too upon restarting the box etc.

07-11-2013, 10:23 AM
Sorted, Sorry guys, must have been something my end , I`ve re-patched, reloaded lists and its working now :)Thanks again and sorry for the confusion. I never intentionally post rubbish and honestly thought there was something wrong, and indeed there was: ME

07-11-2013, 11:02 AM
There is a specific case when you try to add an already exisiting link ,then it is not added .

for example :

blackdevil, rtsp://black:123/
you are trying to add same :
blackdevil, rtsp://black:123/
Roadrunner, rtsp://black:123/

Then second & third examples of IPTV channels cannot be added

09-11-2013, 01:45 PM
Menu-Software Update-S/W Upgrade

49 IPTV channels
Some Ukranian channels & other (sports-do***entary-music-movies-kids) .

09-11-2013, 02:09 PM
fantastic thanks blackdevil for helping us all

10-11-2013, 05:19 PM
Menu-Software Update-S/W Upgrade

78 IPTV Movies collection

10-11-2013, 06:11 PM
How can I stop the buffing on the films. I have good ip speed but it keeps buffing. Some brill films on thank you den

10-11-2013, 06:14 PM
normally with iptv , you want to pause them so that the buffering is in front of the download and then restart some time later , so instead of stopping any buffering like you asked , the trick is to ensure the film is fully buffered such that you are always watching it behind the real time point, usually by pausing any download for a while to allow the buffering to build up

the point being that you dont want to be watching it in real time, but always buffered

even bbc iplayer uses the buffering principle in order to stop you catching up with the download

its common knowledge that download speeds always beat upload speeds which means it usually doesnt matter how fast your download is because the uploads can never compete on most broadband systems

I suppose if you had SDSL and the originator had it as well, you may just about keep up

10-11-2013, 06:21 PM
Unfortunately there is no Pause option in the spiderbox`s iptv .

10-11-2013, 06:37 PM
Only if it is vod you can pause ,go forward,rewind .
Movies are live .
I have separated movies that are working well .
Maybe the exact time you tried these specific weren't working well , maybe you can try a little later ?
I watched Mad Max 2 hours ago ,no buffer at all .

10-11-2013, 06:42 PM
Same here, I am yet to see any buffering apart from the initial few seconds at the start of a movie. No problems whatsoever on about 8meg broadband
(also tried on my lousy 4meg Talk Talk and no buffering either)

10-11-2013, 06:44 PM
Is it possible to add more movies to these each week would be great. Thanks for your brill work

10-11-2013, 06:50 PM
Is it possible to add more movies to these each week would be great. Thanks for your brill work
Can always use google and find new additions ;) (I did anyway, and successfuly)

11-11-2013, 11:49 AM
Just popped in to say what a great addition IPTV is for the 6000hd, all working fine for me. Well done.

11-11-2013, 07:23 PM
Hi all,firstly let me say thanks to all who madew IPTV possible,I personally did not know what or how to get IPTV ajnd I still dont know what I have but I am sure if I keep asking questions I will know and again this is thanks to all involved on our site,I may or maynot have a problem with my IPTV buffering is slow and after about half hour it stops so must be loaded again,my Bband is about 6 .3 so the problem may be on my side or maybe there will be a patch fix that will sort some probs out anyway this IPTV is something else God bless all you guys for giving us so much for so little,maybe we can say thanks by way of a little donation that will keep our site to the standard that we have reached,regards Knacker

11-11-2013, 08:29 PM
" maybe we can say thanks by way of a little donation that will keep our site to the standard that we have reached,regards Knacker "

Members are allowed to make donations here:


There is a large Green Banner at the top of the forum, ref Donations.

11-11-2013, 08:37 PM
hi all, just a quick question for those in the know. can i load the iptv channel s/w directly to my s/box 6000 using my usb ? i have no idea but will this remove the patch i already have on my box or will the two patches, s/w work together ok. is there a guide how to do this? any help would be appreciated. i wait in anticipation as i dont want to mess up my box. many thanks

11-11-2013, 08:50 PM
DOn`t worry about messing up your box, if you load the *.ipt file kindly provided by Blackdevil it will only expand the list of available channels available on your box, and wont mess up anything. The instructions of how to load it are included with the patch tht introduced the IPTV to our boxes:

Instructions for IPTV function, user creating his IPTV channel list and add in receiver :

a)Make IPTV.ipt file using wordpad (attached file)

b)Copy IPTV.ipt file to USB drive

c)Menu-System settingS->Software Update->S/W Upgrade

d)Select IPTV.ipt file and press OK

e)Receiver reboots

f)Go to IPTV

g)User can find IPTV channels he made.

If you use the file created by someone else just load it to your box.Skip the point A of the instructions as someone else had created the IPTV.ipt file for you

11-11-2013, 08:51 PM
the new patch OVERWRITES the old one, from your usb stick

there is a guide in the spiderbox GUIDES and FAQ forum here ( we hide it in there so members cannot find it ;) )

there is also a guide in the sticky threads at the top of this forum, AND there is a simple procedure guide in the post accompanying the new firmware posted today (the new patch)

11-11-2013, 09:09 PM
1.IPTV function
a)Menu-IPTV --> pressing 'Default' (blue button),default IPTV channels appearing.
b)Edit --> Delete --> Delete one , Delete all
c)For going back --> press exit button
d)For going massive channels down or up ,use arrow buttons (next RECALL & GOTO buttons).

For extend your IPTV channel list you can also add one of the (.ipt) files in previous posts in this section .
Some may not work but do not worry you can select other .
We 'll try to update lists often .

11-11-2013, 09:20 PM
daft question does this only work on the 6000 or can it be applied to other spider boxes,just asking as my brother in law has a 7000.

