View Full Version : softcam key issues

08-11-2013, 03:48 PM
I am having difficulty with my TM 5400 CI+. Until a couple of weeks ago I have been uploading the Softcam keys and have enjoyed the channels I wished to watch. Now even the latest one doesnt clear the scrambled channel message. DO I need to load another phantom patch the one I am using is 56.
Any help would be appreaciated

08-11-2013, 04:34 PM
Thanks for the replies, I like to watch the footie on 39 Degrees east.

I am using patch in my box is a TM 5400 + CI M2 USB Super+

The patch I have using for a long time is TM5400CI_56 15/05/2012.

When I upload the latest SOftcam key the screen goes from Black to a gery colour before going to the message scrambled channel.

Iam an OAP and not very technical so this is all learning to me

08-11-2013, 05:03 PM
Many thanks for all this help.

I will have a go

This might seem a bit basic but I cannot remember how to save the channel list to the usb stick

08-11-2013, 05:43 PM
Thanks again, I have uploaded everything as advised but unfortunately, no change still nothing happening, I will have to try something else, maybe the box has a problem or the dish is out of line

08-11-2013, 06:28 PM
check for the channel called THE VOICE on 39e , on 12524 H 30000

if you can see this, you are on the correct sat and nova and diema should open with the ucas patch switched on

08-11-2013, 07:06 PM
Hi and thanks again, yes it does open but with a picture that breaks up and I noticed that the green band is only at 62% so looks like an alignment problem

08-11-2013, 07:14 PM
not really surprising with the bad weather we have had recently

check that the usals is correct for your location, maybe altering it by up to 1 degree plus and minus just to see if it peaks higher

if you end up are-aligning the dish and motor, put the usals back your your gps location first, then tweak the motor and dish

09-11-2013, 01:20 PM
Hi many thanks I will try that later today

09-11-2013, 02:35 PM
Hi have done what was advised the voice is now fine but Nova Sport and Diema still show scrambled channel message?

09-11-2013, 02:40 PM
check the key in the menu against the key in the softcams and ensure its using the latest one
also make sure that UCAS is turned on in your patch

and it goes without saying that you should check the signal levels are ok on nova sport and diema

09-11-2013, 02:43 PM
Thanks again, how do I check that the UCAS is turned on in my patch?

10-11-2013, 01:24 AM
Menu - System Details - if Cas and Biss Menu Details not shown - then key '2004' and they will appear and your softcam should open all you expect, INCLUDING Bulsat Irdeto 2 on 39E!:respect-055:

10-11-2013, 02:06 PM
Yes, Techmaker states they are dated 31/10/13, bit odd - but here is the latest file in case:-

Seems its back to being dated 30/10/13 again today - ever MORE odd - unless I was drunk yesterday!! lol!!

11-11-2013, 11:15 PM
Thank you Holmroad I am most grateful for your assistance unfortunatly as an OAP I am a bit nervous of tech.

I opened system information then

CAS Menu which had a number of tabs which I presume are varieties of incryption going from SECA at tab 1 to Cryptoworks at tab 16. All of these tabs have rows of strings and letters stings under each on. I could not see where to enter 2004 so then went to the BISS menu tab which I opened.

This page had the DIEMA name a the top left hand side of the page and
The word OFF in a yellow background box also on the top LH margin of the page together with another box containing the word OFF on the top RH side of the page. And strings of numbers etc in rows across the page, tried stuff but could not get it to turn on or find where I could enter 2004, sorry I feel inadequate but I need a bit more help

16-11-2013, 02:28 PM
I have tried a few more things, but still cannot get Novasport or Diema, but I am still getting a good picture on The Voice?

16-11-2013, 02:33 PM
I have tried a few more things, but still cannot get Novasport or Diema, but I am still getting a good picture on The Voice?

when you say you are not "getting them" , does this mean that those channels are "dead" as in no signal and no quality on your box ?

clearly you must have signal and quality on the box for "the voice" , which is fta

so either you are :-

NOT receiving them ( no signal or quality - so not "getting them" )


you ARE receiving them (good signal and quality = reception) but you are NOT decoding them
(decoding being different than reception)

bear in mind the key changed recently so you need the latest keys for this, as posted in the irdeto key section a day or two ago

also bear in mind that diema and kino-nova are both on the same transponder as "the voice"
so if you "get" the voice - you must also be "getting" those diema channels too

they are all on 12524 H 30000

NOVA sport is on 12688 H 30000 as is the channel diema family

all of them are open with the latest key as I just tested them on my spiderboxes

16-11-2013, 03:26 PM
Sorry for misleading language, I am not decoding them
Thanks for your help, will try the new key

16-11-2013, 03:50 PM
Unfortunatley installing the new key did not decode the channels.