11-11-2013, 09:28 PM
Its only for 6000. No other spiderbox has the IPTV

11-11-2013, 10:56 PM
@roadrunner, thank you for your help, im all up and running, what a great box and also thanks to the guys who made this possible. excellent

11-11-2013, 11:02 PM
@roadrunner, thank you for your help, im all up and running, what a great box and also thanks to the guys who made this possible. excellent
Glad you are sorted, but ALL the thanks go to the team who made it all possible not me. :bow-004:

12-11-2013, 12:10 AM
cheers roadrunner

13-11-2013, 08:52 PM
101 A*d*u*l*t clips IPTV list

Menu-Software Update-S/W Upgrade

13-11-2013, 09:09 PM
Thanks for your hard work Blackdevil. The amount of support that we get for this box is amazing :bowing-036:

13-11-2013, 09:16 PM
Thanks for your hard work Blackdevil. The amount of support that we get for this box is amazing :bowing-036:

I will second that

13-11-2013, 09:20 PM
Can we hide the *****s some where

13-11-2013, 09:37 PM
Can we hide the *****s some where

FFS plenty free adu1t clips on the internet to suit all tastes if your really into this:beatdeadhorse5:

13-11-2013, 10:14 PM
Can we hide the *****s some where
YOu can always keep a seperate file with them and load them only when you are feeling lonely,:sifone: :D

13-11-2013, 10:19 PM
Can we hide the *****s some where

POP them on your USB Stick & keep it handy, add your .iptv files as and when you wish

EG. when you are finished watching XXX you can follow blackdevil's guide and delete all

1.IPTV function
a)Menu-IPTV --> pressing 'Default' (blue button),default IPTV channels appearing.
b)Edit --> Delete --> Delete one , Delete all

14-11-2013, 01:14 PM
thanks blackdevil, great work. much appreciated.

14-11-2013, 06:17 PM
43 IPTV channels

Menu-Software Update-S/W Upgrade

14-11-2013, 10:29 PM
Have tried as best I can to follow the instructions a couple of times but no joy. New patch is installed (?) but no IPTV visible in menu options and box does not recognize ipt files on the usb. Would love to get this set up on my machine so if anyone has a suggestion where I might be going wrong I would appreciate the advice. :o15:

14-11-2013, 11:09 PM
Have tried as best I can to follow the instructions a couple of times but no joy. New patch is installed (?) but no IPTV visible in menu options and box does not recognize ipt files on the usb. Would love to get this set up on my machine so if anyone has a suggestion where I might be going wrong I would appreciate the advice. :o15:
Are you sure you have loaded the correct patch?

15-11-2013, 12:11 AM
Thanks jb for your reply. Yes I'm nearly certain that that's not my mistake whatever it is (file name on laptop given as HD6000 _11_11.ssu) downloaded from here.

Are you sure you have loaded the correct patch?

15-11-2013, 12:26 AM
have you got all working apart from the iptv channels?, just press the blue button & they should appear

15-11-2013, 12:53 AM
Thanks chopper1, yes everything else works fine. There is obviously something very basic I'm not doing correctly. When you say just press the blue button do you mean while in the channel list or while in one of the menu options?

have you got all working apart from the iptv channels?, just press the blue button & they should appear

15-11-2013, 01:49 AM
Sorted now, having discovered the problem. My backup of user data was in fact an all files back-up which I assume put things back to square one after the patch load. Anyway working fine now (watching Cinderella Man at mo) and hope to add some of the other offerings (thanks to Blackdevil) tomorrow. Thanks all. Magic!!!:respect-053:

15-11-2013, 11:04 AM
Sorted now, having discovered the problem. My backup of user data was in fact an all files back-up which I assume put things back to square one after the patch load. Anyway working fine now (watching Cinderella Man at mo) and hope to add some of the other offerings (thanks to Blackdevil) tomorrow. Thanks all. Magic!!!:respect-053:

great you got it sorted mate

15-11-2013, 11:11 AM
Wow great addition I have managed to install latest patch with IPTV fine but i went to reload my saved channel list and this set my box flashing red and then flashing green continously i managed to reset box with the trusty rs232 and old pc and hyperterminal software but last night i went to add some extra iptv channels and the same happened again any help would be appreciated

15-11-2013, 11:55 AM
You maybe going over the max channel capacity? delete some of your unwanted channels from your saved channel list first or try loading a different list, then add your IPTV again.
Follow the correct patching procedure remembering the factory resets.

15-11-2013, 04:16 PM
jbvid thanks for your help all sorted now i wasnt factory resetting also cheers blackdevil youre work is appreciated

15-11-2013, 06:45 PM
19 IPTV sport channels

Menu-Software Update-S/W Upgrade

15-11-2013, 09:44 PM
IPTV channels
Menu-Software Update-S/W Upgrade

15-11-2013, 09:48 PM
thanks again Blackdevil, what type of channels are in the above file?

15-11-2013, 10:00 PM
Most English, do***entary,kids,movies .....

15-11-2013, 10:05 PM
try opening the file in notepad and all is revealed

15-11-2013, 11:43 PM
hi goonner, i opened one of the files in notepad then transferred to USB and loaded to receiver, the Arena etc. channels are on the iptv list but none clear?

16-11-2013, 12:03 AM
chopper1 i edited the channels in notepad then saved them as iptv.ipt
hope that helps

16-11-2013, 12:12 AM
hi goonner, i opened one of the files in notepad then transferred to USB and loaded to receiver, the Arena etc. channels are on the iptv list but none clear?

Maybe you should have read the info in this thread for creating a iptv file:


16-11-2013, 12:31 AM
HOW THE HELL DO I DO THIS I HAVE TRYD everything to put this in the box I can right it in but the box wont take all
I tryd all 10 chans this is just 1#EXTINF:-1,TELEDUNET VCX7 JSC SPORT:JSC SPORT 1
rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp://www.teledunet.com:1935/teledunet playpath=aljazeera_sport_1 swfUrl=http://www.teledunet.com/tv/player.swf?abouttxt=T%EF%BF%BDl%E F%BF%BDdunet&id0=82365407955400&skin=bekle/bekle.xml& live=1 pageUrl=http://www.teledunet.com/tv/?channel=aljazeera_sport_1&no_pub

16-11-2013, 02:22 AM
HOW THE HELL DO I DO THIS I HAVE TRYD everything to put this in the box I can right it in but the box wont take all
I tryd all 10 chans this is just 1#EXTINF:-1,TELEDUNET VCX7 JSC SPORT:JSC SPORT 1
rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp://www.teledunet.com:1935/teledunet playpath=aljazeera_sport_1 swfUrl=http://www.teledunet.com/tv/player.swf?abouttxt=T%EF%BF%BDl%E F%BF%BDdunet&id0=82365407955400&skin=bekle/bekle.xml& live=1 pageUrl=http://www.teledunet.com/tv/?channel=aljazeera_sport_1&no_pub

Did you try reading the info in the link posted in post#54 ???