See further up this thread when somone suggested that I check if the UCAS was switched on in my patch. I clicked the CAS button which opened to show a top row of tabs that are various encryption systems ( I think) and rows of numbers etc below. But no obvious way to switch anything on or off? Maybe it is something in this area thats causing my problems. Prior to 2 weeks ago I was viewing these channels for months with no problems just changing softcam keys when necessary?

16-11-2013, 04:18 PM
your problem now is the fact that everybody else has moved on in this game and got themselves newer boxes, which is why there have been few replies and not one person here has mentioned owning the same box and actually giving you explicit instructions for your box

to put it bluntly, you are a lone voice in the wilderness as regards ownership of this box, which is why very few people, if any , can help you

we can suggest things, point you towards checking something out , give you the correct transponders and new keys and keyfiles , also give you general advice too , which has already happened in this thread

but unless somebody with the same box and menus as you have actually sits down and gives you step by step instructions then we can only hint at what you need to check

the skills we may have had when we owned similar boxes to yours have long since faded along with the defunct boxes we once owned

I have no doubt that if any member here still owned the same box and could make it work they would have replied by now, that was how it was in the past, you asked for help and other members with similar boxes could reply, it still happens with the popular boxes and especially with modern HD boxes , but yours is now a vintage SD model that any real hobbyists no longer own

unfortunately it hasnt happened, so you either need somebody with expertise on your particular box to help you or this problem will never be resolved

this thread shall remain open in case that actually happens, but up to now the people who have helped you dont have your box , they all have HD modern equivalents where menus and instructions may differ

in simple terms , you need the following

1) a strong signal on the transponders you wish to view
2) a scan of those active transponders to store the channels
3) a patch in your box and activated using the correct pin number
4) ucas turned on so that it will actively decode the ucas channels
5) the correct softcam installed with the latest keys

you say 1 and 2 are ok and sorted out
I assume you box is patched as in 3)

you need to check the patch is switched on (however this is done on your 5400) as in 3)
you need to ensure UCAS is switched on (however this is done on a 5400) as in 4)
you need the correct softcam installed, which manic01 has provided (assuming it is correct for your box)

16-11-2013, 04:31 PM
Oh dear, seems the world has moved on in yet one more area!
Many many thanks for your frank advice, my origional TM 5400CI+ super+ went faulty about a year ago and I bought another new on to replace it, perhaps I should have bought a more modern one. The trouble is as an OAP these things are luxuries so I will have to start saving. Hopefully someone with similiar kit will see this thread and help.
Thanks again I appreciate your time taken on this

16-11-2013, 04:33 PM
a spiderbox 6000 HD is only £90 so these boxes are a lot cheaper in real terms than they ever were

as for your 39e problem, had you looked in the sticky threads there was a full explanation about it here earlier this year


I also explained all this recently to another member here


16-11-2013, 05:07 PM
Thanks again,
If and when I change the box for a more modern one, what else do I have to change, the LNB for instance?
I have a 2M dish and it is motorised

16-11-2013, 05:30 PM
Thanks again,
If and when I change the box for a more modern one, what else do I have to change, the LNB for instance?
I have a 2M dish and it is motorised

I would think your other equipment is fine, although you did not say if you have a diseqc motor or if its a 36v actuator, possibly operated by a vbox ?

if your 5400 is diseqc/usals then its a straight swap , so you would only replace the box itself

as for checking your current 5400 , if you had trawled through this 5000 forum you would have found plenty of info by previous owners of your box

like this one here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?111984-tm5400ci

post #4 tells you how to check if the patch is switched on

are you running a patched software?
from remote select
system information
it should show a version number with p
below you would see these menu's:
C A S and B I S S

the CAS menu is where those keys are checked or input using the remote control as per the compass reply here in post #2


that is why we keep old threads, for people with older boxes to trawl through looking for answers because the questions have always been asked and answered already, even if its 3 years ago

16-11-2013, 06:11 PM
Thanks again,

My set up does use a diseqc motor controlled from the TM5400 box

16-11-2013, 06:24 PM
I find that very strange considering its a 2m dish, anything over 1.2m is normally controlled by a positioner, using a 36v actuator on a polar mount

therefore, most people using a diseqc box are using a vbox to control the 36v motor as well