16-11-2013, 09:57 AM
HOW THE HELL DO I DO THIS I HAVE TRYD everything to put this in the box I can right it in but the box wont take all
I tryd all 10 chans this is just 1#EXTINF:-1,TELEDUNET VCX7 JSC SPORT:JSC SPORT 1
rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp://www.teledunet.com:1935/teledunet playpath=aljazeera_sport_1 swfUrl=http://www.teledunet.com/tv/player.swf?abouttxt=T%EF%BF%BDl%E F%BF%BDdunet&id0=82365407955400&skin=bekle/bekle.xml& live=1 pageUrl=http://www.teledunet.com/tv/?channel=aljazeera_sport_1&no_pub
Because those you have posted are in the wrong format for an .ipt file, use Notepad++ and look in Blackdevils test files for the correct format.

16-11-2013, 12:01 PM
HOW THE HELL DO I DO THIS I HAVE TRYD everything to put this in the box I can right it in but the box wont take all
I tryd all 10 chans this is just 1#EXTINF:-1,TELEDUNET VCX7 JSC SPORT:JSC SPORT 1
rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp://www.teledunet.com:1935/teledunet playpath=aljazeera_sport_1 swfUrl=http://www.teledunet.com/tv/player.swf?abouttxt=T%EF%BF%BDl%E F%BF%BDdunet&id0=82365407955400&skin=bekle/bekle.xml& live=1 pageUrl=http://www.teledunet.com/tv/?channel=aljazeera_sport_1&no_pub

This type is not compatible .
Even vlc player cannot read it .
It is for simple tv player .

16-11-2013, 01:27 PM
hi all, i have got the ipt file as suggested above. i have found some urls to load into it. i am running xp. my problem is when i try to drag the url into the file all i get is a black circle with a line through it and cannot drag the url to the file. anyone know what i am doing wrong or if doing it this way even works this way. any help would be most welcome as im stumped. i read something about using wordpad or similar but i have no idea how to do it. thanks

16-11-2013, 01:37 PM
hi all, i have got the ipt file as suggested above. i have found some urls to load into it. i am running xp. my problem is when i try to drag the url into the file all i get is a black circle with a line through it and cannot drag the url to the file. anyone know what i am doing wrong or if doing it this way even works this way. any help would be most welcome as im stumped. i read something about using wordpad or similar but i have no idea how to do it. thanks

if you have xp you should have wordpad , but you could download, install and use notepad plus instead

open the test file or similar in notepad or wordpad, then highlight and copy the url and paste into the opened wordpad or notepad file on a free line, using the same format as the examples in the test files (these will also open in notepad or wordpad), so quit the "dragging and dropping ideas as its a simple copy and paste you should be using

when the url,s are in there in the same format as the examples like in test1 , save it, then load it into your spiderbox 6000

nb:- there are many links people have tried and failed with as can be seen in this thread, so make sure that whatever links you are using are the same types and format as those in the examples

I have just copied and pasted the url from animal planet at the top of the test5 file into vlc and its streaming ok, so use vlc to test the url first

16-11-2013, 01:51 PM
thanks echelon, will give it a go. so, dragging is no good is it? thanks for your help

16-11-2013, 02:08 PM
in my opinion , drag and drop is used by lazy people who havent learned to use tools properly, it was a bad idea employed by MS back in the old windows 3.11 and win95 days, its also something I never, never use at all

I liken it to using a pebble to hammer in nails when doing some carpentry , it may work for monkeys opening nuts too but even a monkey would learn to use hammers and nutcrackers if they had invented them, it would also be a far more clean and efficient process of cracking nuts open than using a pebble and a hard rock which is their more usual nutcracking methods

to me its a shame that people do not have to undergo a proficiency test before "driving" a pc or a laptop, like they do with cars, as learning to use the basic tools like notepad and wordpad is a damn good idea when you consider those tools have been around since before 1995 (win95) so if you dont know what you are doing on a computer then go on a "computer awareness course" !

16-11-2013, 11:13 PM
hi all have loaded a bd movie file ok but any film keeps loading every few seconds, do I need to wait say 10-15 minutes I have virgin media broadband via fibre optic would assunme speed is ok thank you

16-11-2013, 11:49 PM
cutain i have the same problem,buffering then a few seconds of picture then buffering etc,my broadband speed is 4 but can not get a veiw of more than a few seconds

17-11-2013, 12:27 AM
I already explained the buffering issues in post #10 and the subsequent replies like post #11 indicated you cannot pause the buffering on a spiderbox 6000 HD so there is nothing you can do about it (I suspect that most of the recent respondents havent bothered to actually read it), as its not normally down to anybodys broadband download speed but the upload speeds of the sites and contention as well (how busy those sites are)

you can see this if you take the links from the files and paste them into vlc media player where you will see them freeze and pause and they cannot be buffered either so it has nothing to do with the spiderbox 6000

for the movies and similar videos you can get vlc to download them and convert into mp4 onto your pc and then play them without any need for buffering at all

alternatively, download and convert the file and play it directly from a usb stick on the box itself, that certainly works on most modern boxes including the 6000

but it is what it is and those of you who dont like it have the option of not using it as you havent paid for it and its a freebie "extra"

those links were not made for the spiderbox, they already existed for other users to use in xbmc on various pieces of equipment, and laptops and pc,s and all kinds of devices

either way this has nothing to do with the spiderbox, as the spiderbox is merely a tool to be used to get them, same as any other tool including your laptops or tablets

the trick with these systems is to use a tool that can actually buffer or download and play these links, like the vu , but of course you get what you pay for

you could buy a ferrari enzo or modena or an aston DB6 , but if you put s**t petrol into it because its free then it will cough and splutter and run like a bag of spanners, or if you drive it down a cobbled street it may rattle like a babys noisemaker, if you then take it onto the main road on monday morning at 9am on a typical schoolday you will be crawling along at 5 mph or be stuck in a traffic jam !!! - so do not blame the car !!

17-11-2013, 01:01 AM
OK so am old fashioned and probably still got a pebble somewhere in the house lol. ( for the nut's lol)
but why do we want to watch internet file on a sat box? I got a computer for that and can put that to TV If I wish. (using the pause and play or download for later software already mentioned)
It's a great idea from the developers but for me it's the same as utube ? prefer to watch that on com as well.
One fault with patch is I cant playback certain .flv files but plays other .flv's but that's my rave over now time to take my medicine :respect-061:

You can revert to previous patch if you have a lot of problem's

17-11-2013, 01:07 PM
thanks all, echelon, I had read your post re download/upload speeds my virgin internet is meant to be 30meg I would assume is ok. I loaded a ready made movie iptv list to the 6000 , so menu/iptv just gave the name of a movie. its only after your reply and viewing the said iptv file in wordpad that I can see the url/ link is listed . one other thing I found whilst viewing a film , usb record did not work, but I could record via scart to dvd recorder.

now I realize that its possible to download/convert/save a given iptv file, things are less of a mystery.

thank you once again

17-11-2013, 02:44 PM
For some people having problems with IPTV :
Loading IPTV files again and again and sometimes files containing wrong links ,probably you create a problem in receiver's IPTV function giving you 'loading' .
Just after loading a correct IPTV file, such mine, unplug from main and plug it again to be sure 100% that all are alright .
Movies-a*du*lt clips-kids ,i have previous uploaded, are working without a problem most of the times .
Just all people have in your mind that these are not private links to working 100% without any problem .
Even a private link depends of giver's internet upload and your internet download .

17-11-2013, 02:48 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

30 Movies
100 Looney tunes clips

17-11-2013, 11:18 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

test5 --> Greek tv channels + History

TV Series --> The Walking Dead S04E01-05 & Under The Dome S01E01-13

18-11-2013, 10:04 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

ad_lt2 --> 16 movies

tvseries2 --> The Walking Dead S04E06

18-11-2013, 10:22 PM
incredible service Blackdevil:respect-054:

impressed so much with the support for this box im actually going to sell my 7000 spiderbox to get a 2nd 6000 one

19-11-2013, 10:15 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

music --> 40 music channels

test6 --> 27 channels : sports,do***entary,ad**t,kids,mus ic

19-11-2013, 11:59 PM
Excellent, Thank you very much :) Comes the weekend I am going to try and copy All the links and sort them for my library. Spoilt for choice now and way above the max 400, so will keep them separate, movies docs a-ult music kids, and one list with a bit of all that I find interesting,and load them when required. ;)

20-11-2013, 12:05 AM
incredible service Blackdevil:respect-054:

impressed so much with the support for this box im actually going to sell my 7000 spiderbox to get a 2nd 6000 one
That is what I thought back in May, and flogged my 9000 to replace it with 6000. And the support is getting better and better. Now I`ve got two spiders and thinking of another for a kids room, and one for my in-laws for Christmas :)

20-11-2013, 05:32 PM
I bought one of the first batch delivered in May and then got another in August. The only thing that bugged me was early on, when the little beggars wouldn't switch off,but that has been sorted for quite a while now. Top marks from me.

22-11-2013, 10:37 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

ad_lt2 --> previous file updated with more movies

Movies4 --> more than 50 movies in high quality

24-11-2013, 09:17 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

Movies5 --> ''2 Guns'' & other movies in high quality

Enjoy !!!

25-11-2013, 10:10 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

tvseries --> The Walking Dead S04E07

Enjoy !!!

25-11-2013, 10:45 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

testtt --> all kind of channels

Enjoy !!!

general Martok
26-11-2013, 01:20 PM
Is there a limit to the size / numbers in the IPT file?
I concatenated a number of files, which was read in, but then the list cut off?

Thanks in advance of the answer.

26-11-2013, 01:34 PM
Is there a limit to the size / numbers in the IPT file?
I concatenated a number of files, which was read in, but then the list cut off?

Thanks in advance of the answer.

its deffo mentioned in all the blurb with this on the forums but from memory I believe it was 400

suggest you read the iptv threads and iptv patch details properly please


general Martok
26-11-2013, 01:38 PM
Sorry, should have looked harder.

27-11-2013, 07:52 PM
guys is it possible to move the IPTV channels around like sections for sport, films, music, series, ***** etc. Eg: some to the top and others further down the list??

27-11-2013, 08:45 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

sport --> for today CL matches

Enjoy !!!

28-11-2013, 08:00 AM
guys is it possible to move the IPTV channels around like sections for sport, films, music, series, ***** etc. Eg: some to the top and others further down the list??

Open an (.ipt) file with wordpad and add/edit links as you like, then save it .
Now load it in receiver .

28-11-2013, 07:07 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

poland --> polish channels + NASA HD + TN HD1 Argentina

Enjoy !!!

28-11-2013, 11:11 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

test6 --> all kind of mostly English channels

Enjoy !!!

29-11-2013, 08:50 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

czech --> some czech channels

Enjoy !!!

30-11-2013, 10:15 PM
Hi, does anyone know how to change the soundtrack to form russian
to english on the 6000HD?

e.g TV 1000 has this 2nd soundtrack on my VLC-Player??

01-12-2013, 10:46 AM
Hi, does anyone know how to change the soundtrack to form russian
to english on the 6000HD?

e.g TV 1000 has this 2nd soundtrack on my VLC-Player??
Yes , (Only if its available for selection via the Audio button) the audio button in on the remote control, first set of 4 from the top, second one in from the right, marked up as Audio on the 6000hd, blank on the other model.
Please try and keep this thread on topic (IPTV Channels)

01-12-2013, 01:31 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

moviesfortest --> Riddick,Man of Steel,White House Down,World War Z,Prisoners

Enjoy !!!

01-12-2013, 01:44 PM
Hi, does anyone know how to change the soundtrack to form russian
to english on the 6000HD?

e.g TV 1000 has this 2nd soundtrack on my VLC-Player??

In receiver's IPTV function is not possible .

01-12-2013, 08:31 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

test7 --> Digisports1,History,Slo 1-2-3

Enjoy !!!

03-12-2013, 09:14 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

series --> The Walking Dead S04 E08

Enjoy !!!

04-12-2013, 12:48 PM
hi, having a bit of trouble with the iptv channels, every time i go on a channel it freezes every few seconds and sometimes freezes altogether, plus none of the movies will play, i dont know if i have done something wrong when loading the patch, just wondered if anyone can shed any light on this


04-12-2013, 02:34 PM
Mine does the same I know it's not my internet as the channels don't keep dropping out

04-12-2013, 02:36 PM
IPTV links are not ours and as it seems most of movies are down .
Also some IPTV channels are freezing,other working good .
I will update lists with movies soon .

04-12-2013, 05:05 PM
thanks Blackdevil, for the movies or channels that are down or freezing is it best to delete them now or is there a chance they could return at a later stage?

04-12-2013, 07:29 PM
thanks Blackdevil, for the movies or channels that are down or freezing is it best to delete them now or is there a chance they could return at a later stage?

What is down will be difficult to be back .
The freezing is coming from uploaders so in different hours there is different stability . It's up to you if you delete any or not .
For movies we are fixing our own, we have almost ready with newest movies ,we 'll soon update you .

04-12-2013, 07:31 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

scandinavian --> scandinavian channels

Enjoy !!!

05-12-2013, 09:27 PM
Sorry but I cannot get this file to work. When I save it saves as "attachment" and not an ipt file, what am I doing wrong!!!!

05-12-2013, 09:42 PM
Sorry but I cannot get this file to work. When I save it saves as "attachment" and not an ipt file, what am I doing wrong!!!!
For me it saves as a .zip file then needs unzipping, with winrar or winzip

05-12-2013, 09:50 PM
jbvid thanks, I use WinRAR but as stated is saves as an attachment and will not unzip just stays as the attachment.
Must be this Win7, have to try and find winzip.

05-12-2013, 09:54 PM
Right mouse click on the downloaded zip file and select 'Open with' then (Select winrar or winzip)
Going off topic really.

05-12-2013, 10:09 PM
No luck with winzip, thanks, I'll forget it this time, as you say off topic.

05-12-2013, 11:04 PM
No luck with winzip, thanks, I'll forget it this time, as you say off topic.

Get the 32 or 64bit versions of 7zip here, and try that:


07-12-2013, 12:46 PM
hi there I'm a newbie to HD6000 I have loaded all the new IPTV channels and they are showing in the list but none play when I press ok to watch they load then dont play am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help

07-12-2013, 01:08 PM
most of the default film channels are down mate, best to delete the ones that don't work & try load some of Blackdevils iptv files earlier in this thread

07-12-2013, 10:10 PM
Cheers Blackdevils files work its a great addition!!

07-12-2013, 10:20 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

test8 --> Arabian MBC,ADSports,FX ...... + Viasat History

Enjoy !!!

*We are preparing our system with more than 200 new & older movies online, we hope soon we 'll be ready .

08-12-2013, 11:51 AM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

test9 --> sk1,mtv,esp 1-2 ,hrt 1-2-3-4 .....

Enjoy !!!

08-12-2013, 06:51 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

russian --> russian all kind of channels

Enjoy !!!

08-12-2013, 10:26 PM
hi all, is there any IPTV links for AL JAZEERA SPORTS that anybody knows of ????

09-12-2013, 09:49 AM
Waiting for the films. For Christmas. Keep us all happy. Merry Christmas

09-12-2013, 07:28 PM
We 'll be ready soon.
Even we 'll try to upload tv series by your request !!!

Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

Gravity --> Gravity 2013

Enjoy !!!

Merry Christmas !!!

09-12-2013, 07:41 PM
We 'll be ready soon.
Even we 'll try to upload tv series by your request !!!

Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

Gravity --> Gravity 2013

Enjoy !!!

Merry Christmas !!!
Now, thats amazing (like the rest of your files) That film just got out on the net and its already here. :)
I thought I`ve seen it all, but it looks like I have not. As for other members just WAITING for something, how about you find something and post here?
Merry Christmas to All (bit early I know)

09-12-2013, 08:00 PM
" As for other members just WAITING for something, how about you find something and post here? "

I quite agree with you on that M8, you can give some people the Moon, and they would want the Sun & Stars as well, as they are never satisfied with what they get, they always want more.

09-12-2013, 10:19 PM
For such a modestly priced receiver this box and the support we get for free is amazing.
It is my favorite receiver just now.

dave d
10-12-2013, 02:31 PM
just a quick question guys can you put all the above files in the spider , or is it just one a time that the box will run not upgraded itpd channels yet

10-12-2013, 02:35 PM
just a quick question guys can you put all the above files in the spider , or is it just one a time that the box will run not upgraded itpd channels yet

You can have maximum 400 IPTV channels .
You can open files with wordpad and edit/add/delete channels in one file and then upload to receiver .
What you like.This is the best option .

dave d
10-12-2013, 02:44 PM
cheers for that will have a go

dave d
10-12-2013, 02:51 PM
right had a look dose that mean i can copy all the files onto one page and copy to the spider and dose it affect the ones already on the spider , replace's them in other words cheers
sorry and which file do i back up to alter , from the spaiderbox

10-12-2013, 04:57 PM
400 iptv channels maximum mate, you can delete ones that don't work and add whichever you like that are working

dave d
10-12-2013, 06:07 PM
400 iptv channels maximum mate, you can delete ones that don't work and add whichever you like that are workingi know that thanks, but which file do i back up from the spiderbox to edit , is ALL DATA, ETC

10-12-2013, 06:39 PM
i know that thanks, but which file do i back up from the spiderbox to edit , is ALL DATA, ETC
No need to extract anything from the box, just use the same file you have created earlier on. Add
/remove any addresses and when you happy with the contents and order of your films Save onto a stick and load to your receiver (it will just overwrite the one in the box)
Keep a copy of
that file as you would need this again if you want to add some more films or remove the ones that no longer work etc.

dave d
10-12-2013, 06:43 PM
will this not overwrite the files that come with the box or are they embedded ,in the software cheers

10-12-2013, 06:47 PM
The files that came with the box are embedded and it will not overwrite those but your list will appear at the end of the list that came with the patch. Check if you want to keep the list that came with the box tho as most films from that list are no longer working. I personally deleted all and loaded my own list of channels to make the most of the 400 channels we are allowed to load. Now I just do what I suggested to you above, I edit my file as/when needed and keep reloading it to the box with new content.

dave d
10-12-2013, 06:50 PM
The files that came with the box are embedded and it will not overwrite those but your list will appear at the end of the list that came with the patch. Check if you want to keep the list that came with the box tho as most films from that list are no longer working. I personally deleted all and loaded my own list of channels to make the most of the 400 channels we are allowed to load. right got you ,thanks for that

11-12-2013, 06:19 PM
If anybody is fan of tv series and want to watch it in HD6000 's IPTV can inform me to give file.
List :
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S01 E10
Nikita S04 E03
The Tomorrow People S01 E08
Arrow S02 E08
The Walking Dead S04 E08
Two and a Half Men S11 E09
The Big Bang Theory S07 E10
How I Met Your Mother S09 E12
NCIS S11 E10
Sons of Anarchy S06 E13
Dracula S01 E06
Bones S09 E11
Sleepy Hollow S01 E10
Once Upon a Time S03 E10
Grimm S03 E06
The Vampire Diaries S05 E09
Supernatural S09 E09
The Originals S01 E09
Witches of East End S01 E09

11-12-2013, 06:40 PM
Thanks black devil. Would like 400 films. To keep all the family happy over Xmas. Merry Christmas. You doing a fantastic job for us all thank you

13-12-2013, 06:40 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

allkind --> j*c sports,o*n sports , ab* dh*bi sports, m*v3 maxsp*rt ......

Enjoy !!!

dave d
13-12-2013, 08:00 PM
right got you ,thanks for that
right guys saved all the iptv on the list to one file on note book only problems is how do i save back to the original file format it will only let me save as a text doc, will that work in the spider .

13-12-2013, 08:37 PM
right guys saved all the iptv on the list to one file on note book only problems is how do i save back to the original file format it will only let me save as a text doc, will that work in the spider .
It does say that, but save anyway,If you are not sure its correct just double check after you saved that the file type says IPT file then you are good to go.

dave d
13-12-2013, 08:58 PM
when i open with note pad its all double dutch , and when i save it says invalid file format

13-12-2013, 09:09 PM
Strange, Did you use one of Blackdevils files? I use one of them and just copy and paste new lines to it and save. Never had any problems with them. When I save as a new filename say movies1 or 2 or whatever filename I need it always says its saving as TXT file but it stays an IPT file.
Just to make sure transfer one of Blackdevils files to your USB stick and open it with WORDPAD. add all your lines to it and SAVE with the save icon rather than the Save as option. That will keep all the formatting of the file and save it to the destinitation you want to have it at.
Hope I am making sense here.

dave d
13-12-2013, 09:21 PM
its OK guys think ive cracked it ,thanks dave

13-12-2013, 09:51 PM
I need a tester to watch a movie .
If there is a volunteer for tonight or tomorrow let's tell me what movie he wants to watch so i 'll upload here for him .
Need to test only in HD6000 .

13-12-2013, 10:51 PM
This is for what I'm looking for a while jsc sports on nilesat 7 as iptv channels!

How can I add and do I need to pay for it? And does it work in other boxes or just spidebox HD 6000?

Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

allkind --> j*c sports,o*n sports , ab* dh*bi sports, m*v3 maxsp*rt ......

14-12-2013, 09:28 AM
alan partridge alpha papa
I need a tester to watch a movie .
If there is a volunteer for tonight or tomorrow let's tell me what movie he wants to watch so i 'll upload here for him .
Need to test only in HD6000 .

14-12-2013, 09:33 AM
Looking for more films for Xmas viewing please

14-12-2013, 09:48 AM
Thanks so much for last update blackdevil.

Only bought my 6000 last week after seeing it could do IPTV.
Amazingly I sold my 7000 yesterday on the great ******* site for £69! So its cost me about £10 to get all the benefits of the 6000 over the 7000.

14-12-2013, 10:16 AM
Thanks so much for last update blackdevil.

Only bought my 6000 last week after seeing it could do IPTV.
Amazingly I sold my 7000 yesterday on the great ******* site for £69! So its cost me about £10 to get all the benefits of the 6000 over the 7000.

we cannot thank Blackdevil enough!!
thats a similar situation to me mate, wanted iptv & wireless with 6000, my 7000 is also on the ******* site at the moment looking for a similar price

14-12-2013, 11:38 AM
Looking for more films for Xmas viewing please
I tested some films for Blackdevil last night and I think you will love the upcoming file :) (both content and quality.) All the good stuff comes to those who wait patiently ;)

14-12-2013, 12:22 PM
Looking for more films for Xmas viewing please

You 'll have with next patch .
I hope soon as we are working for this many hours every day .

14-12-2013, 12:26 PM
Looking for more films for Xmas viewing please

You have already posted this request earlier:

Thanks black devil. Would like 400 films. To keep all the family happy over Xmas. Merry Christmas. You doing a fantastic job for us all thank you

14-12-2013, 12:39 PM
alan partridge alpha papa

Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa (2013)
Picture quality for this movie is 720p
There is no buffering, but test it ,you can also go rewind-forward (you can use green button) .
Need to know results only from HD6000 's users .
These IPTV benefits will be only for HD6000 users in upcoming future . The public files will stop .

14-12-2013, 12:54 PM
Thanks blackdevil
All working fine for me, audio fine, picture quality good with no breaks, F/F X2,4,8,16,32 all working, no faults from me.:respect-054:

14-12-2013, 01:00 PM
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa (2013)
Picture quality for this movie is 720p
There is no buffering, but test it ,you can also go rewind-forward (you can use green button) .
Need to know results only from HD6000 's users .
These IPTV benefits will be only for HD6000 users in upcoming future . The public files will stop .
Thats great Blackdevil :)
I mean that green button feature , Now we can jump to anywhere in the movie without forwarding. I found it of great help, when I had to leave the movie I was watching and came back to it later, pressed the green button typed in the time at which I left the movie and hey presto there I was watching from where I have left off. :)
Great job, Thank You.

14-12-2013, 01:28 PM
perfect thanks

14-12-2013, 02:32 PM
Thats great Blackdevil :)
I mean that green button feature , Now we can jump to anywhere in the movie without forwarding. I found it of great help, when I had to leave the movie I was watching and came back to it later, pressed the green button typed in the time at which I left the movie and hey presto there I was watching from where I have left off. :)
Great job, Thank You.

Unfortunately not all movies in our collection have this option .
We 'll try from new ones .

14-12-2013, 02:46 PM
Even if only one single movie had it it would still be great. I really appreciate all your hard work. I was really impressed last night when I tested the 1080p movie. Much much better quality than the HD files from my other media player. And while I am at it, I`ve put all the films to the test this morning again and again not a single picture break, no buffering etc. As I said yesterday, after the first tests on a wired 10-12 meg broadband I did the other tests on a less than 5meg wireless connection from another provider, and the 1080p movie was working great still (regardless of what I threw at it: forwarding/rewinding and resuming play at different points in the movie.
Thank you

14-12-2013, 08:52 PM
Blackdevil Is our Santa Gives to us all and takes nothing. Merry Christmas. God bless

14-12-2013, 09:40 PM
Blackdevil Is our Santa Gives to us all and takes nothing. Merry Christmas. God bless

By the same token there are some members who Take All, and Give nothing in Return.

14-12-2013, 09:45 PM
But do you think that everyone don't have the know how and are leaning as they go along.

14-12-2013, 11:19 PM
But do you think that everyone don't have the know how and are leaning as they go along.

No, I do not think that you are, as you have been a member of this forum for over 5 years and you still have not learnt much in that time.

15-12-2013, 09:19 AM
Merry Christmas

15-12-2013, 11:55 PM
Hi. I am trying to get the IPTV function working. Some of the channels work ok but the movies don't seem to. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? I have installed the latest patch. It's proving however to be a clever piece of kit this 6000. Wasn't impressed much at first but wow. This movie list looks impressive(if I get it to work). Beats the wife's DVD's anyhow. Any help or info hugely appreciated. Newbie on this forum by the way so HI..

16-12-2013, 12:06 AM
Don`t know which movie list you are using but the films come and go so you are not doing anything wrong, some films could have simply expired,they are all public addresses and there is no guarantee they will work or how long they will work for. Have a look in the most recent test files in this thread as most of the films are still working, just load them to your box following the instructions. We are all waiting for the new patch that will have the updated list of films embedded in software. Welcome to the forum and please visit this thread and say hello: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?431-Introduce-Yourself

16-12-2013, 12:18 AM
Thanks Roadrunner(Beep Beep). Your response is appreciated. The forum is wicked by the way. It seems like a friendly place. Thanks again fella!!

16-12-2013, 02:41 PM
(inspired by blackdevil)
This is my first attempt at getting streaming urls not the best quality but the latest movies:
Homefront, Frozen, Free birds, Insidious 2 and Enders Game. I have also used googles short url, it still works for me if it doesn't for you next time will not use.
I can't test not got a 6000 but the format is same as blackdevil's let me know if it is correct.


16-12-2013, 02:58 PM

I don't think your file will work on the 6000 because of the following :

1) You should rename the file to have the extension .ipt (e.g. mahrk1.ipt)
2) Each link should use a delimiter char of "," between the Title and the ULR.
Just replace the ":" with "'," in the title :)

See test720p.zip posted by blackdevil in page 8 for example.

Should be very easy to correct these two things and then it may work, sorry I can't it myself as I'm still at work :)

16-12-2013, 03:48 PM
Thank you for your quick input blueking here I have corrected it and also my second attempt not bothered shortening url, the Twilight saga good quality.


16-12-2013, 07:10 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

ligtv --> LIG TV HD Trabzonspor vs Bursaspor

16-12-2013, 08:06 PM
THANK U VERY MUCH:number-one-043::number-one-043::number-one-043: ILL BE BACK

16-12-2013, 08:31 PM
hi Mahrkpat, files not loading ...just checked.

17-12-2013, 09:06 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

UFC --> UFC fights

17-12-2013, 10:19 PM
New to the Forum. I had system installed a few months ago and my Spiderbox 6000 lost the 'gifts' which were on the box and I have no idea how to reload. I think this IPTV will breathe life back into the box. Where can I find the patch please?


17-12-2013, 11:11 PM
New to the Forum. I had system installed a few months ago and my Spiderbox 6000 lost the 'gifts' which were on the box and I have no idea how to reload. I think this IPTV will breathe life back into the box. Where can I find the patch please?

You should have 12 months with the gift, if it was purchased new.
Patch here >https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?164552-Spiderbox-Smartbox-HD6000-Patch-26-11-2013

18-12-2013, 12:43 AM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

UFC --> UFC fights

Hi Blackdevil? As you may be aware I cant make full use of this service due to slow broadband but I'm on your side and think It's great. So thank for a great job!
Maybe an Idea or maybe not? Could you repost the working and help files again maybe posting as "Spider 6000 HD IPTV updates" Admin Could make this the sticky? This way all questions could continue here and all updates for IPTV could be found and easily understood?
When posts get to long some thing's get lost . Looking forward to your hard work even If I will not fully enjoy. thank's

18-12-2013, 05:01 PM
Hi Blackdevil? As you may be aware I cant make full use of this service due to slow broadband but I'm on your side and think It's great. So thank for a great job!
Maybe an Idea or maybe not? Could you repost the working and help files again maybe posting as "Spider 6000 HD IPTV updates" Admin Could make this the sticky? This way all questions could continue here and all updates for IPTV could be found and easily understood?
When posts get to long some thing's get lost . Looking forward to your hard work even If I will not fully enjoy. thank's

We are trying to fix system so you update IPTV list with only pressing one button .
In that case you 'll not have to worry about anything .

19-12-2013, 05:07 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

german --> some german channels + more

19-12-2013, 09:05 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

turk --> LIGTV + NTV Spor SmartHD

20-12-2013, 12:45 PM
Two more polish channels for polish collection posted here:

20-12-2013, 12:56 PM
Some more Czech channels for Czech collection posted here:

20-12-2013, 01:47 PM
More Channels for the Ad**t Collection (live tv)

20-12-2013, 02:15 PM
any films guys for xmas viewing

20-12-2013, 02:33 PM
any films guys for xmas viewing

You have made 3 similar requests in this thread already:

Post 115

Waiting for the films. For Christmas. Keep us all happy. Merry Christmas

Post 131

Thanks black devil. Would like 400 films. To keep all the family happy over Xmas. Merry Christmas. You doing a fantastic job for us all thank you

Post 141

Looking for more films for Xmas viewing please

20-12-2013, 06:36 PM
Test 69!!!! good name for it.

21-12-2013, 12:07 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

arabic --> mbc,ad sports,dubai sports + more

21-12-2013, 01:36 PM
hi all just installed test 69 file but getting(no service) message on my sb6000 when trying to view, iv just changed from virgin to sly broadband and its a much lower broadband speed, I did factory reset before and after install of iptv file .
thank you

21-12-2013, 02:26 PM
No need to factory reset when installing the IPTV file (only do a factory reset when you load a new firmware) If you factory reset after you load the .ipt file , you reset the box and lose everything.(hence the No Service message)
Load again and DO NOT factory reset.
Edit: I just checked the iptv file again here to make sure it is working as intended and it is.

21-12-2013, 03:50 PM
Ukrainian Sports channels

21-12-2013, 04:24 PM
58 Bulgarian (BULSAT) Channels
note: good connection speed needed, tested on fibre and they work great, not so good on the slower broadband that I also tested it on, still try if they work for you, some good channels there

21-12-2013, 05:20 PM
Menu-Software Update- S/W Upgrade

russiansport --> sport channels + 2 HD

21-12-2013, 07:05 PM
thank you roadrunner re iptv file will reinstall

22-12-2013, 12:01 AM
Guys, I have collected all the links to the excellent files provided here by Blackdevil and yours truly and posted them all together in the new thread for files only:
Can we keep this thread for help purposes only and the other for files? It was becoming a bit confusing with both help requests and files here.

24-12-2013, 09:45 PM
Hi Black devil, and merry Christmas! are you still doing requests? can you make up a channel list of pure sport channels?
Thanks, Red5.

24-12-2013, 09:54 PM
Hi Black devil, and merry Christmas! are you still doing requests? can you make up a channel list of pure sport channels?
Thanks, Red5.
You can pic all your favourite sports out of Roadrunner's (files only) list, they are editable.

25-12-2013, 03:00 PM
Hi Black devil, and merry Christmas! are you still doing requests? can you make up a channel list of pure sport channels?
Thanks, Red5.

In IPTV files thread.

25-12-2013, 06:55 PM
What is the life span of these iptv channels 1 day?

For example i upload scandinavian channels 4/12 and they are still working .

25-12-2013, 07:45 PM
For example i upload scandinavian channels 4/12 and they are still working .

How about some UK channels for us in the fringes ( if allowed on the forum )?

Regards from norway ( part of scandinavia ) :D

26-12-2013, 02:36 AM
Mediahint gives you BBC , ITV & C4 as well as a couple of US Networks

26-12-2013, 02:51 AM
How about some UK channels for us in the fringes ( if allowed on the forum )?

Regards from norway ( part of scandinavia ) :D
Extremely hard to find. Been testing most of the day yesterday (went through several hundred links and only found a few english language channels that are in Spiderbox friendly format)

26-12-2013, 03:17 AM
Black devil merry Christmas:respect-059:

28-12-2013, 03:19 PM
Hi Guys. Got a bit behind with whats opening re IPTV. Any current ones in the other files thread that are working & showing al jazeera sport for a game thats on tomorrow. Thanks in advance.

28-12-2013, 04:56 PM
Hi Guys. Got a bit behind with whats opening re IPTV. Any current ones in the other files thread that are working & showing al jazeera sport for a game thats on tomorrow. Thanks in advance.

You should have read these threads:


or this


28-12-2013, 05:40 PM
think he was looking for a list of channels showing soccer that are available with the 12 month gift
You can pic all your favourite sports out of Roadrunner's (files only) list, they are editable.

28-12-2013, 06:10 PM
think he was looking for a list of channels showing soccer that are available with the 12 month gift

If he does not have the Spiderbox 6000 receiver, why then did he make this request:

Hi Black devil, and merry Christmas! are you still doing requests? can you make up a channel list of pure sport channels?

28-12-2013, 08:40 PM
he does have the spiderbox 6000

28-12-2013, 09:22 PM
he does have the spiderbox 6000

So why then does he not make his own channel list of pure sport channels?, from the link that jbvid posted. ???

29-12-2013, 10:55 AM
i wouldnt know you will have to ask him

29-12-2013, 12:19 PM
Hi Aldo
Thanks for the links & well done for working out what game I was looking for ! :) I am aware of the limitations on sat for AJS on 13e & that its a no go on 7w for UK. All I was asking, was whether some kind soul could advise whether any of the files in the IPTV(files only) thread were showing AJS. I ask this as many of the files only work for a limited amount of time, so it was a request if anybody could point me in the direction of a working file that I could input to the SB6000 for the Leeds game today.


You should have read these threads:


or this


07-03-2014, 03:47 PM
Hi guys, Message to Blackdevil and Roadrunner, are you guys putting more channel lists up in the near future? or maybe in the process? i only got my Spiderbox 6000 a couple of weeks ago and only worked out iptv recently you channel list are GREAT! But i found the films (some) have now stopped working ie, Brads ****** film, which i would have liked to seen, but hey thats life. I'm not great with the computer and to try and make my own files or get other films i would probably be very old or even dead before i could work out how to do that lol
Cheers guys for you efforts, it simplifies everything for someone like me and i for one apreciate what you have done

Kind Regards


07-03-2014, 03:58 PM
They don't last long, you have to keep up:lol
Have you tried any of the latest ones in the top Sticky? its updated regularly.

07-03-2014, 04:14 PM
tybusta was also given similar info in this thread:


20-06-2014, 11:52 PM
hi every one I have medialink black panther hd 2c1 1ca ,I want to setup iptv but don't know how ...can some one help plz many thnx

25-06-2014, 02:47 PM
Hi, can we have all beIN sports channels on iptv? And why there is no HD quality in iptv? And how can we add this channels on smart box?

http://iptv-free.blogspot.com I will sugest to have all sports channels separately.

27-06-2014, 09:25 AM
Thanks for adding beIN channels HD but there are more until 15 channels HD and some of them than are in English! Can you add it too?